- 中文名:李太華
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 出生地:山東鄆城
1、 教學Agent情感建模及反饋策略研究,西南大學博士基金,2008.12-2011.12。
[1]An Experimental Study on the Primary Model of the Application of Computer Simulation to Scientific Discovery Learning in Middle School Physics, Proceedings of IWET, Shanghai, China, May, 2011. (Accepted & In Press)
[2] Exploring the Integrated Model of the Application of Computer Simulation to Scientific Discovery Learning in Middle School Physics: An Experimental Study, Proceedings of ETT2010, Wuhan, China, Nov 2010;
[3] Modeling Personality, Emotion, and Mood for a Pedagogical Agent,Proceedings of IASTED AIA2007, Innsbruck, Austria, Feb, 2007;
[4] Exploiting Model of Personality and Emotion of Learning Companion Agent, Proceedings of IEEE AICCSA 2007, Amman, Jordan, May, 2007;
[5]Simulating the Frameworks of a Pedagogical Agent with Emotions Using Fuzzy Logic,Proceedings of AACE SITE2008, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, March, 2008;
[6] 基於模糊邏輯的智慧型Agent情感建模,計算機科學,2007,34(11);