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(1). Yanwei Li, Vincent Homburg, Martin de Jong, and Joop Koppenjan (2016). Government responses to environmental conflicts in urban China: the case of the Panyu waste incineration power plant in Guangzhou. Journal of Cleaner Production, 134, pp.354-361 (SSCI,一區).
(2). Yanwei Li, Joop Koppenjan, and Stefan Verweij (2016). Governing environmental conflicts in China: Under what conditions do local government compromise?. Public Administration, 94 (3), pp. 806-822 (SSCI,一區).
(3). Yanwei Li (2017). Governing environmental conflicts in China: Lessons learned from the case of the Liulitun waste incineration power plant in Beijing. Public Policy and Administration, DOI: 10.1177/0952076717709521 (SSCI,二區).
(4). Yi Liu, Yanwei Li*, Bao Xi, and Joop Koppenjan (2016). A governance network perspective on environmental conflicts in China: Findings from the Dalian paraxylene conflict, Policy Studies, 37 (4), pp. 314-331 (通訊作者,SSCI,三區).
(5). Yanwei Li, Vincent Homburg, and Joop Koppenjan (2017). Government strategies in environmental conflicts: A comparative analysis of 10 protests against industrial facilities in urban China. Local Government Studies, 43(6), pp. 992-1013 (SSCI,二區).
(6). Yanwei Li, Araz Taeihagh, and Martin de Jong (2018). The governance of risks in ridesharing: a revelatory case from Singapore, Energies, 11 (5), p. 1277. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/en11051277 (SSCI,三區).
(7). Yanwei Li (2019). Governing sharing economy initiatives smartly: A tale of two stories. Public Policy and Administration, DOI: 10.1177/0952076719852421 (SSCI,二區).
(8). Yanwei Li (2019). A framework in analyzing the governance of innovation networks for public innovations, Policy Studies, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/01442872.2019.1618809 (SSCI,三區)
(9). Yana Lu, and Yanwei Li* (2019). Cross-sector collaboration in the time of crisis: Lessons learned from the Funing Tornado case. Local Government Studies, DOI: 10.1080/03003930.2019.1677626 (通訊作者,SSCI,二區)
(10). Yanwei Li, and Liang Ma (2019). What drives the governance of ridesharing? A fuzzy set QCA analysis of local regulations in China. Policy Sciences, DOI: 10.1007/s11077-019-09359-x (SSCI,一區)
(11). Yanwei Li, Yi Liu and Joop Koppenjan (2019). Government strategies in dealing with three protests against PX plants in urban China. Policy Studies, DOI:
http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01442872.2019.1624710 (SSCI,三區)
(12). Yanwei Li, Araz Taeihagh, and Martin De Jong (2020). Towards a commonly shared public policy perspective for analyzing risk coping strategies. Risk Analysis, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/risa.13505 (SSCI,一區)
(13). Yanwei Li, and Shi Qiu (2020). More ‘government’, less ‘governance”: Chinese public employee’s preferences for governing public service delivery. Policy Studies, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/01442872.2020.1772218 (SSCI,三區)
(14). Yanwei Li, Xiaolei Qin and Joop Koppenjan (2021). Wresting with accountability through participation: Experiences from the ten-thousand-citizen review. Journal of Public Policy (SSCI,三區)
(15). Yanwei Li and Jing Huang (2021). The evolution of collaborative networks: A social network analysis of Chinese environmental protection policy. Public Policy and Administration (SSCI,二區)
(16). 李延偉 (2017).治理網路理論及其分析中國治理的適用性,江海學刊,2,125-131 (CSSCI)。
(17). 李延偉 (2018). 創新技術採納中的風險治理:分析框架與研究議程,學海,2,100-106 (CSSCI)。
(18). 李延偉,馬亮(2018). 共享經濟治理:分析框架與國際經驗,電子政務,4,2-8 (CSSCI)。
(19). 李延偉 (2018). 治理環境爭議:一項分析框架,公共管理與政策評論,2,89-96.
(20). 馬亮,李延偉(2018).政府如何監管共享經濟:中國城市網約車政策的實證研究,電子政務,4,9-16 (CSSCI)。
(21). 馬亮,李延偉(2018).既得利益、多重動機與分享經濟治理:中國城市網約車監管政策的實證研究,甘肅行政學院學報,5,4-10(CSSCI)。
(22). 陸亞娜,李延偉,李旭亮(2018).制度化公眾參與城市治理的南京經驗:以城治辦的實踐探索為例,城市治理,4,18-24。
(23). 李延偉,陸亞娜,楚亞美(2019).公共部門創新的三種模式及其實踐,政府治理評論,4,70-83。
(24). 李灝,許巧祥、徐建國、李延偉(2019).南京捷運移動支付的模式選擇與戰略思考,都市快軌交通,32(2),1-6。


