李二超,男,海南大學海洋學院教授、 碩、博士研究生導師,《Journal of the World Aquaculture Society》、《水生生物學報》、《動物營養學報》評審專家;中國水產學會、上海水產學會、中國甲殼動物學會會員。
- 中文名:李二超
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 職業:大學教師
- 畢業院校:海南大學

2010.6-2011.7,博士後,水產動物營養與健康,美國農業部農業科學研究院水生動物健康研究中心(Aquatic Animal Health Research Unit‚Agriculture Research Service‚USDA);
2007.9-2008.6,聯合培養博士,水產動物分子營養學,法國國立自然然博物館海洋生物研究中心(Station de Biologie marine du Muséum national d´Histoire naturelle);
2008.3-2008.5,訪問博士生,水產動物分子營養學,墨西哥國立自治大學教育科學學Sisal分校(Unidad Multidisciplinaria de Docencia e Investigacion‚UNAM-Sisal);
1.2017.7-今 教授,海南大學海洋學院水產系
2.2015.9-2016.7 訪問學者,佛羅里達大學生理學系人類和環境毒理學中心(Center for Environmental and Human toxicology, University of Florida)
3.2011.8-2017.6 副研究員,華東師範大學生命科學學院
4.2010.6-2011.7 博士後,水產動物營養與健康美國農業部農業科學研究院水生動物健康研究中心(Aquatic Animal Health Research Unit? Agriculture Research Service? USDA)
5.2008.7-2011.7 助理研究員,華東師範大學生命科學學院
201201-201612,“十二五”國家行業支撐項目(子課題),89.5萬 第二
201201-201512,國家自然科學基金(面上基金,62萬 第三
201201-201512,上海市自然科學基金,10萬 第二
1. 2016年上海市科學技術獎一等獎(第8)
9. 2012年上海市水產學會優秀論文二等獎(第五作者)
10. 2012年上海市水產學會優秀論文二等獎(第五作者)
11. 2012 年上海市水產學會優秀論文二等獎(第八作者)
12. 2012 年上海市水產學會優秀論文三等獎(第四作者)
13. 2007年中國水產學會年會優秀論文獎(第一作者)
14. 2007-2008年度上海市水產學會優秀論文三等獎(第一作者)
15. 2005-2006年度上海市水產學會優秀論文一等獎(第四作者)
16. 2005年度遼寧省水產學會優秀論文一等獎(第一作者)
17. 2004年度上海市水產學會優秀論文二等獎(第一作者)
18. 2004年中國水產學會第五屆青年學術年會優秀論文二等獎(第一作者)
Cui, Y., Ma, Q., Limbu, S. M., Du, Z., Zhang, N.,Li, E., & Chen, L. 2017. Effects of dietary protein to energy ratios on growth, body composition and digestive enzyme activities in Chinese mitten-handed crab, Eriocheir sinensis.Aquaculture Research, 48(5): 2243-2252.
Li, E., Wang, X., Chen, K., Xu, C., Qin, J. G., & Chen, L. 2017. Physiological change and nutritional requirement of Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei at low salinity. Reviews in Aquaculture, 9(1): 57-75.
Li, Q., Zhu, H. Y., Wei, J. J., Zhang, F., Li, E. C., Du, Z. Y., Qin, J. G., & Chen, L. Q. 2017. Effects of dietary lipid sources on growth performance, lipid metabolism and antioxidant status of juvenile Russian sturgeon Acipenser
gueldenstaedtii. Aquaculture Nutrition, 23(3): 500-510.
gueldenstaedtii. Aquaculture Nutrition, 23(3): 500-510.
Li, Q., Zhu, H., Li, E., Qin, J., & Chen, L. 2017. Growth performance, lipid requirement and antioxidant capacity of juvenile Russian sturgeon Acipenser gueldenstaedti fed various levels of linoleic and linolenic acids. Aquaculture Research, 48(6): 3216-3229.
Li, T., Li, E., Suo, Y., Xu, Z., Jia, Y., Qin, J. G., Chen, L., & Gu, Z. 2017. Energy metabolism and metabolomics response of Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei to sulfide toxicity. Aquatic Toxicology, 183: 28-37.
Qiao, F., Liu, Y. K., Sun, Y. H., Wang, X. D., Chen, K., Li, T. Y., Li, E. C., & Zhang, M. L. 2017. Influence of different dietary carbohydrate sources on the growth and intestinal microbiota of Litopenaeus vannamei at low salinity. Aquaculture Nutrition, 23(3): 444-452.
