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B. Electronic Structures and Exciton States in Low-Dimensional Systems
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C. Quantum Transport and Tunneling
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6 Haizhou Lu, Rong Yv, and Bangfen Zhu, "Fano effect through Parallel-coupled Double Coulomb Islands",J PHYS-CONDENS MAT 18, 8961–8972(2006)
D. Spintronics
1 Chao-xin Liu, Zhen-gang Zhu, and Bang-fen Zhu, "Rashba Interaction as an External Yang-Mills Field Applied to One-Dimensional System", PHYSICA E 32, 391-394 (2006)
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E. Quantum Dynamics and Strong THz field Effect
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5. Shu-lin Zhang, Bang-fen Zhu(Ed), "Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy", John Wiley & Sons Ltd. (2000).
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