[1] 2012.9-2017.6
[2] 2008.9-2012.6
華中科技大學 | 水文與水資源工程 | 學士 | 大學本科
[1] S Zhu, X Chen, X Luo*, K Luo, J Wei, J Li, Y Xiong. Enhanced Probabilistic Spatiotemporal Wind Speed Forecasting Based on Deep Learning, Quantile Regression, and Error Correction.Journal of Energy Engineering, 2022, 148(2): 04022004.
[2] 朱雙, 李建慶, 羅顯剛*, 雷曉輝, 王超, 胡國豐. 氣候變化和都市化雙重驅動下流域未來水文回響.人民長江, 2021, 52(11): 86-91.
[3] 肖祖香, 朱雙, 羅顯剛*, 婁連惠, 李江. 三江源區多尺度水文乾旱特徵及植被的回響.河海大學學報(自然科學版), 2021, 49(6): 515-520.
[4] Y Li, F Lin, L Lou*, J Li, Z Xu,S Zhu, X Luo, G Huo, Q Zhao. Performance analysis of landslide susceptibility assessment under different factor-filtering models.Arabian Journal of Geosciences volume, 2021, 14(12).
[5] S Zhu, X Luo, S Chen*, Z Xu, H Zhang, Z Xiao. Improved Hidden Markov Model Incorporated with Copula for Probabilistic Seasonal Drought Forecasting.Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 2020, 25(6): 04020019.
[6] S Zhu, X Luo, X Yuan*, Z Xu. An Improved Long Short-Term Memory Network for Streamflow Forecasting in the Upper Yangtze River.Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 2020, 34(9): 1313-1329.
[7] S Zhu, Z Xiao, X Luo*, H Zhang, Z Huo. Multidimensional Response Evaluation of Remote-Sensing Vegetation Change to Drought Stress in the Three-River Headwaters, China.IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 2020, 13: 6249-6259.
[8] S Zhu, Z Xu, X Luo*, X Liu, Z Huo. Internal and external coupling of Gaussian mixture model and deep recurrent network for probabilistic drought forecasting.International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2020, 18: 1221-1236.
[9] X Luo, J Li,S Zhu*, Z Xu, Z Huo. Estimating the Impacts of Urbanization in the Next 100 years on Spatial Hydrological Response.Water Resources Management, 2020, 34: 1673-1692.
[10]Z Xu, L Cao, S Zhong*, S Zhu, X Luo. Trends in Global Vegetative Drought From Long-Term Satellite Remote Sensing Data.IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2020, 13: 815-826.
[11]J Wang,S Zhu, X Luo*, G Chen, Z Xu, X Liu, Y Li. Refined micro-scale geological disaster susceptibility evaluation based on UAV tilt photography data and weighted certainty factor method in Qingchuan County.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2020, 191: 110221.
[12] S Zhu, Z Xu, X Luo*, C Wang, H Zhang. Quantifying the Contributions of Climate Change and Human Activities to Drought Extremes, Using an Improved Evaluation Framework.Water Resources Management, 2019, 33(15): 5051-5065.
[13] S Zhu, Z Xu, X Luo, C Wang, J Wu. Assessing coincidence probability for extreme precipitation events in the Jinsha River basin.Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2019, 139(1-2): 825-835.
[14] S Zhu, X Yuan, Z Xu, Xg Luo*, H Zhang. Gaussian mixture model coupled recurrent neural networks for wind speed interval forecast.Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 198: 111772.
[15] S Zhu, X Luo, Z Xu*, L Ye. Seasonal streamflow forecasts using mixture-kernel GPR and advanced methods of input variable selection.Hydrology Research, 2019, 50 (1): 200-214.
[16]X Luo, X Yuan*,S Zhu, Z Xu, L Meng, J Peng. A hybrid support vector regression framework for streamflow forecast.Journal of Hydrology, 2019, 568: 184-193.
[17]X Luo, F Lin, Y Chen,S Zhu, Z Xu*, Z Huo, M Yu, J Peng. Coupling logistic model tree and random subspace to predict the landslide susceptibility areas with considering the uncertainty of environmental features.Scientific Reports, 2019, 9: 15369.
