



  • 中文名:李古月
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:物理層安全,無線通信安全
  • 任職院校:東南大學網路空間安全學院








1. 基本科研扶持項目,物聯網邊緣安全接入的關鍵技術研究,2019/03-2021/03,4萬元,進行中,主持。
2. 國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目,61801115,移動通信FDD信道密鑰生成方法研究,2019/01-2021/12,22.5萬元,進行中,主持。
3. 科技服務項目,江蘇電力信息技術有限公司 基於設備指紋技術的無線接入安全管理平台委外研發服務採購, 2018-09-07-2019-12-30,116.1萬元,進行中,主持。
4. 新進教師啟動基金,3209008202,基於FDD信道特徵的物理層安全技術研究 2018年3月-2019年12月,10萬元,進行中,主持。
7.江蘇省自然科學基金青年項目, BK20160692,“基於物理層特徵的無線通信安全技術”,2016/07-2019/6,20萬元,進行中,參與。
[31]Guyue Li, Jiabao Yu, Yuexiu Xing, and Aiqun Hu. Location-invariant physical layer identification approach for WiFi devices. IEEE Access, pages 1–1, 2019.
[30] Jiabao Yu, Aiqun Hu, Fen Zhou, Yuexiu Xing, Yi Yu,Guyue Li, and Linning Peng. Radio frequency fingerprint identification based on denoising autoencoders. In Proc. 15th Int. Conf. Wireless Mobile Comput. Netw. Commun. (WiMob), pages 1–6, Barcelona, Spain, Oct. 2019.
[29] Yuexiu Xing, Aiqun Hu, Jiabao Yu,Guyue Li, Linning Peng and Fen Zhou, A Robust Radio Frequency Fingerprint Identification Scheme for LFM Pulse Radars, in Proc. IEEE Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob), Barcelona, Spain, 21 - 23 Oct, 2019, pp. 1-6.
[28]Li G, Zhang Z, Yu Y, Hu A, A Hybrid Information Reconciliation Method for Physical-layer Key Generation, Entropy. 2019; 21(7):688.
[27] 胡愛群,李古月, 彭林寧, 李濤. 融入思政的網路空間安全前沿技術教學探索[J]. 網路與信息安全學報, 2019, 5(3): 54-66.
[26] B. Liu, A. Hu andG. Li, Secret Key Generation Scheme Based on the Channel Covariance Matrix Eigenvalues in FDD Systems, accepted by IEEE Communications Letters.
[25] Junqing Zhang, Ming Ding,Guyue Liand Alan Marshall, Key Generation Based on Large Scale Fading, accepted by IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
[24]Li G, Sun C, Zhang J, Jorswieck E, Xiao B, Hu A. Physical Layer Key Generation in 5G and Beyond Wireless Communications: Challenges and Opportunities. Entropy. 2019; 21(5):497.
[23]Jiabao Yu, Aiqun Hu,Guyue Liand Linning Peng, A Robust RF Fingerprinting Approach Using Multi-Sampling Convolutional Neural Network, in IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 6786-6799, Aug. 2019.
[22] Xinyu Zhou, Aiqun Hu,Guyue Li, Linning Peng, Yuexiu Xing and Jiabao Yu, Design of a Robust RF Fingerprint Generation and Classification Scheme for Practical Device Identification, in Proc. IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), Washington, D.C., USA, 10-12 Jun. 2019, pp. 1-9.
[21]Guyue Li, Liangjun Hu, and Aiqun Hu, Lightweight Group Secret Key Generation Leveraging Non-Reconciled Received Signal Strength in Mobile Wireless Networks, in Proc. IEEE ICC Workshops (WPLS), Shanghai, China, 20-24. May, 2019.
[20] Zheying Zhang,Guyue Liand Aiqun Hu, An Adaptive Information Reconciliation Protocol for Physical-layer Based Secret Key Generation, in Proc. IEEE 89th Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2019-Spring, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 28 April – 1 May, 2019, pp. 1-5.
[19] Jiabao Yu, Aiqun Hu,Guyue Liand Linning Peng, A Multi-Sampling Convolutional Neural Network-Based RF Fingerprinting Approach for Low-Power Devices, in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM Workshop Internet of Things for Adversarial Environments (IoTAE), Paris, France, 29 April - 2 May, 2019, pp.1-6.
[18] Linning Peng,Guyue Li, Junqing Zhang, Roger Woods, Ming Liu, and Aiqun Hu, An Investigation of Using Loop-back Mechanism for Channel Reciprocity Enhancement in Secret Key Generation, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol.18, no.3, pp.507-519, 2019.
[17]Guyue Li, Aiqun Hu, Chen Sun and Junqing Zhang, Constructing Reciprocal Channel Coefficients for Secret Key Generation in FDD Systems, IEEE Communications Letters, vol.22, no.12, pp.2487-2490, 2018.
[16] Yuexiu Xing, Aiqun Hu, Junqing Zhang, Linning Peng andGuyue Li, On Radio Frequency Fingerprint Identification for DSSS Systems in Low SNR Scenarios,IEEE Communications Letters, vol.22, no.11, pp.2326-2329, 2018.