Suo, Y., Li, E., Li, T., Jia, Y., Qin, J. G., Gu, Z., & Chen, L. 2017. Response of gut health and microbiota to sulfide exposure in Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 63: 87-96.
Wang, X. D., Li, E. C., Chen, K., Wang, S. F., Li, T. Y., Xu, C., Yu, N., Qin, J. G., & Chen, L. Q. 2017. Response of facilitative glucose transporter 1 to salinity stress and dietary carbohydrate nutrition in white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei. Aquaculture Nutrition, 23(1): 90-100.
Wang, X., Li, E., Xu, Z., Li, T., Xu, C., & Chen, L. 2017. Molecular response of carbohydrate metabolism to dietary carbohydrate and acute low salinity stress in pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 17(1): 153-169.
Xu, C., Li, E., Liu, Y., Wang, S., Wang, X., Chen, K., Qin, J. G., & Chen, L. 2017. Effect of dietary lipid level on growth, lipid metabolism and health status of the Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei at two salinities, Aquaculture Nutrition.
Xu, C., Li, E., Liu, Y., Wang, X., Qin, J. G., & Chen, L. 2017. Comparative proteome analysis of the hepatopancreas from the Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei under long-term low salinity stress. Journal of Proteomics, 162: 1-10.
Zhu, H., He, A., Chen, L., Qin, J., Li, E., Li, Q., Wang, H., Zhang, T., & Su, X. 2017. Effects of dietary lipid level and n-3/n-6 fatty acid ratio on growth, fatty acid composition and lipid peroxidation in Russian sturgeon Acipenser gueldenstaedtii. Aquaculture Nutrition, 23(4): 879-890.
Zhu, H., Li, Q., Wang, H., Zhu, T., Qin, J., Li, E., & Chen, L. 2017. Growth, fatty acid composition and lipid deposition of Russian sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii) fed different lipid sources. Aquaculture Research, 48(9): 5126-5132.
Chen, Y., Chen, L., Qin, J. G., Ding, Z., Li, M., Jiang, H., Sun, S., Kong, Y., & Li, E. 2016. Growth and immune response of Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) fed diets containing different lipid sources. Aquaculture Research, 47(6): 1984-1995.
Gan, L., Xu, Z. X., Ma, J. J., Xu, C., Wang, X. D., Chen, K., Chen, L. Q., & Li, E. C. 2016. Effects of salinity on growth, body composition, muscle fatty acid composition, and antioxidant status of juvenile Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758). Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 32(2): 372-374.
Li, M., Chen, L., Qin, J. G., Yu, N., Chen, Y., Ding, Z., & Li, E. 2016. Growth, immune response and resistance to Aeromonas hydrophila of darkbarbel catfish Pelteobagrus vachelli fed diets with different linolenic acids, vitamins C and E levels. Aquaculture Nutrition, 22(3): 664-674.
Wang, H., Li, E., Zhu, H., Du, Z., Qin, J., & Chen, L. 2016. Dietary copper requirement of juvenile Russian sturgeon Acipenser gueldenstaedtii. Aquaculture, 454: 118-124.
Wang, X., Li, E., Xu, C., Qin, J. G., Wang, S., Chen, X., Cai, Y., Chen, K., Gan, L., Yu, N., Du, Z. Y., & Chen, L. 2016. Growth, body composition, ammonia tolerance and hepatopancreas histology of white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei fed diets containing different carbohydrate sources at low salinity. Aquaculture Research, 47(6): 1932-1943.
Wang, X., Li, E., & Chen, L. 2016. A Review of Carbohydrate Nutrition and Metabolism in Crustaceans. North American Journal of Aquaculture, 78(2): 178-187.
Xu, C., Li, E., Xu, Z., Wang, S., Chen, K., Wang, X., Li, T., Qin, J. G., & Chen, L. 2016. Molecular characterization and expression of AMP-activated protein kinase in response to low-salinity stress in the Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part - B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 198: 79-90.
Xu, Z., Li, E., Xu, C., Gan, L., Qin, J. G., & Chen, L. 2016. Response of AMP-activated protein kinase and energy metabolism to acute nitrite exposure in the Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus. Aquatic Toxicology, 177: 86-97.