[18]李建慶, 羅顯剛, 朱雙*, 張煒, 徐戰亞, 霍志彬, 田壯, 霍光傑. 北江流域土地利用/覆蓋變化對水文過程影響研究.人民長江, 2020, 51(8): 89-94.
[19]XG Luo, J Wang*, Z Xu,S Zhu, L Meng, J Liu, Y Cui. Dynamic analysis of urban ground subsidence in Beijing based on the permanent scattering InSAR technology.Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2018, 12(2): 026001.
[20]Q Li, X Liu, Y Zhong*, M Wang,S Zhu. Estimation of Terrestrial Water Storage Changes at Small Basin Scales Based on Multi-Source Data.Remote Sensing, 2021, 13(16): 3304.
[21]X Luo, F Lin,S Zhu*, M Yu*, Z Zhang, L Meng, J Peng. Mine landslide susceptibility assessment using IVM, ANN and SVM models considering the contribution of affecting factors.PLoS ONE, 2019, 14(4): e0215134.
[22]X Luo, J Wang, G Chen*,S Zhu, Z Huo, X Liu, W Deng. Research on distribution of suspended sediment concentration in long time series based on mid-resolution imaging spectrometer data and quantile trend analysis.Regional Studies in Marine Science, 2020, 39: 101399.
[23]孫娜, 周建中*, 朱雙, 李薇, 彭甜. 基於小波分析的兩種神經網路耦合模型在月徑流預測中的套用.水電能源科學, 2018, 36(04): 14-17.
[24]C Meng, J Zhou*, M Dai,S Zhu. Variable infiltration capacity model with BGSA-based wavelet neural network.Stochastic Environmental Research & Risk Assessment, 2017, 31(7):1-15.
[25] S Zhu, J Zhou*, M Xie, J Wu, X Ding. A hybrid model integrated variable fuzzy set theory and set pair analysis for water quality assessment in Huai River Basin.IEEE International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Applications, IEEE, 2017: 251-254.
[26] S Zhu, J Zhou*, L Ye, C Meng. Streamflow estimation by support vector machine coupled with different methods of time series decomposition in the upper reaches of Yangtze River, China.Environmental Earth Sciences, 2016, 75(6): 531.
[27]C Meng, J Zhou*, T Muhammad,S Zhu. Integrating Artificial Neural Networks into the VIC Model for Rainfall-Runoff Modeling.Water, 2016, 8(9): 407.
[28]M Xie, J Zhou,S Zhu, W Zhang. Multi-objective optimization of cascade hydro plants in dry season.International Conference on Civil, Architectural and Hydraulic Engineering, 2016.
[29]J Wu, J Zhou*,S Zhu, H Zhang, J Guo. An Efficient Parameter Calibration Method for API Hydrological Model.International Conference on Architectural, Civil and Hydraulics Engineering. 2016.
[30]M Xie, J Zhou*, C Li,S Zhu. Long-term generation scheduling of Xiluodu and Xiangjiaba cascade hydro plants considering monthly streamflow forecasting error.Energy Conversion & Management, 2015, 105:368-376.
1. 國家青年科學基金項目,變化環境下極端乾旱組合遭遇風險與脆弱性評估(51809242),2019.1-2021.12
2. 地調項目,地下水資源信息服務與城市地質服務專題模組升級,2019.1-2019.12
3. 地調項目,水工環“線上調查”系統空間數據管理管理模組開發,2021-05-20--2022-05-19
4. 實驗室基金,融合多元時空數據的乾旱半乾旱區徑流回響與預報研究,2021-04-01--2023-04-01
5. 實驗室基金,顧及氣象-水文-環境時空特徵的長江中上遊人工智慧型徑流預測與實時校正方法研究,2021年5月-2022年12月
6. 橫向項目,基於衛星遙感和氣候模式的水風光滾動預測系統平台,2021年7月-2021年12月
1. 測繪數據信息化管理系統軟體,
2. 測繪業務管理系統軟體,
3. 地質大數據綜合展示子系統軟體