



  • 中文名:李尤發
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:採樣理論、小波分析以及信號處理
  • 任職院校:廣西大學數學與信息科學學院


2000年-2004年在山東師範大學攻讀學士學位;2004年-2010年在汕頭大學攻讀碩士、博士學位;2011年9月-2012年11月在澳門大學從事博士後工作,導師:錢濤;2014年5月-2014年7月 澳門大學訪問學者,導師:錢濤; 2016年2月 澳門科技大學訪問學者。2011年評上副研究員,2016年評上教授。2016-2017年在美國中佛羅里達州立大學訪問。
學術兼職 廣西數學會常務理事;國家自然科學基金項目通訊評議人;廣西自然科學基金項目通訊評議人;江西省自然科學基金項目通訊評議人;Zentralblatt MATH(德國數學文摘)評論員。《Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications》、《Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences》、《 Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations》、《Applied mathematics and computation》、《Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization》等SCI期刊的審稿人。




採樣理論、小波分析以及信號處理. 目前的研究興趣是:信號相位恢復、Sobolev空間上信號採樣重建的小波方法。


2. 國家自然科學基金地區項目:利用時間域採樣構造信號的高精度、快速的非線性傅立葉原子逼近;(主持在研,44.8萬)
3. 國家自然科學基金青年項目:利用多小波構造整個Sobolev空間的不規則採樣逼近及研究其精度的提升;(主持在研,21.8萬)
4. 國家自然科學基金天元青年項目:Sobolev空間的多小波採樣定理及相關問題研究;(主持完成,3萬)
5. 廣西自然科學基金面上項目:基於對偶小波框架的Sobolev空間的採樣逼近理論及相關問題研究(主持在研,5萬)
6. 廣西自然科學基金青年項目:小波框架及其在周期信號的解析採樣逼近中的套用。(5萬,主持完成)


*----Corresponding author
1.Li YouFa*, Yang ShouZhi, Yuan DeHui, Bessel multiwavelet sequences and dual multiframelets in Sobolev spaces, Advances in Computational Mathematics, 38(4), 491-529, 2013. (SCI)
2. Li YouFa*, Hermite-like interpolating refinable function vector and its application in signal recovering, Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, 18(3), 517-547, 2012. (SCI)
3. Li YouFa*, Sampling approximation by framelets in Sobolev space and its application in modifying interpolating error, Journal of Approximation Theory, 175(22), 43-63, 2013. (SCI)
4. Li YouFa, Yang ShouZhi, Explicit construction of symmetric orthogonal wavelet frames in L^2 (R^s), Journal of Approximation Theory, 162(5),891-909, 2010. (SCI)
5. Li YouFa, Yang ShouZhi, Multiwavelet sampling theorem in Sobolev spaces, Science China﹒Mathematics,53(12), 3194-3214, 2010. (SCI)
6. Chen QiuHui, Qian Tao, Li YouFa*, Shannon-type sampling for multivariate non-bandlimited signals, Science China﹒Mathematics, 56(9), 1915-1943, 2013. (SCI)
7. Li YouFa, Yang ShouZhi, Construction of nonseparable dual Ω-wavelet frames in L^2 (R^s), Applied Mathematics and Computation, 215(6), 2082-2094, 2009. (SCI)
8. Li YouFa*, Qian Tao, Reconstruction of analytic signal in Sobolev space by framelet sampling approximation, Applicable Analysis, available online, 2016. (SCI)
9. Li YouFa, Chen QiuHui, Qian Tao, Wang Yi, Sampling error analysis and some properties of non-bandlimited signals that are reconstructed, Applicable Analysis, 93(2), 305-315, 2014. (SCI)
10. Li YouFa, Yang ShouZhi, A class of multiwavelets and projected frames from two-direction wavelets, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 34, 1-17, 2014. (SCI)
11. Li YouFa, Shang Jing, Zhang GengRong, Dang Pei, Robust multiscale analytic sampling approximation to periodic function and fast algorithm, International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing, available online, 2016. (SCI)
12. Li YouFa*, Qian Tao, Analytic sampling approximation by projection operator with application in decomposition of instantaneous frequency, International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing, 11, 1350040, 2013. (SCI)
13. Li YouFa*, Yang ShouZhi, Construction of symmetric or anti-symmetric B-spline wavelets and their dual wavelet, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 88, 1024-1034, 2011. (SCI)
14. Li YouFa, Yang ShouZhi, Dual multiwavelet frames with symmetry from a two-direction refinable function, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 37(1), 199-214, 2011. (SCI)
15. Yang ShouZhi, Li YouFa, Two-direction refinable functions and two-direction wavelets with high approximation order and regularity, Science in China, series A, 50(12), 1687-1704, 2007. (SCI)
16. Yang ShouZhi, Li YouFa, Construction of multiwavelets with high approximation order and symmetry , Science in China, series A, 52(8), 1667-1616, 2009. (SCI)
17. Yang Shouzhi, Li Youfa, Two-direction refinable functions and two-direction wavelets with dilation factor m, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 188, 1098-1020, 2007. (SCI)
18. Shen YanFeng, Li YouFa, Yang ShouZhi, Nonharmonic nonlinear Fourier frames and convergence of corresponding frame series, Kodai mathematical Journal, 38, 135-154, 2015. (SCI)
19. Li YouFa*, Han Deguang, Phase retrieval of real-valued functions in Sobolev space, Acta Mathematica Sinica,2018,accepted.
20. Li YouFa, Yang Honglei, Shang Jing, Yang Shouzhi, Recovery of Riesz transform of functions in Sobolev space by wavelet multilevel sampling, submitted to Mathematical methods in the applied science, revised.
21. Li YouFa, Han Deguang, Framelet perturbation and application to nouniform sampling approximation for Sobolev space, submitted,arXiv:1707.01325
22. Li YouFa, Shen Yanfeng, A new fast algorithm of type III Fourier transform, submitted
23. Han Deguang, Juste Ted, Li Youfa, Sun Wenchang, Frame Phase-retrievability and Exact phase-retrievable frames, submitted,arXiv:1706.07738.
24. Li Youfa, Han Deguang, Two-step PR-scheme for recovering signals in detectable union of cones by magnitude measurements