Xu, Z., Li, T., Li, E., Chen, K., Ding, Z., Qin, J. G., Chen, L., & Ye, J. 2016. Comparative transcriptome analysis reveals molecular strategies of oriental river prawn Macrobrachium nipponense in response to acute and chronic nitrite stress. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 48: 254-265.
Zhang, F., Chen, L., Zhao, W., Wu, P., Li, E., Yu, N., Qin, J., & Ma, L. 2016. Two genes with fertile attributes from Macrobrachium nipponense (De Haan, 1849) (Natantia: Palaemonidae): Evidence from expression analysis of Mago nashi and Tsunagi proteins during oocyte maturation and embryonic development. Journal of Crustacean Biology, 36(2): 229-237.
Zhang, M., Sun, Y., Chen, L., Cai, C., Qiao, F., Du, Z., & Li, E. 2016. Symbiotic bacteria in gills and guts of Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) differ from the free-living bacteria in water. PLoS ONE, 11(1).
Zhang, M., Sun, Y., Liu, Y., Qiao, F., Chen, L., Liu, W. T., Du, Z., & Li, E. 2016. Response of gut microbiota to salinity change in two euryhaline aquatic animals with reverse salinity preference. Aquaculture, 454: 72-80.
Chen, K., Li, E., Li, T., Xu, C., Wang, X., Lin, H., Qin, J.G., Chen, L., 2015a. Transcriptome and molecular pathway analysis of the hepatopancreas in the Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei under chronic low-salinity stress. PLoS ONE 10.
Chen, K., Li, E., Xu, C., Wang, X., Lin, H., Qin, J.G., Chen, L., 2015b. Evaluation of different lipid sources in diet of pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei at low salinity. Aquaculture Reports 2, 163-168.
Chen, K., Li, E., Xu, Z., Li, T., Xu, C., Qin, J.G., Chen, L., 2015c. Comparative transcriptome analysis in the hepatopancreas tissue of pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei fed different lipid sources at low salinity. PLoS ONE 10.
Li, M., Chen, L., Li, E., Yu, N., Ding, Z., Chen, Y., Qin, J.G., 2015. Growth, immune response and resistance to Aeromonas hydrophila of darkbarbel catfish, Pelteobagrus vachelli (Richardson), fed diets with different linolenic acid levels. Aquaculture Research 46, 789-800.
Wang, L., Chen, L., Qin, J., Li, E., Yu, N., Du, Z., Kong, Y., Qi, J., 2015a. Effect of dietary lipids and vitamin E on growth performance, body composition, anti-oxidative ability and resistance to Aeromonas hydrophila challenge of juvenile Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis. Aquaculture Research 46, 2544-2558.
Wang, L.G., Li, E.C., Qin, J.G., Du, Z.Y., Yu, N., Kong, Y.Q., Feng, D.X., Chen, L.Q., 2015b. Effect of oxidized fish oil and α-tocopherol on growth, antioxidation status, serum immune enzyme activity and resistance to Aeromonas hydrophila challenge of Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis. Aquaculture Nutrition 21, 414-424.
Wang, X., Wang, S., Li, C., Chen, K., Qin, J.G., Chen, L., Li, E., 2015c. Molecular Pathway and Gene Responses of the Pacific White Shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei to Acute Low Salinity Stress. Journal of Shellfish Research 34, 1037-1048.
Wang, X.D., Li, E.C., Wang, S.F., Qin, J.G., Chen, X.F., Lai, Q.M., Chen, K., Xu, C., Gan, L., Yu, N., Du, Z.Y., Chen, L.Q., 2015d. Protein-sparing effect of carbohydrate in the diet of white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei at low salinity. Aquaculture Nutrition 21, 904-912.
Xu, Z., Gan, L., Li, T., Xu, C., Chen, K., Wang, X., Qin, J.G., Chen, L., Li, E., 2015. Transcriptome profiling and molecular pathway analysis of genes in association with salinity adaptation in Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus. PLoS ONE 10.
Chen, K., Li, E., Gan, L., Wang, X., Xu, C., Lin, H., Qin, J.G., Chen, L., 2014. Growth and lipid metabolism of the pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei at different salinities. Journal of Shellfish Research 33, 825-832.
Ding, Z., Chen, L., Du, Z., Jiang, H., Sun, S., Li, E., 2014a. A mixture of fish oil and soybean oil as a dietary lipid source prevents precocity and promotes growth in juvenile Macrobrachium nipponense (De Haan). Aquaculture Research 45, 1567-1572.
