


李康順,華南農業大學信息學院、軟體學院院長,教授,博士後,博士生導師,廣東省計算智慧型專業委員會主任,IEEE Guangzhou Computational Intelligence Society (IEEE廣州分會) 副主席,IEEE高級會員。省級新世紀百千萬人才、省級中青年學科帶頭人;Information Sciences (SCI一區) 副主編、International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence (IJCINI)(EI收錄) 主編、《系統仿真學報》編委、《江西理工大學學報》編委


  • 中文名:李康順
  • 外文名:Kangshun Li
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生地:江西興國
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:武漢大學
人物經歷,雜誌編委,主要論文論著,科研項目,獲 獎,專 利,軟體著作權,指導的研究生,


李康順,IEEE Guangzhou Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) 副主席,廣東省計算智慧型專業委員會主任,IEEE高級會員,教授,博士後,博士生導師,江西興國人;江西大學(現南昌大學)計算數學專業本科畢業並獲理學學士學位,武漢大學計算機軟體與理論專業博士畢業並獲工學博士學位,中國科學院自動化研究所博士後流動站出站,加拿大University of Calgary訪問教授,香港中文大學訪問教授;歷任江西省贛州地區統計局計算中心主任、高級工程師,江西理工大學、華南農業大學教授、博士生導師、院長,江西預備役師少校,江西省大余縣京州鄉鄉長助理;省級新世紀百千萬人才、省級中青年學科帶頭人;Information Sciences (SCI一區) 副主編、International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence (IJCINI)(EI收錄) 主編、《系統仿真學報》編委、《江西理工大學學報》編委。發表高水平論文145篇,其中:SCI收錄25篇、EI收錄105篇;出版英文論著3部。主持國家自然科學基金2項、國家統計科研重點項目1項、國家重大專項子課題1項、中國博士後重點基金項目1項,主持廣東省重點研發項目1項(800萬元)、省自然科學基金2項、省攻關項目6項,獲得授權發明專利3件、軟體著作權5個,獲得第三次、第四次人口普查和第一次農業普查全國先進個人,獲省級統計科研成果三等獎1項,獲1項省教育廳科技成果三等獎,獲批一門省級雙語教學示範課程。主要從事機器學習、人工智慧、圖像識別、軟體工程、網路通信、進化計算、大數據建模和神經網路等理論與套用研究。指導研究生80人,其中:博士生10人、碩士生70人。擔任過三個國際會議的主席,多次作為專家應邀在國際會議上作學術報告。


  1. Information Sciences (SCI一區) 副主編
  2. International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence (IJCINI)(EI收錄)主編
  3. 《系統仿真學報》編委
  4. 《江西理工大學學報》編委


(一)國際雜誌發表47篇( SCI論文25篇, EI論文22篇)
1、Jiali Lin, Jiachen Li, Dazhi Jiang, Kangshun Li. A novel rural microcredit decision model and solving via binary differential evolution algorithm International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering, ISSN: 17427185,E-ISSN: 17427193, v18, n3, p 252-260, 2019 (EI)
2、Kangshun Li, Zhuozhi Liang, Shuling Yang, Zhangxing Chen, Hui Wang, Zhiyi Lin. Performance Analyses of Differential Evolution Algorithm Based on Dynamic Fitness Landscape[J]. International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence. v13, n1, p36-47, Jan., 2019; ISSN: 15573958, DOI: 10.4018/IJCINI.2019010104; Publisher: IGI Global (EI)
3、Kangshun Li, Hui Wang, Shanni Li. A Mobile Node Localization Algorithm Based on an Overlapping Self-adjustment Mechanism for Wireless Sensor Networks. Information Sciences,v 481,p635-649,May. 2019, ISSN 0020-0255, ELSEVIER (SCI IF= 5.524, 1區) .
4、Jun He, Tao Xu, Wei Huang, Kangshun Li. Multiobjective Optimization Differential Evolution Enhanced with Principle Component Analysis for Constrained Optimization. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, ISSN:2210-6502, ELSEVIER, Vol.XX(X), XXX-XXX, February 2019, (SCI, EI Impact Factor: 6.330,2)
5、Kangshun Li, Hui Wang, Fei Tang, Wei Li, Yunru Lu. A Mobile Node Localization Algorithm Based on the Angle Self-adjustment Model for Wireless Sensor Networks. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 33, No. 2 (2019), DOI: DOI: 10.1142/S0218001419580047. World Scientic Publishing Company, ISSN: 0218-0014 (SCI IF=1.110, 3區)
6、Kangshun Li, Fahui Gu, Wei Li, Ying Huang. A Dual-population Evolutionary Algorithm Adapting to Complementary Evolutionary Strategy. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 33, No. 1 (2019), DOI: 10.1142/S0218001419590043. World Scientic Publishing Company, ISSN: 0218-0014 (SCI IF=1.110, 3區)
7、Wang, Feng;Zhang, Heng;Li, Kangshun;Lin, Zhiyi;Yang, Jun;Shen, Xiao-Liang. A hybrid particle swarm optimization algorithm using adaptive learning strategy.Information Sciences,v436-437,p162-177,April 2018 (SCI IF= 5.524, 1區, ESI被引)
8、Weifeng Pan, Beibei Song, Kangshun Li, Kejun Zhang. Identifying key classes in object-oriented software using generalized k-core decomposition. Future Generation Computer Systems, 81 (2018) 188-202, ISSN:0167-739X (SCI IF= 5.768,1區 )
9、Kangshun Li, Yan Chen, Wei Li, Jun He, Yu Xue, Improved gene expression programming to solve the inverse problem for ordinary differential equations. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, ISSN:2210-6502, ELSEVIER, Vol.38(2), 231-239, February 2018, (SCI, EI Impact Factor: 6.330,1)
10、Li Wei, Kangshun Li, Luyan Guo, Ying Huang, Yu Xue. A new validity index adapted to fuzzy clustering algorithm. MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS. v77, n9, p11339-11361, February 27, 2018. (SCI, EI Impact Factor: 2.101,3)
11、Shuling Yang, Kangshun Li*, Zhengping Liang, Wei Li, Yu Xue, A novel cluster validity index for fuzzy C-means algorithm, Soft Computing. v22, n6, p1921-1931, March 1, 2018, ISSN:1432-7643 (SCI, EI Impact Factor: 2.784,3).
