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  • 中文名:李大衛
  • 主要成就:湖北省科技廳項目:湖北省獼猴桃自然科技資源庫


2001-2005年 武漢大學生命科學學院 本科。
2005-2010年 中國科學院武漢/華南植物園 博士。
2010-2015年 中國科學院武漢植物園 助理研究員。
2015-2022年 中國科學院武漢植物園 副研究員。
2016-2017年 紐西蘭植物與食品研究所 訪問學者。
2022-至今 中國科學院武漢植物園 研究員。


1. 獼猴桃資源收集、評估、精準鑑定及快速馴化改良;
2. 獼猴桃維生素C等重要性狀遺傳機理解析及分子育種改良;
3. 獼猴桃多倍化及其形成機理。


1. 國家基金委項目:獼猴桃維生素C遺傳機理及Vc代謝關鍵基因發掘(青年基金,2012-2014;25萬元);獼猴桃細菌性潰瘍病抗性遺傳規律研究及抗病基因發掘(面上項目,2016-2019,65萬元)。
2. 中國科學院項目:獼猴桃綠色生態安全生產技術(2021-2023,100萬元);獼猴桃多倍化機理研究(2018-2022,80萬元)。
3. 湖北省科技廳項目:湖北省獼猴桃自然科技資源庫(2019-2022,150萬元)。
4. 企業合作:獼猴桃國際保護及開發(2022-2029,390萬元)。
  1. Xue Han, Yilin Zhang, Qiong Zhang, Ni Ma, Xiaoying Liu, Wenjing Tao, Zhiying Lou, Caihong Zhong, Xingwang Deng, Dawei Li, Hang He. Two haplotype-resolved, gap-free genome assemblies of Actinidia latifolia and Actinidia chinensis shed light on regulation mechanisms of vitamin C and sucrose metabolism in kiwifruit[J]. Molecular Plant, 2022 (doi.org/10.1016/j.molp.2022.12.022).
  2. Xiaoying Liu, Rongmei Wu, Bulley SM, Caihong Zhong, Dawei Li. (2022) Kiwifruit MYBS1‐like and GBF3 transcription factors influence L‐ascorbic acid biosynthesis by activating transcription of GDP‐L‐galactose phosphorylase 3. New Phytologist, 2022, 234(5): 1782-1800.
  3. Xiaoying, Liu, Mingjuan Y, Xiaodong Xie, Khaldun ABM, Arif Atak, Zhong Caihong, &Dawei Li. (2022). Effect of light on growth and chlorophyll development in kiwifruit ex vitro and in vitro. Scientia Horticulturae, 291, 110599.
  4. Dawei Li, Xiaodong Xie, Xiaoying Liu, Chang Cheng, Wen Guo, Caihong Zhong, Arif Atak. Effects of short-term high temperature on gas exchange in kiwifruits (Actinidia spp.). Biology, 2022, 11, 1686.
  5. Dawei Li, Fei Han, Xiaoying Liu, Haiyan Lv, Li Li, Hua Tian, & Caihong Zhong. (2021). Localized graft incompatibility in kiwifruit: Analysis of homografts and heterografts with different rootstock & scion combinations. Scientia Horticulturae, 283, 110080.
  6. Xiaoying Liu, Xiaodong Xie, Caihong Zhong, & Dawei Li. (2021). Comparative transcriptome analysis revealed the key genes regulating ascorbic acid synthesis in Actinidia. International journal of molecular sciences, 22, 12894.
  7. Ma JT, Dawei Li, Liu JK. et al. (2021) Advances in Research on Chemical Constituents and Their Biological Activities of the Genus Actinidia. Nat. Prod. Bioprospect. 11, 573–609.
  8. Zhi Wang, Caihong Zhong., Dawei Li, et al. (2021) Cytotype distribution and chloroplast phylogeography of the Actinidia chinensis complex. BMC Plant Biol 21, 325.
  9. Wenqiu Wang,Jian Wang,Yingying Wu, Dawei Li, Andrew C. Allan*,Xueren Yin*. (2020). Genome‐wide analysis of coding and non‐coding RNA reveals a conserved miR164‐NAC regulatory pathway for fruit ripening[J]. New Phytologist, 225(4): 1618-1634.
  10. ShuaibingWang, Dawei Li, Yao Xiaohong, et al. (2019). Evolution and diversification of kiwifruit mitogenomes through extensive whole-genome rearrangement and mosaic loss of intergenic sequences in a highly variable region. Genome biology and evolution, 11(4), 1192-1206.