Ding, Z.L., Chen, L.Q., Qin, J.G., Sun, S.M., Li, E.C., Yu, N., Li, M., Chen, Y.L., Kong, Y.Q., 2014b. Molecular cloning, characterization and expression analysis of the fatty acid-binding protein (MnFABP), involved in dietary lipid sources response in oriental river prawn, Macrobrachium nipponense. Aquaculture Nutrition 20, 399-409.
He, A.Y., Liu, C.Z., Chen, L.Q., Ning, L.J., Zhang, M.L., Li, E.C., Du, Z.Y., 2014. Identification, characterization and nutritional regulation of two isoforms of acyl-coenzyme A oxidase 1 gene in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Gene 545, 30-35.
Kong, Y.Q., Ding, Z.L., Du, Z.Y., Sun, S.M., Wang, L.G., Li, E.C., Chen, L.Q., 2014. Dietary copper requirement of juvenile Oriental river prawn Macrobrachium nipponense, and its effects on growth, antioxidant activities, and resistance to Aeromonas hydrophila. Israeli Journal of Aquaculture - Bamidgeh 66.
Li, E., Wang, S., Li, C., Wang, X., Chen, K., Chen, L., 2014a. Transcriptome sequencing revealed the genes and pathways involved in salinity stress of Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis. Physiological Genomics 46, 177-190.
Li, M., Yu, N., Qin, J.G., Li, E., Du, Z., Chen, L., 2014b. Effects of ammonia stress, dietary linseed oil and Edwardsiella ictaluri challenge on juvenile darkbarbel catfish Pelteobagrus vachelli. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 38, 158-165.
Wang, X., Li, E., Qin, J.G., Wang, S., Chen, X., Cai, Y., Chen, K., Hou, Y., Yu, N., Zhang, M., Du, Z., Chen, L., 2014. Growth, body composition, and ammonia tolerance of juvenile white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei fed diets containing different carbohydrate levels at low salinity. Journal of Shellfish Research 33, 511-517.
Wei, J., Yu, N., Tian, W., Zhang, F., Wu, Q., Li, E., Zhang, M., Du, Z., Qin, J., Chen, L., 2014. Dietary vitamin B12 requirement and its effect on non-specific immunity and disease resistance in juvenile Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis. Aquaculture 434, 179-183.
Xiao, B.C., Li, E.C., Du, Z.Y., Jiang, R.L., Chen, L.Q., Yu, N., 2014. Effects of temperature and salinity on metabolic rate of the Asiatic clam Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774). SpringerPlus 3.
Yu, N., Li, E., Feng, D., Xiao, B., Wei, C., Zhang, M., Chen, L., 2014. Correlations between zooplankton assemblages and environmental factors in the downtown rivers of Shanghai, China. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology 32, 1352-1363.
Zhang, M., Sun, Y., Chen, K., Yu, N., Zhou, Z., Chen, L., Du, Z., Li, E., 2014. Characterization of the intestinal microbiota in Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, fed diets with different lipid sources. Aquaculture 434, 449-455.
Zhao, D.X., Chen, L.Q., Qin, J.G., Qin, C.J., Zhang, H., Wu, P., Li, E.C., 2014. Molecular characterization of a cytosolic manganese superoxide dismutase from the chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis. Genetics and Molecular Research 13, 9429-9442.
Li, E., Lim, C., Klesius, P. H. and Welker, T. L.,2013. Growth, Body Fatty Acid Composition, Immune Response, and Resistance to Streptococcus iniae of Hybrid Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus × Oreochromis aureus, Fed Diets Containing Various Levels of Linoleic and Linolenic Acids. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 44:42–55.
Wang, X., Li,E., Xiong, Z., Chen, K., Yu, N., Du, Z., Chen, L., 2013.Low salinity decreases the tolerance to two
pesticides, beta-cypermethrin and acephate, of white-leg Shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei. J Aquac Res Development 4:190.(通訊作者)
pesticides, beta-cypermethrin and acephate, of white-leg Shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei. J Aquac Res Development 4:190.(通訊作者)
Li,M., Chen, L., Qin, J.G., Li, E., Yu, N., Du, Z., 2013. Growth performance, antioxidant status and immune response in darkbarbel catfish Pelteobagrus vachelli fed different PUFA/vitamin E dietary levels and exposed to high or low ammonia. Aquaculture, 406-407, 18-27.(通訊作者)
Chen, K., Li, E., Yu, N., Du, Z., Chen, L., 2013. Biochemical composition and nutritional value analysis of Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis, grown in pond. Global Advanced Research Journal of Agriculture Science, 2, 165-174.(通訊作者)
Jiang, X., Chen, L., Qin, J., Qin, C., Jiang, H., Li, E., 2013. Effects of dietary soybean oil inclusion to replace fish oil on growth, muscle fatty acid composition, and immune responses of juvenile barkbarbel catfish, Pelteobagrus vachelli. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 8, 1492-1499.
