2004.9 -- 2009.6 博士 武漢大學 攝影測量與遙感 ;
2007.9 -- 2008.9 聯合培養 美國 George Mason 大學 ;
2000.9 -- 2004.7 學士 武漢大學 攝影測量與遙感 。
2014.01 至今 中國地質大學(武漢), 副教授
2014.08 -- 2015.07 美國南卡羅萊納大學
2011.02 -- 2011.10 美國辛辛那提大學
2009.07 -- 2013.12 中國地質大學(武漢), 講師
雷射雷達 ( LiDAR ) 數據處理與分析, 遙感數據分析與套用, 地理信息系統
21.Li, H.; Wang, C.; Zhong, C.; Su, A.; Xiong, C.; Wang, J.; Liu, J. Mapping Urban Bare Land Automatically from Landsat Imagery with a Simple Index.Remote Sens.2017,9, 249.
20.Hui Li, Cheng Zhong.A machine vision based autonomous navigation system for lunar rover: the model and key technique. Sensor Review. 2016, 36(4), 377 - 385.
19. Hui Li, Asif Chowdhury, Gabriel Terejanu, Anindya Chanda, Sourav Banerjee. A Stacked Gaussian Process for Predicting Geographical Incidence of Aflatoxin with Quantified Uncertainties.ACMSIGSPATIAL2015
18. Hui Li, Cheng Zhong, Xianfeng Huang. New Methodologies for Precise Building Boundary Extraction from LiDAR Data and High Resolution Image. Sensor Review. 2013, 33(2), 157–165.
17. Xi Li, Xiaoling Chen, Yousong Zhao, Jia Xu, Fengrui Chen, Hui Li.Automatic intercalibration of night-time light imagery using robust regression. Remote Sensing Letters. 2013, 4(1), 45-54.
16. Hui Li, Cheng Zhong, Xianfeng Huang, (2012) Reliable registration of LiDAR data and aerial images without orientation parameters, Sensor Review, 32(4), pp.280 – 287.
15. Hui Li. Road Extraction and Modeling with LiDAR and RS Image in Urban Area. Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica. 2012(1), 332.
14. Hui Li, Cheng Zhong, Xianfeng Huang, Deren Li. Automatic Overpass Detection with LiDAR and Remote Sensing Image. Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica. 2012(3), pp. 428-433.
13. 李卉 , 鐘成 , 黃先鋒 , 李德仁 . 基於空間特性的立交橋自動檢測方法 . 武漢大學學報 ( 信息科學版 ). 2012, 37(1), pp 110-113.
12. 李卉 , 鐘成 , 李德仁 , 邵振鋒 , 投影變換過程的可靠性評價 . 武漢理工大學學報 ( 交通版 ). 2011, 35(1), pp 83-86.
11. Jun Huang, Long Xiao, Xinxing He, Le Qiao, Jiannan Zhao,Hui Li. Geological characteristics and model ages of Marius Hills on the Moon. Journal of Earth Science. 2011, 22(5):601-609.
10. Xiaoguang Hu, Xinyan Zhu, Hui Li, Deren Li. Traffic sign detection based on visual attention model.International Conference on Geoinformatics,2011:1-5
9.Xiaoguang Hu, Xinyan Zhu, Deren Li, Hui Li . Traffic Sign Recognition using Scale Invariant Feature Transform and SVM. ASPRS AutoCarto 2010, Orlando, US
8. Hui Li, Cheng Zhong, Zhi Zhang. A Comprehensive Quality Evaluation System for Coordinate Transformation. isdpe 2010, pp.15-20.
7.李卉 , 鐘成 , 黃先鋒 , 李德仁 . 基於 LiDAR 和 RS 影像的道路三維模型重建研究進展 . 測繪信息與工程 , 2010, 35(1), pp 30-32.
6. Huang Xianfeng,Li Hui,Wang Xiao,Zhang Fan.Filter Algorithms of Airborne LiDAR Data: Review and Prospects. 2009,38(5), pp 466-469.
5. Hui Li, Deren Li, Xianfeng Huang, Cheng Zhong.Advanced adaptive TIN filter for LIDAR point clouds data. Science of surveying and mapping. 2009(03), pp 39-40.
4. Hui Li , L.D., Xianfeng Huang, Deren Li. Laser Intensity Used in Classification of LiDAR Point Cloud Data . in IGARSS. 2008. Boston, USA .
3. Xianfeng Huang, X.C., Fan Zhang, Jianya Gong, Hui Li . Exact topological Boundary Tracing for Building Model Reconstruction from Airborne laser Data . in IGARSS. 2008. Boston, USA .
2. Hui Li , Deren Li, Xianfeng Huang. Automatic estimation of LIDAR points data spatial resolution distribution . in GeoInformatics. 2007. Nanjing , China .
1. Xianfeng Huang, Hui Li, Wanshou Jiang, Jianya Gong. A Survey of Research on Accuracy Analysis and Improvement of Airborne Laser Scanning Data. 2007 (3),pp1-4.