- 中文名:朱蓉禪
- 畢業院校:四川大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:機率
- 職稱:副教授
- 任職院校:北京理工大學數與統計學院
Educational Background
2003.9-2007.7 Sichuan University Bachelor
2007.9-2012.7 Chinese Academy of Science Doctor
2010.10-2012.3 Bielefeld Univeristy Doctor
Working Experience
2012.9-2016.7 Beijing Institute of Technology Lecturer
2016.7-Beijing Institute of Technology associated professor
Probability theory and statistics
[1] Rongchan Zhu, Xiangchan Zhu, Lattice approximation to the dynamical Φ^4_3 model, to appear in The annals of Probability
[2] Röckner, Michael; Zhu, Rongchan; Zhu, Xiangchan; Ergodicity for the Stochastic Quantization Problems on the 2D-Torus. Comm. Math. Phys. 352 (2017), no. 3, 1061–1090.
[3] Röckner, Michael; Zhu, Rongchan; Zhu, Xiangchan; Restricted Markov uniqueness for the stochastic quantization of P(Φ)2 and its applications. J. Funct. Anal. 272 (2017), no. 10
[4] Zhu, RongChan; Zhu, XiangChan Random attractor associated with the quasi-geostrophic equation. J. Dynam. Differential Equations 29 (2017), no. 1, 289–322
[5] Rongchan Zhu, Xiangchan Zhu, Three dimensional Navier-Stockes equation driven by spacetime white noise. Journal of Differential Equations, 259(2015), 4443–4508.
[6] Michael Rockner, Rongchan Zhu, Xiangchan Zhu, Sub- and supercritical stochastic quasi-geostrophic equation, The Annals of Probability, 43(2015),
[7] Rongchan Zhu, BSDE and generalized Dirichlet forms: The infinite dimensional case, Forum Math., 27(2015), 201–253.
[8] Michael Rockner, Rongchan Zhu, Xiangchan Zhu, The stochastic reflection problem on a convex set of a Hilbert space and BV functions in a Gelfand triple, The Annals of Probability, 40(2012), 1759-1794.
[9]Michael Rockner, Rongchan Zhu, Xiangchan Zhu, Existence and uniqueness of solutions to stochastic functional differential equations in infinite dimensions, Nonlinear Analysis Theory and its Applications, 125(2015), 358-397.
[10] Michael Rockner, Rongchan Zhu, Xiangchan Zhu, BV functions in a Gelfand triple for differentiable measure and its applications, Forum Math., 27(2015), 1657–1687.1202–1273
[11] Michael Rockner, Rongchan Zhu, Xiangchan Zhu, Local existence and non-explosion of solutions for stochastic fractional partial differential equations driven by multiplicative noise, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 124 (2014), 1974–2002.
[12] Michael Rockner, Rongchan Zhu, Xiangchan Zhu, A note on stochastic semilinear equations and their associated Fokker-Planck equations, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications ,415 (2014), 83-109.
[13] Rongchan Zhu, Xiangchan Zhu, Martingale solutions for stochastic active scalar equations perturbed by non-trace class noise, Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics, 17(2014),32pages
[14] Michael Rockner, Rongchan Zhu, Xiangchan Zhu, The stochastic quasi-geostrophic equation (announcement), Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics, 15(2012). 6 pages
[15] Rongchan Zhu, BSDE associated with generalized Dirichlet forms: finite dimensional case, Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics, 15(2012), 40pages
Visiting Positions
as a Visiting Scholar in Department of Mathematics, Bielefeld University, from October 15 2012 to October 15.2013; from January 03.2014 to Feb 22; from June 20.2014 to September.05.2014; from June 28.2015 to Sept.05.2015. from June 2016 to Aug 2016
Research Projects
[1] 帶有奇異噪聲的隨機偏微分方程 (NSFCgrant number11671035, 2014-2016, PI: Rong-Chan Zhu,480,000RMB)
[2] Stochastic differential equations in infinite dimensional case (NSFC, grant number11301026, 2014-2016, PI: Rong-Chan Zhu,200,000RMB)
[3] Stochastic functional differential equations in infinite dimensional case (校基金2015-2016)
[4] Stochastic partial differential equations with singular noise (校基金2016-2017)
Conference Talks and Invited Presentations
I was invited to speak at the following international conferences and seminars at universities:
1)Stochastic Partial Differential Equations (SPDEs) - Follow-up Meeting (SPDW07), Cambridge, UK 2012. 9.10 -2012.9. 14
2)Stochastics and Real World Models: Recent Progress and New Frontier,Xuzhou, 2012.10.15-2012.10.18
3)stochastic seminar in Oxford University, UK 2013.1.21
4) Open German -Japanese Conference onStochastic Analysis, Leipzig, Germany, 2013.9.9-2013.9.13
(5) The 10th Conference on SPDE and Applications,Levico, Italy 2014.1.5-2014.1.11
(6) The 10th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, Madrid, Spain, 2014.7.7-2014.7.11
7)Stochastics and Real World Models: Recent Progress and New Frontier,Xuzhou, 2012.10.15-2012.10.18
(8) Dirichlet Form Theory and its Applications, Oberwolfach,Germany,2014.10.19-2014.10.25
(9) International workshop on stochastic partial differential equations and related topics,Xuzhou,2014.12.18-2014.12.22
(10) Converence for young researchers in probability theory Wuhan2015.5.1-2015.5.4
(11) 2016 年6 月在義大利Levico 舉辦的隨機偏微分方程會議;
(12) 2016 年7 月在北京理工大學舉辦的隨機分析國際會議;
(13) 2016 年7 月在北京大學舉辦的機率統計學術研討會;
(14) 2016 年10 月在德國比勒菲爾德大學舉辦的隨機偏微分方程及其套用國際會議。
[7] Rongchan Zhu, BSDE and generalized Dirichlet forms: The infinite dimensional case, Forum Math., 27(2015), 201–253.