12、Lu Xiong,Kangshun Li, Lei Yang. A parallel immune genetic algorithm for community detection in complex networks. International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking. v11, n3, p242-250, 2018. ISSN: 17400562,DOI: 10.1504/IJHPCN.2018.091895;Publisher: Inderscience Enterprises Ltd (EI)
13、Kangshun Li, Liang Zhong, Lei Zuo, Zhaopeng Wang. Constrained evolution algorithm based on adaptive differential evolution. International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking. v11, n3,p223-230,2018;ISSN: 17400562, DOI: 10.1504/IJHPCN.2018.091893;Publisher: Inderscience Enterprises Ltd (EI)
14、Lei Yang, Kangshun Li, Wensheng Zhang, Yaolang Kong. Short-Term Vegetable Prices Forecast Based on Improved Gene Expression Programming. International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking, v11, n3, p199-213, 2018, ISSN 1740-0562 (EI)
15、Kangshun Li, Lu Xiong, Dongbo Zhang, Zhengping Liang, Yu Xue. The Research of Disease Spots Extraction Based on Evolutionary Algorithm[J]. Journal of Optimization, 2017, 4093973(pp1-14.), DOI: 10.1155/2017/4093973(ESCI收錄)
16、WeiLi (研究生), KangshunLi, YingHuang, ShulingYang, LeiYang. A EA- and ACA-based QoS multicast routing algorithm with multiple constraints for ad hoc networks. Soft Computing, 21(19), 5729-5739. October 2017, DOI: 10.1007/s00500-016-2149-3, ISSN:1432-7643 (SCI, EI Impact Factor: 2.784,3)
17、Lei Yang*, Kangshun Li, Wensheng Zhang, Liefeng Zheng, Zhenxu Ke, Yu Qi. Optimization of classification algorithm based on gene expression programming. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 2017(2):1-15.(SCI index,DOI:10.1007/s12652-017-0563-8) (SCI 3, IF= 1.910)
18、Lei Yang*, Kangshun Li, Wensheng Zhang. Ant colony classification mining algorithm based on pheromone attraction and exclusion. SOFT COMPUTING, 2017 21(19):5741-5753.OCT 2017.(SCI 3, IF=2.784)
19、Lixia Zhang, Kangshun Li*,Yan Zhang, Yu Qi. Adaptive Image Segmentation Based on Color Clustering for Person Re-identification. Soft Computing, 21(19), 5717–5727. October 2017, DOI:10.1007/s00500-016-2150-x, ISSN:1432-7643 (SCI, EI Impact Factor: 2.784,3)
20、Kangshun Li*, Zhichao Wen, Zhaopeng Wang and Shen Li. Optimised placement of wireless sensor networks by evolutionary algorithm. Int. J. Computational Science and Engineering, Vol. 15, Nos. 1/2, 2017, pp74-86 (EI)
21、Wei Li,Kangshun Li,Ying Huang,Xiaoyang Deng. Defects of wheel hubs detection and recognition based on trend peak algorithm.International Journal of Embedded Systems (IJES),Vol. 9, No. 3, 2017, pp211-219 (EI)
22、Lixia Zhang, Kangshun Li*, Zhaoming Ou, Fubin Wang. Seam Warping: A New Approach for Image Retargeting for Small Displays. Soft Computing.21(2), pp 447-457(2017), ISSN:1432-7643 (SCI, EI Impact Factor: 2.784,3).
23、Yan Chen, Kangshun Li*, Zhangxing Chen, Jinfeng Wang. Restricted Gene Expression Programming: A New Approach for Parameter Identification Inverse Problems of Partial Differential Equation. Soft Computing. 21(10): 2651-2663(2017.5), ISSN:1432-7643 (SCI, EI Impact Factor: 2.784,3).
24、Yan Chen, Kangshun Li, Haohua Huang. Variable penalty factors: A new GEP automatic clustering algorithm. International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering. v15, n1-2, p3-11, 2017, ISSN: 17427185,E-ISSN: 17427193;DOI: 10.1504/IJCSE.2017.085971;Publisher: Inderscience Enterprises Ltd (EI)
25、Feng Wang,Yongquan Zhang,Qi Rao,Kangshun Li,Hao Zhang. Exploring mutual information-based sentimental analysis with kernel-based extreme learning machine for stock prediction.Soft Comput.21(12):3193-3205(2017), ISSN:1432-7643 (SCI, EI Impact Factor: 2.784,3).
26、Kangshun Li, Fubin Wang, Lixia Zhang. A new algorithm for image recognition and classification based on improved Bag of Features algorithm, Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, Vol.127, Issue 11, June 2016, Pages 4736–4740, IF=0.677, ISSN 0030-4026 (SCI: Factor: 1.914, 4區)
27、Kangshun Li, Yunshan Wei, Zhen Yang and Wenhua Wei. Image Inpainting Algorithm Based on TV model and Evolutionary Algorithm. Soft Computing. March 2016, Volume 20,Issue3, pp 885-893, ISSN:1432-7643 (SCI, EI Impact Factor: 2.784,3).
28、Yuren Zhou, Xinsheng Lai, Kangshun Li, Approximation and Parameterized Runtime Analysis of Evolutionary Algorithms for the Maximum Cut Problem. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, pp 2015,45(8):1491-1498 , ISSN : 2168-2267 (SCI, Factor: 10.387,1區,EI)
29、Weifeng Pan (研究生), Kangshun Li*, Muchou Wang, Jing Wang, and Bo Jiang. Adaptive Randomness: A New Population Initialization Method. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2014, 14 pages, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, ISSN: 1024123X, Hindawi Publishing Corporation 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/975916 (SCI:WOS:000345384700001)(SCI 1.179, 3區)
30、Yan Chen (研究生), Kang-Shun Li*, Shan Chang, Lei Yang . A new 3D graphical representation for similarity/dissimilarity studies of protein sequences. COMPUTER MODELLING & NEW TECHNOLOGIES 2014 18(12D) 296-303 ( EI ).
