

朱賢青,男,工學博士,重慶大學能源與動力工程學院青年教師。2013年獲得華中科技大學熱能與動力工程學士學位,並保送至華中科技大學煤燃燒國家重點實驗室攻讀博士。2017年獲得博士生國家獎學金。2018年6月獲得華中科技大學熱能工程博士學位後入職重慶大學動力工程學院,主要從事生物質熱溶劑萃取提質及高值化利用,生物質熱解、氣化及CFD模擬,固體廢棄物資源化利用等方面的研究。主持兩項華中科技大學研究生創新基金,參與國家自然科學基金國際(地區)合作與交流項目1項、國家自然科學基金面上項目2項、橫向項目2項。在Fuel、Bioresource Technology、Energy Conversion and Management、Fuel Processing Technology和Energy&Fuel等國際權威期刊上發表SCI論文15篇,EI論文5篇。申請國家發明專利9項,已授權5項。多次參加國內外學術會議,並在國際會議上做口頭報告3次。


  • 中文名:朱賢青
  • 畢業院校:華中科技大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:生物質熱溶劑萃取提質及高值化利用等







[4] NSFC-山西煤基低碳聯合基金項目:煤的熱溶萃取物製備碳纖維研究,2016-2018,參與人


[1] Mian Xu, Xianqing Zhu*, Xian Li, Zhenzhong Hu, Yun Huang, Ao Xia, Hong Yao. Investigation of the combustion behaviors and kinetic modelling of municipal solid waste char under isothermal conditions using a micro-fluidized bed. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2021, 9: 105984.
[2] Qin Peng, Xianqing Zhu*, Jun Li*, Qiang Liao, Yiming Lai, Liang Zhang, Qian Fu, Xun Zhu. A novel method for carbon removal and valuable metal recovery by incorporating steam into the reduction-roasting process of spent lithium-ion batteries. Waste Management, 2021, 134: 100-109.
[3] Xiaobo Guo, Huize Chen, Xianqing Zhu*, Ao Xia*, Qiang Liao, Yun Huang, Xun Zhu. Revealing the role of conductive materials on facilitating direct interspecies electron transfer in syntrophic methanogenesis: A thermodynamic analysis. Energy, 2021, 229: 120747.
[4] Dong Feng, Ao Xia*, Yun Huang, Xianqing Zhu, Xun Zhu, Qiang Liao. Effects of carbon cloth on anaerobic digestion of high concentration organic wastewater under various mixing conditions. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 423: 127100.
[5] Yunheng Tang, Yun Huang, Wentian Gan, Ao Xia, Qiang Liao, Xianqing Zhu. Ethanol production from gas fermentation: Rapid enrichment and domestication of bacterial community with continuous CO/CO2 gas. Renewable Energy, 2021, 175: 337-344.
[6] Weida Zeng, Yun Huang*, Ao Xia, Qiang Liao, Keming Chen, Xun Zhu, Xianqing Zhu. Thermoresponsive Surfaces Grafted by Shrinkable Hydrogel Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) for Controlling Microalgae Cells Adhesion during Biofilm Cultivation. Environmental Science and Technology, 2021, 55, 2, 1178–1189.
[7] Jingwei Fu, Yun Huang, Qiang Liao*, Xun Zhu, Ao Xia, Xianqing Zhu, Jo-Shu Chang. Boosting photo-biochemical conversion and carbon dioxide bio-fixation of Chlorella vulgaris in an optimized photobioreactor with airfoil-shaped deflectors. Bioresource Technology, 2021, 337: 125355.
[8] Cheng Chen, Chihe Sun, Ao Xia*, Qiang Liao, Xiaobo Guo, Yun Huang, Qian Fu, Xianqing Zhu, Xun Zhu. Sustainable biohythane production from algal bloom biomass through two-stage fermentation: Impacts of the physicochemical characteristics and fermentation performance. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020, 45: 344 61-34472.
[9] Dong Feng, Ao Xia*, Qiang Liao, Abdul-Sattar Nizami, Chihe Sun, Yun Huang, Xianqing Zhu, Xun Zhu. Carbon cloth facilitates semi-continuous anaerobic digestion of organic wastewater rich in volatile fatty acids from dark fermentation. Environmental Pollution, 2021, 272: 116030.
[10] Jun Li, Yiming Lai, Xianqing Zhu*, Qiang Liao, Ao Xia, Yun Huang, Xun Zhu. Pyrolysis kinetics and reaction mechanism of the electrode materials during the spent LiCoO2 batteries recovery process. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 398, 122955.
[11] Man Liu, Xianqing Zhu*, Rong Chen*, Qiang Liao, Ao Xia, Yun Huang. Influence of torrefaction, hydrothermal carbonization and degradative solvent extraction pretreatments on moisture absorption and self-ignition characteristics of biomass. Fuel, 2020, 282, 118843.
