






1988.09—1992.09 洛陽工學院本科生
1992.09—1995.09 洛陽工學院碩士研究生
1995.09—1998.11 西安交通大學材料科學與工程專業博士研究生
1998.11—2005.04 上海大學材料學院教師
2005.04— 上海大學材料學院材料工程系副主任




主持完成“微量合金元素對超超臨界鍋爐用S30432 鋼納米析出相的影響” 國家自然科學基金,“基於典型失效模式的超(超)臨界電站鍋爐事故預防關鍵技術研究” 國家科技支撐計畫, “Microstructure characterization and Thermal mechanical properties of modern CVD hard coating”國際合作等課題20餘項。在《Materials Science and Engineering A》、《Surface & Coatings Technology》、《Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A》等國內外期刊發表學術論文百餘篇,申請專利20餘項、授權14項。與他人合著出版專著《超臨界鍋爐耐熱鋼研究》(第二作者,機械工業出版社)。以上海大學第一課題負責人參與完成的“鍋爐長周期安全高效運行關鍵技術及其套用”項目榮獲“教育部科學技術進步獎一等獎(證書號2011-165)”。


1. 2004年獲上海市科學技術進步三等獎(排名第五)
2. 2005年獲“上海大學優秀青年教師”稱號
3. 2007-2008學年上海市科教系統三八紅旗手


1. 上海市科委重點科技攻關,重大裝備用高性能結構材料及工藝技術研究(多家單位合作,為上海大學負責人)
2. 美國Kennametal Inc. 委託項目,Thermal-mechanical properties of hard coatings
3. 上海市教委,板狀WC晶種的加入對硬質合金組織與性能的影響


1. 朱麗慧,徐炯,黃清偉,趙海鋒, 專利號: ZL 03 1 50993.2, 鈮酸鋇鈉柱狀單晶顆粒的製備方法
2. 朱麗慧,黃清偉,趙海鋒,胡向平,徐炯, 專利號: ZL 2003 1 0108888.2, 製備板狀碳化鎢單晶顆粒的方法
3. 朱麗慧,黃清偉,鄧永清, 專利號: ZL 200510110176.3, Ti3AlC2粉體的製備方法
4. 朱麗慧,黃清偉, 專利號: ZL 200610023282.2, 金屬陶瓷Ti3SiC2粉體的製備方法
5. 朱麗慧,黃清偉, 專利號: ZL 200710037394.8,低溫無壓燒結製備緻密Ti3AlC2陶瓷的方法


1. Li-Hui Zhu, Qing-Wei Huang and Wei Liu, Synthesis of plate-like α-Al2O3 single-crystal particles in NaCl–KCl flux using Al(OH)3 powders as starting materials, Ceramics International, 34(2008),1729-1733
2. Li-Hui Zhu, Guang-Jie Shao, Yi-Xiong Liu, Spark plasma sintering and hot pressing sintering of nanocrystalline WC-10Co-0.8VC,Dave Siddle, Materials Science Forum,2006,(534-536):1229-1232
3. L.-H.Zhu, Q.-W. Huang, H.-F. Zhao, Effect of nickel content and milling parameters on martensitic transformation of Fe-Ni during mechanical alloying,Scripta Materialia, 2004,51: 527-531
4. Li-Hui Zhu, Qing-Wei Huang, Hui Gu, Preparation of acicular strontium barium potassium niobate seed crystals,Journal of crystal Growth, 2004, 267: 199-203
5. Wang L. L., Zhu L. H., Deng Y. Q., Wang Q. J., Zou F. M. Mechanical properties and microstructural evolution of T23 heat-resistant steel during aging at 873K. High Temperature Materials and Processes, 2008. 27(1): p. 11-17.
6. Y. Q.Deng, L.-H.Zhu, Q. J. Wang, F. M. Zou, Study of property degradation of T23 heat-resistant steel based on microstructural evolution during creep, Steel Research International 2006,77(11):844-848
7. Bao Qiaoxia, Zhu Lihui, Huang Qingwei, Xv Jiong. Preparation of textured Ba2NaNb5O15 ceramics by templated grain growth, Ceramics International, 2006, 32(7): 745-749
8. Qing-Wei HUANG, Li-Hui ZHU, Xv Jiong, Pei-Ling WANG, Yi-Bing CHENG, Effect of V2O5 on sintering behavior, microstructure and dielectric properties of textured Sr0.4Ba0.6Nb2O6 ceramics, Journal of the European ceramics society,2005,25:957-962
9. He J, Liu W, Zhu LH, Huang QW, Phase transformation behaviors of aluminum hydroxides to alpha alumina in air and molten salt, Journal of materials science, 2005, 40(12): 3259-3261
10. Huang QW, Gu H, Xu J, Zhu LH, Wang PL, Molten salt synthesis of acicular Ba2NaNb5O15 seed crystals, Journal of the American ceramic society, 2005, 88, ( 2): 447-449
11. Shiwen Sun, Xiaoming Pan, Pingchu Wang, Lihui Zhu, Qingwei Huang, Donglin Li, Zhiwen Yin, Fabrication and electrical properties of grain-oriented 0.7Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.3PbTiO3 ceramics, Applied Physics Letters, 2004, 84(4): 574-576