31、Kangshun Li and Yuefeng Tan, Wensheng Zhang. The research of e-mail virus spread based on complex network, Int. J. Computing Science and Mathematics, Vol.6, No. 2, 2015, pp188-200, ISSN: 1752-5055, INDERSCIENCE (EI)
32、Kangshun Li, Chuhu Zhang, Zhangxin Chen, and Yan Chen. Development of A Weighted Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Algorithm Based on JADE. International Journal of Numerical Analysis & Modeling, SERIES B, Canada, Global Science Press, 2014,Vol.5, No.1-2, pp163-172, ISSN 1705-5105 (SCI, EI, Factor:0.96,3)
33、Gu, Fahui; Li, Kangshun; Yang, Lei; Chen, Yan. Combinatorial optimization of multi-agent differential evolution algorithm. Open Cybernetics and Systemics Journal, v 8, p 1022-1026, 2014; E-ISSN: 1874110X; Publisher: Bentham Science Publishers B.V. ( EI)
34、Kangshun Li, Guihua Chen. A novel complex community network division algorithm with multi-gene families encoding,Int. J. Wireless and Mobile Computing, Vol.6, No.6, pp621-627, Nov., 2013, ISSN:1741-1084 (EI)
35、Yao, Jintao (研究生); Li, Kangshun*; Kong, Yuyan; Shen, Yanping. Solving the deterministic/stochastic SPR problems by PSO with predatory escaping behavior. International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications, v6, n18, p42-51, October 2012, ISSN : 1975-9339(EI: 20124815730033)
36、Kangshun Li, Yueyong Liu, Jing Luo, Dan Wang, A New Algorithm for Solving Economic Inverse Problems Based on Gene Expression Programming, IJACT: International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology, Vol. 4, No. 21, pp. 246 ~ 253, 2012, ISSN : 2005-8039, The International Association for Information, Culture, Human and Industry Technology (EI)
37、Kangshun Li, Zhaolu Guo, Zhangxing Chen and Baoshan Ge, Research on FPGA based evolvable hardware chips for solving super-high dimensional equations group, International Journal of Numerical Analysis & Modeling, Canada, Global Science Press, Vol.9, No.2(2012), pp208-216, IF=1.014, ISSN 1705-5105 (SCI: 960MG, Factor:0.96, 3, EI)
38、Kangshun Li, Xuezhi Yue, Lishan Kang, Zhangxin Chen. A Particle Gradient Evolutionary Algorithm for Solving Multi-Objective Problems. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation, impact factor:1.326, ISSN: 0096-3003, 187(2), 2007.4, Elsevier Publication, USA, pp1173-1186 (SCI,Factor: 3.092, 2區, EI: 071710573657收錄)
39、Kangshun Li, Wei Li. A Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm for Solving Optimization Problems. International Journal of Computer Mathematics. Vol.84, No.11, 2007, Taylor & Francis, impact factor:0.428, ISSN: 0020-7160 pp1591-1602 (SCI,Factor: 1.196, 4區, EI收錄)
40、Kangshun Li, Yuanxiang Li, Haifang Mo, Zhangxin Chen. A New Algorithm of Evolving Artificial Neural Networks via Gene Expression Programming. Journal of the Korean Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Volume 9, Number 2, Dec. 2005.12, pp83-89. ISSN: 1226-9433
41、Wan, Hua; Hu, Jian-ping; Li, Kang-shun, Tian, Xu-hong; Chang, Shan. Molecular Dynamics Simulations of DNA-Free and DNA-Bound TAL Effectors, PLoS One, 2013, 8(10), pp1002-1004, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0076045, 文獻號: e76045 (SCI, Factor:3.534,1區,收錄) ISSN: 1932-6203
42、Ma, Sha; Yang, Bo; Li, Kangshun.Executing SQL with preserving privacy on outsourced database using secure coprocessors. Journal of Computational Information Systems, Vol.8, No.6, pp2387-2400, March 15, 2012, ISSN: 15539105 (EI: 20122215070494)
43、Ma, Sha; Yang, Bo; Li, Kangshun; Xia, Feng. A privacy-preserving Query on outsourced database with B-tree.Journal of Information and Computational Science, 2012, Vol.9(3), pp 619-633, Binary Information Press (EI: 20121214886571)
44、Ma, Sha; Yang, Bo; Li, Kangshun; Xia, Feng. A privacy-preserving join on outsourced database,Journal of Information and Computational Science, v9, n3, March 2012, pp278-292, ISSN 15487741, Binary Information Press, Flat F 8th Floor, Block 3, Tanner Garden, 18 Tanner Road, Hong Kong (EI)
45、Sha Ma, Yang Bo, Kangshun Li. A method of Hash Join in the DAS model. International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security, 3(1), pp. 26-32. (2011)
46、Shan Chang, Kang-shun Li, Jian-ping Hu, Xiong Jiao, Xu-hong Tian. Allosteric and transport behavior analyses of a fucose transporter with network models, soft matter, 2011, 7(10), DOI:10.1039/C0SM01543A. impact factor: 4.869 (2009) , ISSN:1744-683X, pp4661-4671 (SCI,Factor:4.869,1區,收錄) Oxford University Press
47、Jintao Yao, Kangshun Li, Mingwu Zhang, Min Zhou, An Improved Adaptive Robust Fuzzy Extractor without ECCs, Information Security and Cryptology, Year 2013, Volume 7763, pp 60-68
48、 Lei Yang, Kangshun Li, Wensheng Zhang. An improved chaotic ACO clustering algorithm. Proceedings of 2018 IEEE 20th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications; IEEE 16th International Conference on Smart City; IEEE 4th Intl. Conference on Data Science and Systems. July 2018, pp1642-1649(EI)
49、 Kangshun Li*, Yi Wang. Influence of distributed generation connection on dynamic characteristics of power grid. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS2018). Nov. 16-19, 2018, Hangzhou, China. pp357-361 (EI)
50、Kangshun Li*, Xiaoling Huang, Yueyi Li, Ying Feng. Design and Implementation of Tracing Shopping Guide System Based on Two Dimensional Code Lighting. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS2018). Nov. 16-19, 2018, Hangzhou, China. pp325-329 (EI)
51、Kangshun Li, Hongtao Huang, Zebiao Zheng, and Yusheng Lu. Research of Crowed Abnormal Behavior Detection Technology Based on Trajectory Gradient. Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Intelligence Computation and Applications part2 (ISICA 2017, 18-19, 2017), Guangzhou, China. Aug.16, 2018. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer, Singapore, pp486-500, ISSN 1865-0929 (EI)
52、Wei He, Shaoyang Hu, Shanni Li, Junlin Jin, and Kangshun Li. Human Motion Model Construction Based on Gene Expression Programming. Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Intelligence Computation and Applications part2 (ISICA 2017, 18-19, 2017), Guangzhou, China. Aug.16, 2018. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer, Singapore, pp473-485 (EI)