[15] Linning Peng,Guyue Li, Junqing Zhang, and Aiqun Hu, Securing M2M Transmissions Using Nonreconciled Secret Keys Generated from Wireless ChannelsMeasurements, in Proc.IEEE GLOBECOM Workshop Trusted Commun. with Physical Layer Security (TCPLS), Abu Dhabi, UAE, 9-13 Dec. 2018, pp.1-6.
[14] Liangjun Hu,Guyue Li, Aiqun Hu and Congcong Cao,Lightweight group key distribution method based on high similar wireless channel characteristics,in Proc. of 18th IEEE International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT 2018), Chongqing,8-11 Oct.2018, pp.1-5.
[13]Guyue Li, Aiqun Hu, Junqing Zhang, Lining Peng, Chen Sun and Daming Cao, High-Agreement Uncorrelated Secret Key Generation Based on Principal Component Analysis Preprocessing,IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol.66, no.7, pp.3022-3034, 2018.
[12]G. Li, A. Hu, J. Zhang, and B. Xiao, Security Analysis of a Novel Artificial Randomness Approach for Fast Key Generation, in Proc. of the IEEE GLOBECOM (GLOBECOM-2017), Singapore, 4-8 Dec. 2017, pp. 1-6.
[11] Linning Peng,Guyue Liand Aiqun Hu, Channel Reciprocity Improvement of Secret Key Generation with Loop-back Transmissions, in Proc. of the 17th IEEE International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT 2017), Chengdu, 27-30 Oct. 2017, pp. 1-6.
[9]G. Li, and A. Hu, Virtual MIMO-based Cooperative Beamforming and Jamming Scheme for the Clustered Wireless Sensor Network Security, in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC), Chengdu, 14-17 Oct. 2016, pp.2246-2250.
[8]G. Li, and A. Hu, MISO Secrecy Transmission via Designing Artificial Noise by Receiver under Perfect and Imperfect CSI”, in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC), Chengdu, 14-17 Oct. 2016, pp.2664-2668.
[7]G. Li, A. Hu, L. Peng, and C. Sun, “The optimal preprocessing approach for secret key generation from OFDM channel measurements,” in Proc.IEEE GLOBECOM Workshop Trusted Commun. with Physical Layer Security (TCPLS), Washington DC, Dec. 2016, pp.1-6.
[6]Guyue Li, Aiqun Hu, Yaning Zou, Linning Peng, Mikko Valkama, A Novel Transform for Secret Key Generation in Time-varying TDD Channel under Hardware Fingerprint Deviation, in Proc.IEEE 82th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2015-Fall), Boston, Sep. 2015, pp.1-5.
[5]Guyue Li, Aiqun Hu, Yongming Huang, A Novel Artificial Noise Aided Security Scheme to Resist Blind Source Separation Attacks, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2014,59(32):4225-4234.
[4]李古月,胡愛群,石樂.無線信道的密鑰生成方法[J]. 密碼學報, 2014, 1(3): 211–224.
[3]胡愛群,李古月.無線通信物理層安全方法綜述[J]. 數據採集與處理 , 2014, 29(3): 341–350.
[2]Guyue Li, Aiqun Hu, An Approach to Resist Blind Source Separation Attacks of Speech Signals, IET CSC2014: 1-7.
[1] Xue Mingfu, Hu Aiqun, Huang Yi,Li Guyue, Monte Carlo based Test Pattern Generation for Hardware Trojan Detection, IEEE DASC2013:131 - 136.
1. 發明專利 基於主成分分析的信道互易性增強方法 201610539867.3 授權 CN 106211149 A 2016.12.07李古月,胡愛群,王棟,韓遠致,李晶琪
2. 發明專利 基於酉變換預處理的無線信道特徵變級量化方法 201610539956.8 授權 CN 106027242 A 2016.10.12李古月,胡愛群,李晶琪,王棟,韓遠致
3. 發明專利 基於無線信道特徵的輕量級組密鑰分發方法 受理 201810513227.4 2018.05.25 CN108696867A李古月,胡愛群,胡良君
4. 發明專利 基於多徑分離的頻分雙工系統中互易信道係數構建方法 受理 201810830831.X 2018.07.26李古月,胡愛群,劉博謙 CN109039922A
5. 發明專利 一種基於路徑相位差分的頻分雙工系統互易信道參數構建方法 受理 201810830832.4 2018.07.26李古月,胡愛群,劉博謙
6. 發明專利 一種頻分雙工系統中的密鑰提取方法 受理 201910067771.5 2019.01.24 胡愛群,劉博謙,李古月
7. 發明專利 一種基於多採樣卷積神經網路的射頻指紋提取和識別方法 受理 201910080034.9 胡愛群,俞佳寶,李古月,彭林寧
8. 發明專利 一種魯棒的低功耗設備射頻指紋識別方法 受理 201910080693.2 胡愛群,俞佳寶,彭林寧,李古月
9. 發明專利 一種基於初始密鑰不一致率的生成密鑰自適應調和方法 受理 201910333552.7李古月胡愛群 張喆穎
10. 發明專利 一種結合BBBSS協定與BCH碼的生成密鑰部分調和方法 受理 201910333854.4李古月胡愛群 張喆穎
11. 發明專利 基於幅度取余的無線信道密鑰隨機性增強方法 受理 201910375302.X李古月 楊海譽 何川


