
李丹麗,武漢大學外語學院英文系 副教授,碩士生導師。


  • 中文名:李丹麗
  • 學位/學歷:副教授,碩士生導師
  • 專業方向:社會文化理論視角下的二語學習,語言教育政策,話語分析
  • 學術代表作:《大國文化心態·英國卷》


李丹麗,武漢大學外語學院英文系 副教授,碩士生導師。
2004 ~ 2007香港浸會大學英文系 語言學博士(Ph.D. in Linguistics, HKBU)
2010 ~ 2011 美國加州大學洛杉磯分校 (UCLA) 套用語言學系 訪問學者
國際學術期刊匿名審稿(TESOL Journal,Applied Linguistics,Modern Language Journal
綜合英語,英語聽說,英語閱讀,英語高級寫作,商務英語,語言與社會,套用語言學概論,Academic Writing, Creative Writing, Language Acquisition and Language Learning


(獨著)二語課堂互動話語中教師“支架”的構建,《外語教學與研究》2012年第4期,572-584 頁。
Li, D.L. (2012). Scaffolding adult learners of English in learning target form in a Hong Kong EFL university classroom. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, Volume 6 (2), 127-144, London, UK: Routledge. (ISSN: 1750-1229)
Liu, Q.R. and Li, D.L. (2010). Peer assistance in interactional repair by Chinese EFL students. HKBU Papers in Applied Language Studies, 14, 47-72, Hong Kong: Hong Kong Baptist University.
Li D.L. (2009). Is there a role for tutor in group work: peer interaction in a Hong Kong EFL classroom. HKBU Papers in Applied Language Studies, 13, 12-40, Hong Kong: Hong Kong Baptist University.
Li D.L. (2008). Scaffolding and its impact on learning grammatical forms in tertiary Chinese EFL Classrooms. Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Baptist University.
Li, D.L. (2007). Scaffolding, ZPD and second language learning. HKBU Papers in Applied Language Studies, 11, 110-137, Hong Kong: Hong Kong Baptist University.
Littlewood, W.T. and Li, D.L. (2006). The sociolinguistic awareness of tertiary level students in Hong Kong and Mainland China. Language Awareness, 15/2, 97-109, Britain: Multilingual Matters Ltd. (SSCI and A&HCI)
Li, D.L. (2006). Facilitating students’ understanding of English news: Peer scaffolding in an EFL listening classroom. In Wai M.C., Kwee N.C. and T. Suthiwan (eds.), Foreign Language Teaching in Asia and Beyond — Current Perspectives and Future Directions (pp. 135-144). Singapore: World Scientific Publishers.
— Also in Proceedings of the CLaSIC 2004 Conference: Current Perspectives and Future Directions in Foreign Language Teaching and Learning (ISBN: 981-05-2289-4), Centre for Language Studies, National University of Singapore.
2014年10月23-26日南京大學,受邀參加第七屆中國英語教學國際研討會,並宣讀論文The Influence of Peer Scaffolding on Language Output in an L2 Collaborative Task。
2012年10月華中科技大學,受邀參加第五屆中國二語習得研究國際學術研討會,並宣讀論文Scaffolding Learners of English in Learning Target Form in a Hong Kong University Classroom。
2011年8月北京,Metaphors for language learning and teaching in Hong Kong and Mainland China, paper presented at the 16 World Congress of Applied Linguistics, 23-28 August, International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA).
2011年4月美國,Teacher scaffolding in learning target forms in university classrooms, paper presented at California TESOL (CATESOL) 2011 Conference, 7-10 April, 2011, Long Beach, California.
2010年4月蘇州大學,Scaffolding in EFL classroom learning of target forms: A Chinese perspective,第四屆中國二語習得研究國際學術研討會,2010年4月23-25日,蘇州。
2009年7月武漢大學,Developing adult learners’ second language pragmatic learning through collaboration,第11屆全國語用學研討會暨2009語用學及其套用研究國際學術研討會,武漢大學外語學院,2009年7月20-23日,武漢。
2008 年 6 月香港大學,Socio-cultural awareness in learning target forms in Chinese EFL classrooms. Paper presented at the 9th International Conference of the Association for Language Awareness (ALA), 26-29 June, Hong Kong: The University of Hong Kong.
2007年6月香港,Scaffolding in learning target forms in Chinese EFL classrooms . Paper presented at the 2nd HAAL Research Forum, 11 June, Hong Kong: Hong Kong Association for Applied Linguistics.
2006 年 6 月加拿大,Scaffolding in learning target forms in a Hong Kong EFL classroom . Paper presented at 2006 Annual Conference of American Association for Applied Linguistics / Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics, 17-20 June, Montreal, Canada.
2004 年 12 月香港教育學院,Innovative teaching in a tertiary listening course: the role of scaffolding in classroom learning . Paper presented at the 18th International Language in Education Conference, 16-18 December, Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education.
2004 年 12 月新加坡國立大學,Facilitating students' understanding of English news: Peer scaffolding in an EFL listening classroom . Paper presented at the Inaugural Centre for Language Studies International Conference, 1-3 December, Singapore: National University of Singapore.
2004 年 5 月香港中文大學,Hong Kong and Mainland Chinese students' awareness of stylistic variation . Paper presented at International Conference on Tertiary / College English Teaching 2004, 17-18 May, Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong.
主持,Scaffolding as Learning: Chinese Students Learning Target Forms in University Classroom Interactions,2012年武漢大學人文社會科學高水平國際期刊論文培育項目(102274117);


2000 武漢大學 森泓教師獎
2004-2005 香港浸會大學 學生事務處嘉獎狀
2005-2006 Ace Style International Limited Award, Hong Kong Baptist University
2006 Postgraduate Travel Award, Hong Kong Association for Applied Linguistics
2004-2007 Ph.D. Studentship, University Grant Committee, Hong Kong
2009 年度武漢大學外語學院學生工作先進個人