53、Lu Xiong andKangshun Li. Research on Automatic Generation of Test Cases Based on Genetic Algorithm. Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Intelligence Computation and Applications part1(ISICA 2017, 18-19, 2017), Guangzhou, China. Aug.16,2018. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer, Singapore, pp351-360 (EI)
54、Wei Li, Kangshun Li, Liang Zhong, Ying Huang. A Mixed Strategies Differential Evolution Based on Fitness Landscapes Features. Proceedings of 2017 IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) and IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC). Aug., 2016. Pp858-861 (EI)
55、Linrun Qiu,Kangshun Li. The Research of Intelligent Agent System Architecture Based on Cloud Computing.Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS2016). December 16-19, 2016, Wuxi, China. pp693-696 (EI)
56、Rongrong Li,Kangshun Li. The Research of Multi-Source Information Fusion Based on Cloud Computing.Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS2016). December 16-19, 2016, Wuxi, China. pp440-443 (EI)
57、Kangshun Li, Lu Xiong, Zhichao Wen. An Improved Search Algorithm About Spam Firewall, Proceedings of International Conference on Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications BIC-TA2016, October 28-30, 2016, Springer CCIS Volume 682, pp 95-100 (EI)
58、Lu Xiong, Dongbo Zhang, Kangshun Li. An Improved Extraction Algorithm About Disease Spots. Proceedings of The 11th International Conference on Bio-inspired Computing: Theories and Applications (BIC-TA 2016), October 28-30, 2016, Xi’an, China. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 682. Springer, Singapore, pp 407-412 (EI)
59、Lanlan Kang, Wenyong Dong, Kangshun Li. (2016)Adaptive Mutation Opposition-Based Particle Swarm Optimization. Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Intelligence Computation and Applications (ISICA 2015). Nov. 21-22, 2015,Guangzhou, China. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 575. Springer, Singapore, pp 116-128 (EI)
60、Lu Xiong, Kangshun Li, Suping Liu. A Method for Calculating the Similarity of Web Pages Based on Financial Ontology. Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Intelligence Computation and Applications (ISICA 2015). Nov. 21-22, 2015,Guangzhou, China. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 575. Springer, Singapore, pp 445-455 (EI)
61、Fu Mo, Kangshun Li, an Improved Adaptive Hexagon and Small Diamond Search. Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Intelligence Computation and Applications,(ISICA 2015). Nov. 21-22, 2015, Guangzhou, China. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 575. Springer, Singapore, pp287-293 (EI)
62、Kangshun Li, Xiaoyang Deng, Xinyu Zhou, Wei Li. On Anycast Routing Based on Parallel Evolutionary Algorithm. Proceedings of 2015 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2015). May 25, 2015, Sendai, Japan (EI), P1691-1695, ISSN 1556-603X (EI)
63、Li, Kangshun; Chen, Yan; Liu, Hezuan. A new method of evolving hardware design based on IIC bus and AT24C02. Proceedings of the World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA), p104-107, 2012, WCICA 2012 - Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (EI: 20130415918993),(Beijing,China,時間:6-8 July 2012會議主席:程代展, 謝立華,) (EI)
64、Yao Jintao (研究生), Li Kangshun*, Zhang Mingwu, Zhou Min. Information Security and Cryptology - 8th International Conference, Proceedings of INSCRYPT 2012, v7763 LNCS, 2013, p 60-68. (EI)
65、Kangshun Li, Zhen Yang. Exemplar image completion based on evolutionary algorithms. Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Emerging Intelligent Data and Web Technologies, EIDWT 2013, 696-701 (EI)
66、Kangshun Li, Yuan Liu. An Application Window Function Design based on Evolutionary Algorithm. 2011 International Conference on Mechatropic Science, Electric Engineering and Computer (MEC2011). August 19-21,2011, Jilin, China, IEEE, pp1797 – 1800, ISBN: 978-1-61284-719-1 (EI:20114114423395)(Qu YongYin ,Li HuaDe)
67、Kangshun Li, Xinyu Zhou, Wensheng Zhang, An Efficient Anycast Routing Algorithm for Load-balancing Based on Evolutionary Algorithm. Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Broadband Network & Multimedia Technology (IC-BNMT’10), 2010, Oct. 26-28, Beijing, China, ISBN:978-1-4244-6770-9, IEEE, pp 48-54 (EI: 20110813688839). (北京郵電大學及IBM中國研究院,Beijing,China)
68、Kangshun Li, Xiaoqiao Lu, Wensheng Zhang, Feng Wang. Design and Implement of Digital Modulator Based on Improved DDS Technology and DSP Builder. Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing(WiCOM2009), September 24-26, 2009, ISBN: 978-1-4244-3693-4, IEEE, pp1-5 (EI: 20100112610729)(Yinghai Zhang, Zhongliang Deng,Beijing,China)
69、Kangshun Li, Ting Wang, Ping Huang, Wensheng Zhang. A new method of Evolving Boolean Function based on gene expression programming Algorithm for Designing the Digital Filter. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC'09), 2009.8, ISBN:978-0-7695-3736-8, IEEE,pp103-107 (EI: 20101512839730)(14-16 August 2009, Tianjin, China,James Liu,Honghua Dai, Hongwei Wang)
70、Kangshun Li, Fumei Xu, Ping Huang, Wensheng Zhang. A sequence encryption Ant System with Heuristic Crossover Operator for Solving TSP. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC'09), 2009.8, ISBN:978-0-7695-3736-8, IEEE,pp92-97 (EI: 20101512839721) (14-16 August 2009, Tianjin, China,James Liu,Honghua Dai,Hongwei Wang)
71、Kangshun Li, Lanlan Kang, Wensheng Zhang, Bing Li. Comparative Analysis of Genetic Algorithm and Ant Colony Algorithm on Solving Traveling Salesman Problem. Proceedings of 1st IEEE International Workshop on Semantic Computing and Systems (WSCS 2008), 2008.8, IEEE, pp72-75 (EI: 083911599246, ISTP收錄). ISBN:978-0-7695-3316-2(2008/7/14-2008/7/15,China,HuangShan,Computer Society)
72、Kangshun Li,Yuzhen Jia, Wensheng Zhang, Yang Xie. A New Method for Solving 0/1 Knapsack Problem Based on Evolutionary Algorithm with Schema Replaced. Proceedings of 2008 IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics (ICAL 2008), IEEE, 2008.9, pp2569-2571 (EI: 084811743556, ISTP收錄) ISBN:978-1-4244-2503-8(September 1-3 Qingdao, China,IEEE)
