


  • 中文名:李季
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 職業:中國科學院長春套用化學研究所研究員


姓 名: 李季
性 別: 男
職 務: 研究員
職 稱: 研究員
通訊地址: 長春市人民大街5625號 長春套用化學研究所 高分子工程實驗室


姓名:李季 年齡:47歲 1980年-1984年 天津大學 套用化學系畢業 獲理學學士 1985年-1989 年 長春應化所  被聘為實研員 1989年-1996年 長春應化所 被聘為助研 1996年-2002年 長春應化所 被聘為副研 2002年-至今 長春應化所 被聘為研究員






1.“Conducting Polyaniline confined in semi-interpenetrating Networks”, Macromolecular Rapid Communications,
2. “Morphological Study on Water Borne Conducting Polyaniline-Poly(ethylene oxide) Blends”, Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics
3.“Synthesis of phenyl/amino-capped tetraaniline by chemical and electrochemical methods”, Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities-Chinese
4. “ Conductive hybrids from water-borne conductive polyaniline and (3-glycidoxypropyl) trimethoxysilane”, Macromolecules
5. “Solvent-free polyaniline coating for corrosion prevention of metal”, ACS Symposium SeriesElectroactive Polymers for Corrosion Contro
6. “Metal-containing molecular wires and their electron transportation properties”, Synthetic Metals
7. “Synthesis and Characterization of Ferrocene-terminated Ruthenium Phenylacetylide Complexes with Alligator Clips”, , Chinese Chemical Letters
8. “Mechanism and life study on polyaniline anti-corrosion coating”, Synth. Met
9. “Confining conducting polyaniline in a stable inorganic network”, Chinese Journal of Polymer Science
11. “Facile and Rapid Solid Phase synthesis of Monodisperse oligo(1,4-phenyleneethynylene)s, Chin. Chem. Lett.,
12. “Water-borne conductive polyaniline doped by acidic phosphate ester containing polysilsesquioxane precursor”, Synth. Met
13. “A facile route to rapid synthesis of soluble monodisperse oligo(1,4-phenyleneethynylene)s”, Chem. Res. Chin. U
14. “Synthesis of monodisperse oligo(1,4-phenyleneethynylene)-alt- (2,5-thiopheneethynylene)]s”, Synth. Commun
15. “Crosslinkable poly(propylene carbonate): high-yield synthesis and performance improvement”, J. of Polym. Sci., Part A, Polym.Chem
16. “Double propagation based on diepoxide, a facile route to high molecular weight poly(propylene carbonate)”, Polymer
17. “A rapid solid-phase synthesis to soluble oligothiophene molecular wires”, Chin. Chem. Lett
18. “Rapid solution and solid phase synthesis of monodisperse oligo[(1,4-phenyleneethynylene) -alt-(2,5-thiopheneethynylene)]s”, Tetrahedron
19. “Electrostatic Interaction hybrids from water-borne conductive polyaniline and inorganic precursor containing carboxyl group”, , Chin. J. Polym. Sci.
20. “Water resistant conducting hybrids from elelctrostatic interaction”, J. Polym. Sci., Part A, Polym. Chem.
21. “Preparation and electrical-magnetic properties of polyaniline doped with ionic ferrosenesulfonic acid”, Synthetic Metals
22. “Magnetic behavior of polyaniline doped with oxidized ferrocenesulfonic acid”, Synthetic Metals
23. “Long term anticorrosion behavior of polyaniline on mild steel”, Corrosion Science
24. “Polyaniline for corrosion prevention of mild steel coupled with copper”, Electrochimica Acta
25. “Extending electrochemical activity of polyaniline to alkaline media via electrostatic interaction and sol-gel route”, Electrochemistry Communications
26.“Stable Aqueous Dispersion of Conducting Polyaniline with High Electrical Conductivity”, , Macromolecules,
27.,“Polyaniline as an emerging choice for metal anti-corrosion”, Advances in Engineering Science, Secton.
28.“Conductive hybrid film from polyaniline and polyurethaneesilica”,Polymer


