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李好,男,1986年11月生,山東省菏澤市人,博士西北農林科技大學 教授,博士生導師。國家西甜瓜產業技術體系崗位科學家,西北農林科技大學新農村發展研究院合作與基地辦公室副主任(多崗位鍛鍊),陝西省西甜瓜產業技術體系秘書長,《BMC Plant Biology》期刊編委,《Plants》客座編輯,《Frontiers in Plant Science》評審編輯。曾入選陝西省青年科技新星、仲英青年學者、楊凌示範區青年育種專家、西北農林科技大學高層次人才發展支持計畫等。


  • 中文名:李好
  • 出生地:山東省菏澤市
  • 出生日期:1986年11月
  • 畢業院校:浙江大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:農學
  • 職務:教師 
  • 任職院校:西北農林科技大學












(1)Li H, He J, Yang X, Li X, Luo D, Wei CH, Ma JX, Zhang Y, Yang JQ, Zhang X. 2016. Glutathione-dependent induction of local and systemic defense against oxidative stress by exogenous melatonin in cucumber ( Cucumis sativus L.). Journal of Pineal Research, 60: 206-216. (中科院一區TOP,IF=''13.0)
(2)Li H, Guo YL, Lan ZX, Xu K, Chang JJ, Ahammed GJ, Ma JX, Wei CH, Zhang X*. 2021. Methyl jasmonate mediates melatonin-induced cold tolerance of grafted watermelon plants. Horticulture Research, 8: 57. (中科院一區TOP,IF=''6.8)
(3)Chang JJ, Guo YL, Yan JY, Zhang ZX, Yuan L, Wei CH, Zhang Y, Ma JX, Yang JQ, Zhang X*, Li H*. 2021. The role of watermelon caffeic acid O-methyltransferase (ClCOMT1)in melatonin biosynthesis and abiotic stress tolerance. Horticulture Research, 8: 210. (中科院一區TOP,IF=''6.8)
(4)Li H, Wang Y, Wang Z, Guo X, Wang F, Xia XJ, Zhou J, Shi K, Yu JQ, Zhou YH. 2016. Microarray and genetic analysis reveals that csa-miR159b plays a critical role in abscisic acid-mediated heat tolerance in grafted cucumber plants. Plant, Cell & Environment, 39: 1790-1804. (中科院一區TOP,IF= 7.2)
(5)Li H, Liu SS, Yi CY, Wang F, Zhou J, Xia XJ, Shi K, Zhou YH, Yu JQ. 2014. Hydrogen peroxide mediates abscisic acid-induced HSP70 accumulation and heat tolerance in grafted cucumber plants. Plant, Cell & Environment, 37: 2768-2780. (中科院一區TOP,IF= 7.2)
(6)Li H, Chang JJ, Chen HJ, Wang ZY, Gu XR, Wei CH, Zhang Y, Ma JX, Yang JQ, Zhang X. 2017. Exogenous melatonin confers salt stress tolerance to watermelon by improving photosynthesis and redox homeostasis. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8: 295. (中科院二區TOP, IF= 5.8, ESI前1%高被引論文)
(7)Chang JJ, Guo YL, Li JY, Su ZZ, Wang CX, Zhang RM, Wei CH, Ma JX, Zhang X*, Li H*. 2021. Positive interaction between H2O2 and Ca mediates melatonin-induced CBF pathway and cold tolerance. Antioxidants, 10: 1457. (中科院二區TOP, IF= 6.3)
(8)Guo YL, Yan JY, Su ZZ, Chang JJ, Yang JQ, Wei CH, Zhang Y, Ma JX, Zhang X*, Li H*. 2021. Abscisic acid mediates grafting-induced cold tolerance of watermelon via interaction with melatonin and methyl jasmonate. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12: 785317. (中科院二區TOP, IF= 5.8)
(9)Li H, Chang JJ, Zheng JX, Dong YC, Liu QY, Yang XZ, Wei CH, Zhang Y, Ma JX, Zhang X. 2017. Local melatonin application induces cold tolerance in distant organs of Citrullus lanatus L. via long distance transport. Scientific Reports, 7: 40858. (IF=''4.4,ESI前1%高被引論文)
(10)Li H, Yuan GL, Zhu CW, Zhao TT, Zhang RM, Wang XL, Yang JQ, Ma JX, Zhang Y, Zhang X*. 2019. Soil fumigation with ammonium bicarbonate or metam sodium under high temperature alleviates continuous cropping-induced Fusarium wilt in watermelon. Scientia Horticulturae, 246: 979-986. (中科院二區TOP,IF=''3.5)