[8] Michael Rockner, Rongchan Zhu, Xiangchan Zhu, The stochastic reflection problem on a convex set of a Hilbert space and BV functions in a Gelfand triple, The Annals of Probability, 40(2012), 1759-1794.
[9]Michael Rockner, Rongchan Zhu, Xiangchan Zhu, Existence and uniqueness of solutions to stochastic functional differential equations in infinite dimensions, Nonlinear Analysis Theory and its Applications, 125(2015), 358-397.
[10] Michael Rockner, Rongchan Zhu, Xiangchan Zhu, BV functions in a Gelfand triple for differentiable measure and its applications, Forum Math., 27(2015), 1657–1687.1202–1273
[11] Michael Rockner, Rongchan Zhu, Xiangchan Zhu, Local existence and non-explosion of solutions for stochastic fractional partial differential equations driven by multiplicative noise, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 124 (2014), 1974–2002.
[12] Michael Rockner, Rongchan Zhu, Xiangchan Zhu, A note on stochastic semilinear equations and their associated Fokker-Planck equations, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications ,415 (2014), 83-109.
[13] Rongchan Zhu, Xiangchan Zhu, Martingale solutions for stochastic active scalar equations perturbed by non-trace class noise, Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics, 17(2014),32pages
[14] Michael Rockner, Rongchan Zhu, Xiangchan Zhu, The stochastic quasi-geostrophic equation (announcement), Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics, 15(2012). 6 pages
[15] Rongchan Zhu, BSDE associated with generalized Dirichlet forms: finite dimensional case, Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics, 15(2012), 40pages
Visiting Positions
as a Visiting Scholar in Department of Mathematics, Bielefeld University, from October 15 2012 to October 15.2013; from January 03.2014 to Feb 22; from June 20.2014 to September.05.2014; from June 28.2015 to Sept.05.2015. from June 2016 to Aug 2016
Research Projects
[1] 帶有奇異噪聲的隨機偏微分方程 (NSFCgrant number11671035, 2014-2016, PI: Rong-Chan Zhu,480,000RMB)
[2] Stochastic differential equations in infinite dimensional case (NSFC, grant number11301026, 2014-2016, PI: Rong-Chan Zhu,200,000RMB)
[3] Stochastic functional differential equations in infinite dimensional case (校基金2015-2016)
[4] Stochastic partial differential equations with singular noise (校基金2016-2017)
Conference Talks and Invited Presentations
I was invited to speak at the following international conferences and seminars at universities:
1)Stochastic Partial Differential Equations (SPDEs) - Follow-up Meeting (SPDW07), Cambridge, UK 2012. 9.10 -2012.9. 14
2)Stochastics and Real World Models: Recent Progress and New Frontier,Xuzhou, 2012.10.15-2012.10.18
3)stochastic seminar in Oxford University, UK 2013.1.21
4) Open German -Japanese Conference onStochastic Analysis, Leipzig, Germany, 2013.9.9-2013.9.13
(5) The 10th Conference on SPDE and Applications,Levico, Italy 2014.1.5-2014.1.11
(6) The 10th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, Madrid, Spain, 2014.7.7-2014.7.11
7)Stochastics and Real World Models: Recent Progress and New Frontier,Xuzhou, 2012.10.15-2012.10.18
(8) Dirichlet Form Theory and its Applications, Oberwolfach,Germany,2014.10.19-2014.10.25
(9) International workshop on stochastic partial differential equations and related topics,Xuzhou,2014.12.18-2014.12.22
(10) Converence for young researchers in probability theory Wuhan2015.5.1-2015.5.4
(11) 2016 年6 月在義大利Levico 舉辦的隨機偏微分方程會議;
(12) 2016 年7 月在北京理工大學舉辦的隨機分析國際會議;
(13) 2016 年7 月在北京大學舉辦的機率統計學術研討會;
(14) 2016 年10 月在德國比勒菲爾德大學舉辦的隨機偏微分方程及其套用國際會議。