73、Kangshun Li, Yang Xie, Wensheng Zhang, Feng Wang. A New Method of Evolving Boolean Function Based on Gene Expression Programming. Proceedings of 2008 IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics (ICAL 2008) , IEEE, 2008.9, pp2629-2632 (EI,ISTP收錄) (EI: 084811743569, ISTP收錄) ISBN:978-1-4244-2503-8(September 1-3 Qingdao, China,IEEE)
74、Kangshun Li, Yang Xie, Wensheng Zhang. A Novel Algorithm for Evolving Encryption Sequences Based on Particle Dynamics. Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2008 (CEC 2008), 2008 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2008), 2008.6, pp714-717 (EI: 084611709754, ISTP收錄) ISBN: 978-1-60558-130-9(Hong Kong ,China,June 1-6, 2008,IEEE Computational Intelligence Society)
75、Kangshun Li, Weifeng Pan. Wensheng Zhang, Zhangxin Chen. A Sequence Cipher Producing Method Based on Two-layer Ranking Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm. Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2008 (CEC 2008) , 2008 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2008), 2008, pp169-173(EI: 084611709680, ISTP收錄) ISBN: 978-1-60558-130-9(Hong Kong ,China,June 1-6, 2008,IEEE Computational Intelligence Society)
76、Kangshun Li, Weifeng Pan. Wensheng Zhang, Zhangxin Chen. Automatic Modeling of a Novel Gene Expression Programming Based on Statistical Analysis and Critical Velocity. Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2008 (CEC 2008) , 2008 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2008), 2008, pp641-647(EI: 084611709744, ISTP收錄) ISBN: 978-1-60558-130-9(Hong Kong ,China,June 1-6, 2008,IEEE Computational Intelligence Society)
77、Kangshun Li,Jiusheng Liang, Wensheng Zhang, Feng Wang. New Method of Evolving Digital Circuit Based on Gene Expression Programming. Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2008 (CEC 2008), 2008 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2008), 2008.6, pp905-908 (EI:084611709781,ISTP收錄) ISBN: 978-1-60558-130-9(Hong Kong ,China,June 1-6, 2008,IEEE Computational Intelligence Society)
78、Kangshun Li, Yang Xie, Wensheng Zhang, Feng Wang. A Sequence Encryption Producing System Based on Particle Dynamical Evolutionary Algorithm. Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation(WCICA 2008) 2008.6, IEEE, pp1275-1279 (EI: 083911600862, ISTP收錄) ISBN: 978-1-4244-2113-8(25-27 June 2008,Chongqing)
79、Kangshun Li, Song Xie, Huilan Luo, Yuanxiang Li. Struts-Based ArcIMS Communication Mechanism and Its Application Development. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Distributed Computing and Applications for Business, Engineering and Sciences (DCABES2007), Guo Qinping, Guo Yucheng, 2007.8, pp900-902, ISBN: 978-7-5352-3854-2 (ISTP收錄). (2007年8月14-17,WuHan,China)
80、Kangshun Li, Weifeng Pan, Zhangxin Chen, Huilan Luo. A Bionics Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Average Vector Deviation. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD'07), IEEE, 2007.8, pp386-390, ISBN: 0-7695-2874-0 (EI, ISTP收錄). (2007年8月24-27,Haikou,)
81、Kangshun Li, Wei Li, Zhangxin Chen, Feng Wang. A Particle Gradient Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Statistical Mechanics and Convergence Analysis. Proceedings of 7th International Conference on High Performance Computing in Computational Sciences(VECPAR 2006), Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series(LNCS), Springer, 2007.6, pp530-543. ISBN: 3540713506, impact factor:0.513, Brazil (EI: 080311036744, ISTP收錄). (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,2007年6月10-13,VECPAR)
82、Kangshun Li, Xuezhi Yue, Lishan Kang, Zhangxin Chen. A New Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm for Solving High Complex Multi-Objective Problems. Proceedings of the International Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO06), Maarten Keijzer et al, ACM, New York, USA, 2006.8, 745-746. ISBN:1-59593-186-4 (EI: 064410204235, ISTP收錄). (July 8-12,2006)
83、Kangshun Li, Yuanxiang Li, Zhangxin Chen, Zhijian Wu. A New Dynamic Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Particle Transportation Theory. Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing and Applications (HPCA2004). Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2005.8, pp81-92. ISBN:103540257853 (ISTP收錄) (China,ShangHai,August 8--10, 2004,HPCA)
84、Kangshun Li, Zhangxin Chen, Yuanxiang Li, Aimin Zhou. A Robust Fuzzy of Genetic Programming to Economic Forecasting. Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing and Applications (HPCA2004), Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2005.8, pp71-80. ISBN:103540257853 (ISTP收錄),(China,ShangHai,August 8--10, 2004,HPCA)
85、Kangshun Li, Yuanxiang Li, Haifang Mo. Recovering the cyclic-code of generated polynomial by using evolutionary computation. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms (ICANNGA2005). Lecture Notes in Computational Science. Springer-Verlag Wien, 2005.6, pp449-453. ISBN 3-211-24934-6 (ISTP收錄)(Coimbra, Portugal)
86、Wei Li (研究生), Kangshun Li*, Wensheng Zhang, Chao Wang, Ying Huang. A Random Number Generator Based on Particle Dynamical Evolutionary Algorithm. Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC'08), IEEE, 2008.10, pp161-165, ISBN: 9781424432592 (EI, ISTP收錄)(25-27 August 2008, Jinan, China)
87、Ying Huang, Kangshun Li*. Dual Membership Based Fuzzy Support Vector Machine Algorithm. Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC'09), 2009.8, ISBN:978-7695-3735-1, IEEE, pp271-275 (EI收錄) (14-16 August 2009, Tianjin, China,James Liu,Honghua Dai, Hongwei Wang)
88、Xuezhi Yue, Zhijian Wu, Kangshun Li. Particle gradient multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on GPU with CUDA. Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium on Information Science and Engineering, ISISE 2010, December 24-26, 2010, Shanghai, China. p540-544(EI收錄)
89、Xuezhi Yue, Zhijian Wu, Dazhi Jiang and Kangshun Li. GPS Height Fitting Using Gene Expres-sion Programming. Proceedings of 5th International Symposium on Advances in Computation and Intelligence (ISICA 2010), October 22-24, 2010 Wuhan, China. ISSN:03029743,pp25-32(EI收錄).