Wang, Y., Li, E.*, Yu, N., Wang, X., Cai, C., Tang, B., Chen, L., Wormhoudt, A.V., 2012. Characterization and expression of glutamate dehydrogenase in response to acute salinity stress in the Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis. PLoS ONE 7(5), e37316. (通訊作者)
Li, E., Lim, C., Cai, C., Klesius, P., 2012. Enhancement effects of dietary wheat distiller’s dried grains with solubles on growth, immunology, and resistance to Edwardsiella ictaluri of Channel catfish, Ictalurus puntatus. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society. 43, 814-827.
Jiang, H.B., Chen, L.Q., Li, E.C., Jiang, X.Q., Sun, S.M., 2012. Partial or total replacement of soybean meal by cottonseed meal in practical diets for chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis: Effects on oxygen consumption, ammonia excretion, O:N ratio and amino transferases activities. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 12 (3), 547-554.
Jiang, H.-B., Chen, L.-Q., Qin, J.-G., Gao, L.-J., Li, E.-C., Yu, N., Sun, S.-M., Jiang, X.-Q. 2012. Partial or complete substitution of fish meal with soybean meal and cottonseed meal in Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis diets. Aquaculture International, 1-12.
Kong, L., Cai, C., Ye, Y., Chen, D., Wu, P., Li, E., Chen, L., Song, L. 2012.Comparison of non-volatile compounds and sensory characteristics of Chinese mitten crabs (Eriocheir sinensis) reared in lakes and ponds: Potential environmental factors (2012) Aquaculture, 364-365, 96-102.
Sun, S., Chen, L., Qin, J., Ye, J., Qin, C., Jiang, H., Li, E. 2012. Molecular cloning, characterization and mRNA expression of copper-binding protein hemocyanin subunit. in Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, Article in Press.
Xu, M., Long, L., Chen, L., Qin, J., Zhang, L., Yu, N., Li, E. 2012. Cloning and differential expression pattern of pituitary adenylyl cyclase-activating polypeptide and the PACAP-specific receptor in darkbarbel catfish Pelteobagrus vachelli. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - B Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 161 (1), 41-53.
Ding, Z., Chen, L., Du, Z., Jiang, H., Sun, S., Li, E., 2012. A mixture of fish oil and soybean oil as a dietary lipid source prevents precocity and promotes growth in juvenile Macrobrachium nipponense (De Hann). Aquaculture Research, 1-6.
Li, E., Lim, C., Cai, C., Klesius, P., 2011. Growth response and resistance to Streptococcus iniae of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, fed diets containing different levels of wheat distiller’s dried grains with solubles with or without lysine supplementation. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol.170, 246-255.
Lim, C., Li, E., Klesius, P., 2011. Distiller’s dried grains with solubles as an alternative protein source in diets of tilapia. Reviews in Aquaculture 3,172-178.
Li, E., Arena, L., Lizama, G., Gzxiola, G., Cuzon, G., Rosas, Carlos, Chen, L., Van Wormhoudt, A., 2011. Glutamate dehydrogenase and Na+-K+ ATPase expression and growth response of Litopenaesus vannamei to different salinities and dietary protein levels. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology 29, 343-349.
Cai, C., Li, E., Ye, Y., Krogdahl, A., Jiang, G., Wang, Y., Chen, L. 2011. Effect of dietary graded levels of cottonseed meal and gossypol on growth performance, body composition and health aspects of allogynogenetic silver crucian carp, Carassius auratus gibelio♀×Cyprinus carpio♂. Aquaculture Nutrition, 17 (4), 353-360.
Zhao, W., Chen, L., Qin, J., Wu, P., Zhang, F., Li, E., Tang, B. 2011. MnHSP90 cDNA characterization and its expression during the ovary development in oriental river prawn, Macrobrachium nipponense. Molecular Biology Reports, 38 (2), 1399-1406.
