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  • 中文名:李國主
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 性別:男


職稱:研究員 學歷: 博士


李國主,男,1980年9月生於湖南。主要從事電離層探測技術與方法開發和電離層不均勻體研究。在JGR, GRL, Radio Sci.等國際重要期刊上發表論文多篇。多次擔任J. Geophys. Res, Geophys. Res. Lett, Radio Sci, Ann. Geophys, J. Atmos. and Solar-Terr. Phys, ASR和地球物理學報等雜誌審稿人。
1998.09-2002.07, 武漢大學,工學學士,專業為電子信息科學與技術
2002.09-2007.07, 中國科學院武漢物理與數學研究所,理學博士,專業為空間物理
2007.08-2009.12, 中國科學院地質與地球物理研究所博士後流動站
2010.01-2014,12 中國科學院地質與地球物理研究所副研究員
2014.12至今, 中國科學院地質與地球物理研究所研究員。


1. 電離層探測技術與方法
2. 電離層不均勻體/電離層閃爍
3. 流星天文




青年基金- 暴時東亞中低緯電離層不規則體變化特性研究(2010/01-2012/12)
面上基金- 流星尾跡小尺度結構的VHF相干散射雷達觀測研究(2012/01-2015/12)
面上基金- 電離層谷區不均勻體的地區特性和產生機制研究(2014/01-2017/12)
優秀青年基金- 低緯電離層物理(2015/01-2017/12)


  • URSI AP-RASC'13 Young Scientist Award.
  • URSI GASS 2014 Young Scientist Award.


1. Li, G., B. Ning, Y.-H. Chu, I. M. Reid, L. Hu, B. K. Dolman, J. Xiong, G.. Jiang, G. Yang, and C. Yan, Structural evolution of long-duration meteor trail irregularities driven by neutral wind, J. Geophys. Res., doi: 10.1002/2014JA020116, 2014, in press.
2. Li, G., B. Ning, W. Wan, I. M. Reid, L. Hu, X. Yue, J. P. Younger, and B. K. Dolman, Observational evidence of high altitude meteor trail from radar interferometer, Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, doi:10.1002/2014GL061478, 2014.
3. Li, G., B. Ning, and L. Hu, Interferometry observations of low-latitude E-region irregularity patches using the Sanya VHF radar. Sci China Tech Sci, 57: 1552-1561, doi: 10.1007/s11431-014-5592-3, 2014.
4. Li, G., B. Ning, A. K. Patra, M. A. Abdu, J. S. Chen, L. Liu and L. Hu, On the linkage of daytime 150-km echoes and abnormal intermediate layer traces over Sanya, J. Geophys. Res., DOI: 10.1002/2013JA019462, 2013.
5. Li, G., B. Ning, M. A. Abdu, Y. Otsuka, T. Yokoyama, M. Yamamoto, and L. Liu, Longitudinal characteristics of spread F backscatter plumes observed with the EAR and Sanya VHF radar in Southeast Asia, J. Geophys. Res., 118, doi:10.1002/jgra.50581, 2013.
6. Li, G., NING Bai-Qi, HU Lian-Huan, LI Ming. Observations on the field-aligned irregularities using Sanya VHF radar:2. Low latitude Ionospheric E-region quasi-periodic echoes in the East Asian sector. Chinese Journal Geophysics (in Chinese), 56(7): 2141-2151,doi: 10.6038/cjg20130701, 2013.
7. Li, G., B. Ning, M. A. Abdu, W. Wan, and L. Hu, Precursor signatures and evolution of post-sunset equatorial spread-F observed over Sanya, J. Geophys. Res., 117, A08321, doi:10.1029/2012JA017820, 2012.
8. Li, G., B. Ning, L. Liu, W. Wan, L. Hu, B. Zhao, and A.K. Patra, Equinoctial and June solstitical F-region irregularities over Sanya,Indian Journal of Radio & Space Physics (Special Issue), 41(2), 184-198, 2012.
9. Li, G., B. Ning, L. Hu, Y.-H. Chu, I. M. Reid, and B. Dolman, A comparison of lower thermospheric winds derived from range spread and specular meteor trail echoes, J. Geophys.Res., 117, A03310,doi:10.1029/2011JA016847, 2012.
10. Li, G., B. Ning, A. K. Patra, W. Wan, and L. Hu, Investigation of low-latitude E- and valley- region irregularities: their relationship to equatorial plasma bubble bifurcation, J. Geophys. Res., 116, A11319,doi:10.1029/2011JA016895, 2011.
11. Li, G., B. Ning, M. A. Abdu, X. Yue, L. Liu, W. Wan, and L. Hu, On the occurrence of postmidnight equatorial F region irregularities during the June solstice, J. Geophys. Res., 116, A04318, doi:10.1029/2010JA016056, 2011.
12. Li, G., B. Ning, L. Hu, L. Liu, X. Yue, W. Wan, B. Zhao, K. Igarashi, M. Kubota, Y. Otsuka, J. S. Xu, and J. Y. Liu, Longitudinal development of low-latitude ionospheric irregularities during the geomagnetic storms of July 2004, J. Geophys. Res., 115, A04304, doi:10.1029/2009JA014830,2010.
13. Li, G., B. Ning, Z. Ren, and L. Hu, Statistics of GPS ionospheric scintillation and irregularity over polar regions at solar minimum, GPS Solutions, doi:10.1007/s10291-009-0156-x, 2010.
14. Li, G., B. Ning, B. Zhao, L. Liu, W. Wan, F. Ding, J. S. Xu, J. Y. Liu, and K. Yumoto, Characterizing the 10 November 2004 storm-time middle-latitude plasma bubble event in Southeast Asia using multi-instrument observations, J. Geophys. Res., 114, A07304, doi:10.1029/2009JA014057, 2009.
15. Li, G., B. Ning, L. Liu, W. Wan, and J.Y. Liu, Effect of magnetic activity on plasma bubbles over equatorial and low-latitude regions in East Asia, Annales Geophysicae, 27, 303-312, 2009.
16. Li, G., B. Ning, L. Liu, B. Zhao, X. Yue, S.-Y. Su, and S. Venkatraman, Correlative study of plasma bubbles, evening equatorial ionization anomaly and equatorial pre-reversal E×B drifts at solar maximum, Radio Sci., 43, doi:10.1029/2007RS003760, 2008.
17. Li, G., B. Ning, B. Zhao, L. Liu, J. Y. Liu, and K. Yumoto, Effects of geomagnetic storm on GPS ionospheric scintillations at Sanya,J. Atmos. Sol. Terr. Phys., 70 (7), 1034-1045, 2008.
18. Li, G., B. Ning, L. Liu, Z. Ren, J. Lei, and S.-Y. Su, The correlation of longitudinal/seasonal variations of evening equatorial pre-reversal drift and of plasma bubbles, Annales Geophysicae, 25, 2571-2578, 2007.
19. Li, G., Ning, B., and Yuan, H., Analysis of ionospheric scintillation spectra and TEC in the Chinese low latitude region,Earth Planets Space, 59(4), 279-285, 2007.
20. Li, G., Ning, B., Wan, W., and Zhao, B., Observations of GPS ionospheric scintillations over Wuhan during geomagnetic storms, Annales Geophysicae, 24, 1581-1590, 2006.