[12] Xianqing Zhu, Weixiang Qian, Xian Li, Shan Tong, Zhenzhong Hu, Yun Huang, Ao Xia, Hong Yao. Moisture adsorption and spontaneous combustion characteristics of biomass wastes after degradative solvent extraction. Fuel, 2020, 266, 117109.
[13]Zhu Xianqing, Tong Shan, Li Xian, et al. Conversion of Biomass into High-Quality Bio-oils by Degradative Solvent Extraction Combined with Subsequent Pyrolysis. Energy & Fuels. 2017, 31(4): 3987-3994.(SCI二區, IF=3.091)
[14]Zhu Xianqing, Tang Jian, Li Xian, et al. Modeling and Kinetic Study of Degradative Solvent Extraction of Biomass Wastes. Energy & Fuels. 2017, 31(5): 5097-5103. (SCI二區, IF=3.091)
[15]Zhu Xianqing, Li Xian, Xiao Li, et al. Novel carbon-rich additives preparation by degradative solvent extraction of biomass wastes for coke-making. Bioresource Technology. 2016, 207: 85-91. (SCI一區, IF=5.651)
[16]Zhu Xianqing, Xue Yi, Li Xian, et al. Mechanism study of degradative solvent extraction of biomass. Fuel. 2016, 165: 10-18. (SCI二區, IF=4.601)
[17]Zhu Xianqing, Zhang Zong, Zhou Qixiong, et al. Upgrading and multistage separation of rice straw by degradative solvent extraction. Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology. 2015, 43(04): 422-428. (EI)
[18] Xiao Li,Zhu Xianqing,Li Xian, et al. Effect of Pressurized Torrefaction Pretreatments on Biomass CO2Gasification. Energy & Fuels. 2015, 29(11): 7309-7316.(SCI二區, IF=3.091)
[19] Li Xian*,Zhu Xianqing, Kenshiro Okuda, et al. Preparation of carbon fibers from low-molecular-weight compounds obtained from low-rank coal and biomass by solvent extraction. New Carbon Materials. 2017, 32(1): 41-47. (SCI四區, IF=1.020)
[20] Tong Shan, Xiao Li, Li Xian,Zhu Xianqing, et al. A gas-pressurized torrefaction method for biomass wastes. Energy Conversion and Management, 2018, 173: 29-36. (SCI一區, IF=6.377)
[21] Li Xian, Zhang Zong, Zhang Lei,Zhu Xianqing, et al. Degradative solvent extraction of low-rank coals by the mixture of low molecular weight extract and solvent as recycled solvent. Fuel Processing Technology, 2018,173: 48-55 (SCI二區, IF=3.752)
[22] Xu Kai, Dong Jizhou, Hu Hongyun,Zhu Xianqing, et al. Effect of ash components on the performance of solid oxide electrolyte-based carbon fuel cells. Energy & Fuels, 2018, 32(4): 4538-4546. (SCI二區, IF=3.752)
[23] Xu Yang, Zeng Xiaobo, Zhang Bi,Zhu Xianqing, et al. Experiment and Kinetic Study of Elemental Mercury Adsorption over a Novel Chlorinated Sorbent Derived from Coal and Waste Polyvinyl Chloride. Energy & Fuels. 2016, 30(12): 10635-10642.(SCI二區, IF=3.091)
[24] Xu Kai, Hu Hongyun, Li Zehua,Zhu Xianqing, et al. Investigation of the anode reactions in solid oxide electrolyte based carbon fuel cells. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2017, 42(15): 10264-10274. (SCI二區, IF=3.582)
[25] Gao Yaxin, Ding Lizhi, Li Xian, Wang Wenhui, Xue Yi,Zhu Xianqing, et al. Na&Ca removal from Zhundong coal by a novel CO2-water leaching method and the ashing behavior of the leached coal. Fuel. 2017, 210: 8-14. (SCI二區, IF=4.601)
[26] Li Xian, Wu Zhengyu, Zhang Lian, Liu Xiaowei,Zhu Xianqing, et al. An updated acid dew point temperature estimation method for air-firing and oxy-fuel combustion processes. Fuel Processing Technology. 2016, 154: 204-209. (SCI二區, IF=3.752)
[27] Fang Yuan, Zou Renjie, Luo Guangqian, Chen Juan, Li Zehua, Mao Zhengjiang,Zhu Xianqing, et al. Kinetic Study on Coal Char Combustion in a Microfluidized Bed. Energy & Fuels. 2017, 31:3243-52. (SCI二區, IF=3.091)
[28] Li Xian,Zhu Xianqing, Xiao Li, et al. Degradative solvent extraction of demineralized and ion-exchanged low-rank coals. Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology. 2014, 42(8): 897-904.(EI)
[29]朱賢青,張宗,周岐雄,等.稻桿的熱溶劑提質及多級分離.燃料化學學報. 2015, 43(04): 422-428.(EI)
[30]李顯,朱賢青,肖黎,等.酸洗脫灰及離子交換對低階煤熱溶劑提質分離的影響.燃料化學學報. 2014, 42(08): 897-904. (EI)
[31]尹靜姝,方園,朱賢青,等.微型流化床-快速過程紅外熱分析儀對CaCO_3熱分解的動力學研究.工程熱物理學報. 2014(06): 1216-1220. (EI)