90、Ping Huang, Yao Zhang, Pengcheng Li, Kangshun Li, Transmission Network Planning Based on Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm of Transportation Theory. Proceedings of The Sixth International Symposium on Neural Networks (ISNN2009), ISSN:03029743, pp601-610 (EI收錄). (WuHan,China,May 26-29,2009)
91、Feng Wang, Yuanxiang Li, Kangshun Li, Zhiyi Lin. A New Circuit Representation Method for Analog circuit Design Automation. Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2008 (CEC 2008), 2008, pp1976-1980(EI, ISTP收錄)(1-6 June 2008,Hong Kong)
92、Feng Wang, Yuanxiang Li, Li Liang, Kangshun Li. Triangular Arbitrage in Foreign Exchange Rate Forecasting Markets. Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2008 (CEC 2008), 2008, pp2370-2376(EI, ISTP收錄) (1-6 June 2008,Hong Kong)
93、Hui-Lan Luo, Xiao-Bing Xie, Kang-Shun Li. A New Method for Constructing Clustering Ensembles. Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Wavelet Analysis and Pattern Recognition (ICWAPR), IEEE, 2007, pp874-878. ISBN 1-4244-1066-5 (EI, ISTP收錄).(China,Beijing,2-4 Nov. 2007)
94、Lingling Wang, Yuanxiang Li, Jianli Ding, Kangshun Li. Structural X-ray Image Segmentation for Threat Detection by Attribute Relational Graph Matching. Proceedings of the International Conference of Neural Networks & Brain, IEEE, 2005, pp1206-1211. ISBN:0-7803-9422-4(EI: 070910447168, ISTP收錄).(13-15 Oct. 2005 ,Beijing,china)
95、Yu-Hua Wang, Huan-Guo Zhang, Zhi-Dong Shen, Kang-Shun Li. Thermal noise random number generator based on SHA-2 (512). Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, ICMLC 2005, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, United States, pp3970-3974. ISBN: 078039092X (EI收錄: 05509539420).(Guangzhou, China,18-21 Aug. 2005)
96、康嵐蘭,董文永,宋婉娟,李康順. 無慣性自適應精英變異反向粒子群最佳化算法.
通信學報, 2017, 38(8), 66-78 (EI)
97、陳琰, 李康順, 楊磊. 加入動態懲罰因子的GEP 自動聚類算法. 中國系統仿真學會一級會刊、中文核心期刊,系統仿真學報, vol.28, No.4, Apr., 2016, pp806-814 , 刊號:ISSN1004-731X,CN11-3092/V
98、李康順, 王福濱, 張麗霞, 李偉. 基於改進BOF 算法的圖像識別和分類. 中文核心期刊,中南大學學報(自然科學版), Vol.47, No.5. May 2016, pp1599-1605, 刊號ISSN 1672-7207 (EI)
99、王金鳳,李康順,王文中. 深度模糊積分及其套用. 中文核心期刊,計算機套用研究,2015,Vol.32(10), pp2914-2917, 刊號:ISSN1002-8331,CN11-2127/TP。
100、李康順, 王法傑, 張楚湖. 一種基於JADE改進的差分演化算法.中文核心期刊,計算機工程與科學, Sep.2015, Vol.37, No.9 pp1698-1706刊號 1007-130X, 43-1258/TP
101、李康順, 程海丹, 張文生, 鄧曉陽. NCRS-GEP編程算法及其在統計建模中的套用. 中文核心期刊,武漢理工大學學報,2014, Vol.36, No.12, pp122-130, 刊號:ISSN1671-4431,CN42-1657/N.
102、李康順,韋蘊珊,張文生. 小生境演化算法下的WDCT圖像壓縮方法. 中文核心期刊, 電子學報, Apr.2014, Vol.42, No.4, pp809-814, 刊號:CN 11-2087/TN, ISSN 0372-2112(EI收錄)
103、李康順, 李 凱, 張文生. 一種基於改進BP神經網路的PCA人臉識別算法. 中文核心期刊, 計算機套用與軟體, 2014.1,vol.31, No.1, pp158-161 , 刊號:1000-386X,31-1260/TP
104、李康順,余錫倫,張文生,董文永. 基於改進小生境演化算法的多峰函式最佳化算法. 中國系統仿真學會一級會刊、中文核心期刊,系統仿真學報, 2013,vol.25, No.6, pp1170-1175 , 刊號:ISSN1004-731X,CN11-3092/V
105、李康順,韋蘊珊,張文生. 基於演化算法的捲曲DCT 圖像壓縮. 中國圖象圖形學報, Feb. 2013, vol.18, No.2, pp169-175
106、李康順,黃浩華,張文生. 一種基於GEP的多層物流網路Prüfer編碼最佳化算法. 中國系統仿真學會一級會刊、中文核心期刊,系統仿真學報, 2012,vol.24, No.3, pp594-602, 刊號:ISSN1004-731X,CN11-3092/V
107、李康順, 金晶, 王峰. 基於運動矢量差(MVD)的CABAC新算法. 中文核心期刊,計算機套用研究,2012,Vol.29(2), pp744-748, 刊號:ISSN1002-8331,CN11-2127/TP。
108、李康順,余錫倫,張文生. 一種改進的演化算法及其在求解複雜最佳化問題中的套用. 中文核心期刊,計算機套用研究,2012, Vol.29(4), pp1223-1226, 刊號:ISSN1002-8331,CN11-2127/TP。
109、李康順, 金晶, 王峰. 基於快速Bs判定的H.264去塊濾波新算法. 中文核心期刊,中南大學學報,Vol.43, No.1, Jan. 2012, pp221-228. CN 43-1426/N, ISSN 1672-7207 (EI: 20121314906578收錄)
110、李康順, 王超梁, 王峰. 一種改進的快速醫學圖像分割方法. 中文核心期刊,計算機套用研究,2012.29(2):pp764-766刊號:ISSN1002-8331,CN11-2127/TP。
111、李康順, 阮丹丹, 張文生. 基於演化算法的圖像二值化算法研究. 中文核心期刊,計算機套用研究,2012,Vol.29(1), pp348-351, 刊號:ISSN1002-8331,CN11-2127/TP。
112、康嵐蘭,李康順,謝楊. 一種基於GEP演化布爾函式的流密鑰算法. 中文核心期刊,四川大學學報(自然科學版),Vol.49, No.4(2012), pp55-60, 刊號:CN 51-1595/N, ISSN 0490-6756
113、李康順,金 晶,王 峰. 一種新的基於片類型和幀間預測模式的H.264去塊濾波算法. 中文核心期刊,計算機套用研究,2011,Vol.28 No.7, pp2761-2764.刊號:ISSN1002-8331,CN11-2127/TP。
114、聶慧, 彭嬌, 金晶, 李康順, 基於多核系統的並行線性RankSVM算法,計算機套用研究, 2017, 34(1), 46-51+57
115、董文永; 康嵐蘭; 劉宇航; 李康順; 帶自適應精英擾動及慣性權重的反向粒子群最佳化算法, 通信學報, 2016 (EI收錄)
116、李康順, 周新宇, 張文生. 基於QoS的網路負載均衡選播路由算法. 中文核心期刊,計算機套用研究,2010, Vol.27, No.12. pp4718-4722 , 刊號:ISSN1002-8331,CN11-2127/TP.