(11)Li H, Yang XZ, Chen HJ, Cui Q, Yuan GL, Han XC, Wei CH, Zhang Y, Ma JX, Zhang X. 2018. Water requirement characteristics and the optimal irrigation schedule for the growth, yield, and fruit quality of watermelon under plastic film mulching. Scientia Horticulturae, 241: 74-82. (中科院二區TOP,IF=''3.5)
(12)Li H, Guo YL, Lan ZX, Zhang ZX, Ahammed GJ, Chang JJ, Zhang Y, Wei CH, Zhang X*. 2020. Melatonin antagonizes ABA action to promote seed germination by regulating Ca efflux and H2O2 accumulation. Plant Science, 303: 110761. (中科院二區,IF=''4.7)
(13)Li H, Mo YL, Cui Q, Yang XZ, Guo YL, Wei CH, Yang JQ, Zhang Y, Ma JX, Zhang X. 2019. Transcriptomic and physiological analyses reveal drought adaptation strategies in drought-tolerant and -susceptible watermelon genotypes. Plant Science, 278: 32-43. (中科院二區,IF=''4.7)
(14)Li H, Ahammed GJ, Zhou GN, Xia XJ, Zhou J, Shi K, Yu JQ, Zhou YH. 2016. Unraveling main limiting sites of photosynthesis under below and above ground heat stress in cucumber and the alleviatory role of luffa rootstock. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7: 746. (中科院二區TOP,IF= 5.8)
(15)Li H, Dong YC, Chang JJ, He J, Chen HJ, Liu QY, Wei CH, Ma JX, Zhang Y, Yang JQ, Zhang X. 2016. High-throughput microRNA and mRNA sequencing reveals that microRNAs may be involved in melatonin-mediated cold tolerance in Citrullus lanatus L. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7: 1231. (中科院二區TOP,IF= 5.8)
(16)Li H, Guo YL, Cui Q, Zhang ZX, Yan X, Ahammed GJ, Yang XJ, Yang JQ, Wei CH, Zhang X*. 2020. Alkanes (C29 and C31)-mediated intracuticular wax accumulation contributes to melatonin- and ABA-induced drought tolerance in watermelon. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 39: 1441-1450. (IF=''4.2)
(17)Li H, Wang F, Chen XJ, Shi K, Xia XJ, Considine MJ, Yu JQ, Zhou YH. 2014. The sub/supra-optimal temperature-induced inhibition of photosynthesis and oxidative damage in cucumber leaves are alleviated by grafting onto figleaf gourd/luffa rootstocks. Physiologia Plantarum, 152: 571-584. (中科院二區,IF=''5.1)
(18)Li H, Wang XM, Chen L, Ahammed GJ, Xia XJ, Shi K, Considine MJ, Yu JQ, Zhou YH. 2013. Growth temperature-induced changes in biomass accumulation, photosynthesis and glutathione redox homeostasis as influenced by hydrogen peroxide in cucumber. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 71: 1-10. (IF=''4.2)
(19)Chang JJ, Guo YL, Zhang ZX, Wei CH, Zhang Y, Ma JX, Yang JQ, Zhang X*, Li H*. 2020. CBF-responsive pathway and phytohormones are involved in melatonin-improved photosynthesis and redox homeostasis under aerial cold stress in watermelon. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 42:159. (IF=''2.7)
(20)Yang XZ#, Li H#, Yang YC, Wang YQ, Mo YL, Zhang RM, Zhang Y, Ma JX, Wei CH, Zhang X*. 2018. Identification and expression analyses of WRKY genes reveal their involvement in growth and abiotic stress response in watermelon ( Citrullus lanatus ). PLoS One, 13: e0191308. (IF=''2.7)


(1)李好、張顯、甘露、王新利. Resistance induction method for fusarium oxysporum f. Sp. Niveum race 2. 國際專利,已授權;
(2)李好、張顯、甘露、王新利. 一種西瓜枯萎病菌生理小種2抗性誘導方法. 國家發明專利,已授權;
(3)李好、常靜靜、張顯、郭延亮、袁黎、魏春華. 西瓜 ClCOMT1 基因及其在調控植物內源褪黑素含量中的套用. 國家發明專利,申請中.
(4)李好,蘇壯壯,張顯,高宇凡. 一種西瓜幼苗蚜蟲抗性誘導方法. 國家發明專利,申請中.
(5)張顯,莫言玲,馬建祥,張勇,楊建強,李好,劉煉紅,楊瑞平. 西瓜苗期抗旱性的評價方法. 國家發明專利,已授權.