1.Chuanchang Xu, Xianqing Zhu*, Jun Li*, Yiming Lai, Ao Xia, Yun Huang, Xun Zhu, Qiang Liao. Simulation of Co-gasification of Sawdust and Polyethylene in an Updraft Fixed Bed gasifier for Production of Hydrogen-rich Syngas. 13th International Conference on Applied Energy. November 29-December 2, 2021
2.Zhipeng Shi, Xianqing Zhu*, Xun Zhu*, Mian Xu, Ao Xia, Yun Huang, Qiang Liao. Catalytic Pyrolysis of Biomass to Produce High-grade Bio-oil and Syngas with Thermal Treatment Products of Spent Lithium-ion Batteries. 24th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, October 31-November 3, 2021, Brno, CZ
3.Man Liu, Xianqing Zhu*, Rong Chen, Qiang Liao, Yun Huang, Ao Xia, Xun Zhu. Effect of torrefaction, hydrothermal carbonization and degradative solvent extraction on moisture adsorption and spontaneous combustion characteristics of biomass. The 14th Asian Biohydrogen, Biorefinery and Bioprocess Symposium. November 13-15, 2019 Hanoi, Vietnam.
4.Xianqing Zhu, Shan Tong, Xian Li, et al. Conversion of biomass into high-quality products by degradative solvent extraction combined with subsequent pyrolysis. 6th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environment. November 28-30, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand. (oral report)
5.Xianqing Zhu, Jin Ge, Shan Tong, et al. Novel additives obtained from low grade biomasses for coke-making. 18th International Coal Preparation Congress. June 28-30, 2016, Saint Petersburg, Russia. (oral report)
6.Xianqing Zhu, Shiping Huang, Huaqiang Liu, et al. Coke-making additives preparation by degradative solvent extraction of biomass wastes. 13th China-Japan Symposium on Coal and C1 Chemistry. September 1-3, 2015, Dunhuang, China. (oral report)
7.Yi Xue, Wenhui Wang,Xianqing Zhu, et al. Removal of Na&Ca from zhundong coal by CO2-water treatment. 13th China-Japan Symposium on Coal and C1 Chemistry. September 1-3, 2015, Dunhuang, China.
8.Zong Zhang, Yi Xue,Xianqing Zhu, Xian Li, et al.Combustion Behavior of Low-Rank Coal Upgraded by Degradative Solvent Extraction. Clean Coal Technology and Sustainable Development, Springer, 2016, 31-37.
9.Zehua Li, Kai Xu, Yuan Fang,Xianqing Zhu,et al. Effect of CO2and steam gasification on char combustion in an O2/CO2/Steam atmosphere. 5th International Symposium on Gasification and Its Application. November 28-30, 2016, Busan, Korea.
10.Xian Li, Zong Zhang, Lei Zhang,Xianqing Zhu,et al. Degradative solvent extraction of low-rank coals by the mixture of low molecular weight extract and solvent as recycled solvent. 6th Sino-Australian Symposium on Advanced Coal and Biomass Utilisation Technologies. December 4-8, 2017, Perth, Western Australia.(oral report)