117、李康順, 郭肇祿,張文生. 一種基於並行GEP的複雜電路最佳化算法. 中文核心期刊,四川大學學報(工程科學版),2010年1月, Vol.42, No.1, pp156-161, 刊號:CN 51-1596/T, ISSN 1009-3087(EI: 20100912740865收錄)
118、李康順,王婷,張文生. 基於演化算法的FIR數字濾波器設計研究. 中文核心期刊,微計算機信息,2010.3, Vol.26, No.7, pp43-47, 刊號: ISSN:1008-0570 ,CN:14-1128/TP,主辦單位:中國計算機用戶協會
119、李康順, 戴志晃. 一種基於演化算法的BP改進算法. 中文核心期刊,微計算機信息,2010.2, Vol.26, No.2-2, pp23-25, 刊號: ISSN:1008-0570 ,CN:14-1128/TP,主辦單位:中國計算機用戶協會
120、李康順,徐福梅,張文生,湯銘端. 一種基於啟發式演化算法的最優-最差螞蟻系統. 中文核心期刊,中南大學學報2010.4,Vol.41, No.2, pp609-614. CN 43-1426/N, ISSN 1672-7207 (EI: 20102413003143).
121、李康順, 呂小巧, 張文生, 李元香. 基於改進DDS技術的FPGA數字調製器研究與實現. 中文核心期刊,壓電與聲光,2009. Vol.31, No.6. pp852-855,ISSN 1004-2474,CN 50-1091/TN, 主辦單位: 國家信息產業部
122、李康順, 李茂民,張文生. 一種基於改進遺傳算法的圖像分割方法. 中文核心期刊,計算機套用研究,2009,Vol.26, No.11.pp4364-4367, 刊號:ISSN1002-8331,CN11-2127/TP。
123、李康順, 賈玉珍,張文生. 一種基於模式替代遺傳算法解0/1背包問題. 中文核心期刊,計算機套用研究,2009,Vol.26,No.2.pp470-471, 刊號:ISSN1002-8331,CN11-2127/TP。
124、康嵐蘭李康順. 蟻群算法在求解TSP問題上與遺傳算法的對比研究.計算機系統套用, 2008, 17(10), 60-63
125、李康順, 潘偉豐,張文生,李元香. 基於多目標演化算法的序列密鑰生成方法. 中文核心期刊,武漢理工大學學報,2008, Vol.30, No.8, pp69-73, 刊號:ISSN1671-4431,CN42-1657/N(EI: 084111634090)。
126、李康順, 梁九生,張文生,李元香. 一種基於GEP的演化硬體複雜電路最佳化算法. 中文核心期刊,計算機工程與套用,2008,Vol.44,No.18.pp83-86, 刊號:ISSN1002-8331,CN11-2127/TP。
127、李康順,潘偉豐, 張文生,王峰. 基於統計分析和停滯速度的GEP自動建模. 中文核心期刊,計算機套用研究,2008, Vol.25, No.8. pp2312-2315, 刊號:ISSN1001-3695,CN51-1196/TP.
128、李康順, 潘偉豐,湯銘端,王峰. 一種基於蜂王交配的求解複雜最佳化問題的演化算法. 中國系統仿真學會一級會刊、中文核心期刊,系統仿真學報, 2008,vol.20, No.7, pp1707-1712, 刊號:ISSN1004-731X,CN11-3092/V(EI: 081811232404
129、 李康順, 李元香, 康立山, 吳志健. 一種基於輸運理論的多目標演化算法. 中國計算機學會一級會刊、中文核心刊物, 計算機學報 2007, vol.30, No.5, pp796-805, 刊號:ISSN0254-4164,CN11-1826/TP(EI收錄:072510663261
130、李康順,李元香,康立山,李邦河. 一種求解複雜約束最佳化問題的粒子動力學演化算法. 中國自動化學會一級會刊、中文核心期刊,模式識別與人工智慧,2006,vol.19,No.4,pp538-545, 刊號:ISSN1003-6059,CN34-1089/TP(EI收錄: 064410215044
131、李康順, 李元香, 湯銘端, 周愛民,吳志健. 遺傳程式設計在統計建模中的套用. 中國系統仿真學會一級會刊、中文核心期刊,系統仿真學報, 2005,vol.17, No.7, pp1597-1600, 刊號:ISSN1004-731X,CN11-3092/V(EI收錄: 05299226200
132、李康順, 李元香, 湯銘端, 鄭波盡. 粒子動力學演化算法及其在求解SOP上的套用. 中國系統仿真學會一級會刊、中文核心期刊,系統仿真學報, 2005,Vol.17, No.3, pp595-598, 2005年第3期,刊號:ISSN1004-731X,CN11-3092/V (EI收錄: 05159039873)
133、李康順, 李元香, 滕沖, 王玲玲. 遺傳算法在數據挖掘中的套用.中文核心期刊,計算機工程與套用,2005,Vol.41,No.9.pp219-223, 刊號:ISSN1002-8331,CN11-2127/TP
134、李康順, 李元香, 吳志健. 使用演化計算求解生成循環碼的合法碼字.中文核心期刊,計算機工程與套用,2004,Vol.40,No.17.pp15-17,刊號:ISSN1002-8331,CN11-2127/TP
135、莫海芳, 李康順*. 採用GEP 編碼的克隆選擇算法實現函式建模. 中國自動化學會一級會刊、中文核心期刊,模式識別與人工智慧,2013,vol.26,No.9,pp878-884, 刊號:ISSN1003-6059,CN34-1089/TP(EI收錄)
136、馬莎; 李康順*. 資料庫系統雙語教學的探索與實踐.計算機教育. No.2 Jan.25,2011, pp58-61,
137、莫海芳, 李康順*,彭川. 基於小生境的GEP新算法. 中文核心期刊,計算機工程與設計,2012,Vol.33,No.7.pp2832-2836, 刊號:ISSN1000-7024,CN11-1775/TP。
138、莫海芳, 李康順*. 基因表達式編程的一種新遺傳運算元. 中文核心期刊,計算機工程與套用,2011,Vol.47,No.7.pp23-24, 刊號:ISSN1002-8331,CN11-2127/TP。
139、周新宇, 吳志健, 王暉, 李康順, 張浩宇. 一種精英反向學習的粒子群算法. 電子學報, 2013, 41(8):1647-1652. (EI)
140、 喻金平; 黃細妹; 李康順. 基於一種新的屬性選擇標準的ID3改進算法. 中文核心期刊,計算機套用研究,2012,Vol.29, No.8. pp2895-2898, 刊號:ISSN1002-8331,CN11-2127/TP。