  11. Shuaiyu Zou, Xiaohong Yao, Caihong Zhong, Dawei Li, et al. (2019). Recurrent somatic embryogenesis and development of somatic embryos in Akebia trifoliata (Thunb.) Koidz (Lardizabalaceae). Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult 139, 493–504.
  12. PilkingtonSM, Crowhurst R, Hilario E… ..Dawei LI…et al. A manually annotated Actinidia chinensis var. chinensis (kiwifruit) genome highlights the challenges associated with draft genomes and gene prediction in plants. BMC Genomics 19, 257 (2018).
  13. Zupeng Wang, ShuaibingWang, Dawei Li, et al. (2018), Optimized paired-sgRNA/Cas9 cloning and expression cassette triggers high-efficiency multiplex genome editing in kiwifruit. Plant Biotechnol J, 16: 1424-1433.
  14. Tingting Zhao, Dawei LI, Li Li, et al. (2017). The differentiation of chilling requirements of kiwifruit cultivars related to ploidy variation. HortScience, 52(12), 1676-1679.
  15. Yifei Liu, Dawei LI, Qiong Zhang, et al. (2017). Rapid radiations of both kiwifruit hybrid lineages and their parents shed light on a two‐layer mode of species diversification[J]. New Phytologist, 215(2): 877-890.
  16. Ying Zhang, Caihong Zhong, Qiong Zhang, Xiaorong Sun, Dawei Li.(2017). Agronomic trait variations and ploidy differentiation of kiwiberries in northwest China : implication for breeding . Frontiers in Plant Science, 8: 711.
  17. HonourMcCann, Li Li, Yifei Liu, Dawei Li, et al. (2017). Origin and Evolution of the Kiwifruit Canker Pandemic. Genome Biol Evol. 9(4):932-944. doi: 10.1093/gbe/evx055.
  18. Zupeng Wang, Yifei Liu, Dawei Li, Li Li, Qiong Zhang, Shuaibin Wang, Hongwen Huang. (2017). Identification of Circular RNAs in Kiwifruit and Their Species-Specific Response to Bacterial Canker Pathogen Invasion. Front Plant Sci. 8: 413.
  19. 汪文杰,劉曉瑩,成暢,解瀟冬,李璐璐,白潔,劉普,鐘彩虹,李大衛.2021.鹽和乾旱脅迫及光質對獼猴桃葉片維生素C含量與合成基因表達的影響[J].果樹學報:1-13[2021-11-28]
  20. 劉彩艷,李大衛,楊石建,潘志立,金若涵,陳芳,郭雯. .2021.不同倍性獼猴桃的適生區預測及生態位分化[J].套用生態學, 32(09):3167-3176.
  1. 一種促進獼猴桃轉基因效率的光源組合盒及其套用。ZL202110459973.1。李大衛; 鐘彩虹; 劉曉瑩。發明專利。
  2. 快速構建配對sgRNA的Cas9雙元表達載體文庫的方法。ZL201710999410.5。李大衛;汪祖鵬;劉義飛;鐘彩虹;黃宏文。2021.07.29授權。發明專利。
  3. 一套中華和繁花獼猴桃種間雜交子代鑑定引物。ZL 201710251514.8。李大衛、鐘彩虹、劉義飛、黃宏文。2018.3.21授權。發明專利。
  1. 滿天紅2號,RC197,磨山雄1號,磨山雄3號,磨山雄2號,磨山雄5號,獼棗2號,獼棗1號,金美,綠珠,東玫,金梅,金玉,東紅,金圓。
  1. Dawei Li, Yifei Liu. Gene introgression from wild relatives. The Kiwifruit Genome, Chapter 18. Springer.2016.
  2. Huanghongwen. The Genus ACTINIDA A World Monograph. Elsevier. 2014.
  3. 《中國獼猴桃種質資源》,副主編,2013年
  4. 《獼猴桃屬》,編委,2013年
  5. 《獼猴桃栽培理論與生產技術》,編委,2020年
  6. 《獼猴桃生產精細管理十二個月》,編委,2020年


(1) 李大衛(3/10); 獼猴桃育種創新及產業化套用, 中國科學院, 科技進步獎, 省部一等獎, 2016。
(2) 李大衛(5/6); 特色獼猴桃新品種選育及產業化套用, 中國農業部, 科技進步獎, 省部一等獎, 2017。
(3) 李大衛(6/6); 獼猴桃種間雜交技術體系構建和新品種培育, 湖北省人民政府, 技術發明獎, 省部一等獎, 2015。


4.Scientific Committee of the 10.th International Kiwifruit Symposium
5.New Phytologist, Plant Biotechnology Journal, Plant Physiology等期刊審稿人。