Zhang, H., Chen, L., Qin, J., Zhao, D., Wu, P., Qin, C., Yu, N., Li, E. 2011. Molecular cloning, characterization and expression of a C-type lectin cDNA in Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 31 (2), 358-363.
Sun, S., Chen, M., Chen, L.Q., Jiang, H., Li, E. 2011. Optimal dietary copper and zinc requirements for juvenile Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis. Israeli Journal of Aquaculture - Bamidgeh, 63 (1)
Li, E., Yu, N., Chen, L., Zeng, C., Liu, L., Qin, J.G., 2010. Dietary vitamin B6 requirement of the pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, at low salinity. Journal of World Aquaculture Society 41, 756-763.
Qin, C., Chen, L., Qin, J.G., Zhao, D., Zhang, H., Wu, P., Li, E., Yu, N. 2010. Molecular cloning and characterization of alpha 2-macroglobulin (α2-M) from the haemocytes of Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 29 (2), 195-203.
Qin, C., Chen, L., Qin, J.G., Zhao, D., Zhang, H., Wu, P., Li, E. 2010. Characterization of a serine proteinase homologous (SPH) in Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis. Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 34 (1), 14-18.
Zhang, F., Chen, L., Wu, P., Zhao, W., Li, E., Qin, J. 2010. cDNA cloning and expression of Ubc9 in the developing embryo and ovary of oriental river prawn, Macrobrachium nipponense. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - B Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 155 (3), 288-293.
Li, E., Arena, L., Chen, L., Qin, J.G., Van Wormhoudt, A., 2009. Characterization and tissue specific expression ot the two glutamate dehydrogenase cDNAs in Pacific white shrimp, Litopeaneus vannamei. Journal of Crustacean Biology 29,379-386.
Hong, M., Chen, L., Qin, J.G., Sun, X., Li, E., Gu, S., Yu, N. 2009. Acute tolerance and metabolic responses of Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) juveniles to ambient nitrite. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - C Toxicology and Pharmacology, 149 (3), 419-426. C
Peng, S., Chen, L., Qin, J.G., Hou, J., Yu, N., Long, Z., Li, E., Ye, J. 2009. Effects of dietary vitamin e supplementation on growth performance, lipid peroxidation and tissue fatty acid composition of black sea bream (Acanthopagrus schlegeli) fed oxidized fish oil. Aquaculture Nutrition, 15 (3), 329-337.
Zhao, D., Chen, L., Qin, C., Zhang, H., Wu, P., Li, E., Chen, L., Qin, J. 2009. Molecular cloning and characterization of the lipopolysaccharide and β-1, 3-glucan binding protein in Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - B Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 154 (1), 17-24.
YU, N., CHEN, S., LI, E., CHEN, J., CHEN, L. 2009. Tolerance of Physocypria kraepelini (Crustacean, Ostracoda) to water-borne ammonia, phosphate and pH value. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 21 (11), 1575-1580.
Li, E., Xiong, Z., Chen, L., Zheng, C., Li, K.., 2008. Acute toxicity of boron to juvenile white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, at two salinities. Aquaculture 278, 175-178.
Li, E., Chen, L., Zheng, C., Yu, N., Xiong, Z., Chen, X., Qin, J.G., 2008. Comparison of digestive and antioxidant enzymes activities, haemolymph oxyhemocyanin contents and hepatopancreas histology of white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, at various salinities. Aquaculture 274, 80-86.
Li, E., Chen, L., Zeng, C., Chen, X., Yu, N., Lai, Q., Qin, J.G.,2007. Growth, body composition, respiration and ambient ammonia nitrogen tolerance of the juvenile white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, at different salinities. Aquaculture 265, 385-390.
Hong, M., Chen, L., Gu, S., Liu, C., Zhang, L., Li, E. 2007. Effect of temperature change on immunochemical indexes of Eriocheir sinensis (2007) Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology, 13 (6), 818-822.
Li, K., Chen, L., Zhou, Z., Li, E., Zhao, X., Guo, H. 2006. The site of vitellogenin synthesis in Chinese mitten-handed crab Eriocheir sinensis. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - B Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 143 (4), 453-458.
Li, K., Chen, L.Q., Li, E.C., Zhou, Z.K. 2006. Acute toxicity of the pesticides chlorpyrifos and atrazine to the Chinese mitten-handed crab, Eriocheir sinensis. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 77 (6), 918-924.