141、李偉, 黃穎, 李康順. 一種基於自適應遷移策略的並行遺傳算法. 武漢理工大學學報, July. 2011, Vol.33, No.7, pp138-142, 刊號:ISSN1671-4431,CN42-1657/N
142、黃穎, 李偉, 李康順. 一種基於小生境的模糊支持向量機新算法. 四川大學學報(自然科學版), 2010年4月, Vol.47, No.4, pp735-740, 刊號:CN 51-1595/N, ISSN 0490-6756
143、 馬莎; 楊波; 李康順. 外包資料庫中的哈希連線一致性算法. 計算機科學, Vol.39, No.2, 2012, pp118-121, ISSN 1002-137X, CN 50-1075/TP
144、陳文飛; 許雪峰; 苗作華; 李康順; 亮度自適應的保熵直方圖均衡化方法. 中文核心期刊,計算機工程與套用,2012,Vol.48,No.16.pp157-160, 刊號:ISSN1002-8331,CN11-2127/TP
145、姜大志, 吳志健, 康立山, 湯銘端, 李康順. 基因表達式程式設計的GRCM方法. 中國系統仿真學會一級會刊、中文核心期刊,系統仿真學報, 2006,Vol.18, No.6, pp1466-1468, 2006年第6期,刊號:ISSN1004-731X,CN11-3092/V (EI收錄: 06289984576)
1、Kangshun Li, Wei Li, Zhangxing Chen, Yong Liu. Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Systems, Aug. 16, 2018, Springer, Germany, ISBN 978-981-13-1648-7(part1,603pages), ISBN 978-981-13-1651-7(part2,573pages)
2、 Kangshun Li, Jin Li, Yong Liu, Aniello Castiglione. Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Systems, Feb 27, 2016, Springer, Germany, ISSN 1865-0929, ISBN 978-981-10-0355-4, DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-0356-1. 752 pages
3、 Kangshun Li, Zhangxin Chen, Yan Chen. Particle Dynamical Evolutionary Algorithms and their Applications, 2016, LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, ISSN: 978-3-659-94917-3. , Sept. 8, 2016


1、主持國家重點研發計畫 (National Key R&D Program of China) “公共安全風險防控與應急技術裝備”重點專項(司法專題任務)子課題,假釋、暫予監外執行、刑釋人員犯罪預防支撐技術與裝備研究(子課題負責人),項目主持單位:中國電子科技集團公司第十五研究所(負責人:劉學林),國家科技部,2019-2021,1792萬元,項目編號:2018YFC0831100
(二) 主持省、市級項目
11、主持廣州市對外科技合作計畫項目,基於雲架構的金融服務平台關鍵技術攻關及產業化(第一), 廣州市科創委,2019.4-2021.3, 200萬元
17、主持完成江西省自然科學基金項目,基於粒子動力學演化算法的演化路由研究(第一),江西省科技廳,2009-2011,2萬元, 2008GZS0028
2、政府督辦工作管理平台(第一),XX市政府, 22萬元,2016-2017.
6、X-Ray 汽車輪轂智慧型自動圖像檢測系統(第一),重慶日聯科技有限公司,6萬元,2014-2015。

獲 獎

1、 電子商務(Electronic Commerce)獲批省級雙語教學示範課程(第一),江西省教育廳,2008年

專 利

2、李康順,何唯,胡紹陽,王曉珍. 一種基於人體關節點運動函式訓練的行為識別方法,公示專利號:201710059525.6. 申請日期:2017年1月24日
3、李康順,黃鴻濤,鄭澤標,陸譽升,馮思聰,鄧堅. 一種基於深度學習的人群密度檢測方法和系統,公示專利號:20170177154.1. 申請日期:2017年3月23日


1、李康順,劉浩鋒,潘梓彬,邱泰戈,陳瑩燕,王萌, Kinect身份識別軟體[簡稱:Kinect識別]V1.0, 軟體著作權,證書號:2018SR868594,2018年10月30日。
2、 李康順,林永平,陳海堂,李兆坤,吳欽玥,趙李瓊,基於深度學習的葉片聚類系統,軟體著作權,證書號:2018SR871542,2018年10月31日。
5、李康順 金俊霖 王慧 馮穎 陸韻如 陳衛廣 梁卓智,廣東省水利廳水政監察局執法綜合平台, 軟體著作權,證書號:2018SR221889,2018年3月30日。
6、李康順,金俊霖,馮穎,陸韻如,王慧,梁卓智,陳衛廣,督查督辦工作管理系統V1.0(上拓), 軟體著作權,證書號:2018SR357234,2018年5月18日。
7、李康順,金俊霖,馮穎,陸韻如,王慧,梁卓智,陳衛廣,點金線上後台管理平台V1.0(上拓), 軟體著作權,證書號:2018SR311148,2018年5月7日。
8、李康順,王朝鵬,顧浚源,梁穎怡,余巧靈,華農校園植物APP V1.0,軟體著作權,證書號:2016SR325610,2016年11月10日。


1、 博士研究生(自動化與電氣化專業)
2007:姚金濤;2011:陳琰;2012:楊磊,古發輝;2013:張麗霞;2014:李偉;2015:熊璐;2017:王慧,唐飛;2018:譚志平;2019:Daisy Kansal, Hassan Jalil
2、 碩士研究生(計算機科學與技術專業)
2003:張克俊;2004:謝松;2005:李偉,岳雪芝;2006:謝楊,潘偉豐,康嵐蘭,賈玉珍,梁九生;2007:徐福梅,戴志晃,李茂民,郭肇祿;2008:周新宇,孫超,李佳林;2009:余錫倫,阮丹丹,陳福林,鄭志明,王照生;2010:黃浩華,劉躍勇,楊珍,李凱,陳桂華;2011:張楚湖,譚岳峰,李傑,徐文鑫,方瑞平;2012:王法傑,程海丹,鄧曉陽,李南龍,呂超;2013:王福濱,左磊,溫志超,羅文藝,馬博林,羅傑崇,黃華君,梁爽;2014:楊舒玲,鐘亮,嚴英鵬,鐘志華;2015:陳衛廣,郭露妍,王娟,魯伊,黃文忠,唐嘉頤,鄒麗;2016:梁卓智,金俊霖;2017:馮穎,陸韻如;2018:陳敦敏,陳文彪,劉耀華;2019:符祥正,劉瓊,Asif Ali
3、 碩士研究生(通信與信息系統專業)


