


  • 中文名:朱玉燦
  • 國籍:中國
  • 出生日期:1963年
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:中山大學
  • 性別:男








在多復變數函式幾何理論、小波分析及其套用、複分析、幾何函式論等方面已經取得了一系列的重要的研究成果,已經分別在《中國科學A輯:數學》、《數學學報》、《數學年刊》、《數學物理學報》、《數學進展》、《Science in China Series A: Mathematics》、《J. Math. Anal. Appl.》、《Rocky Mountain J. Math》、《Mathematical and Computer Modelling》、《Taiwanese J. Math》、《Integral Transforms and Special Functions》、《Acta Mathematica Sinica,English Series》、《Acta Mathematica Scientia》、《Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations》、《J. of Chinese Contemporary Mathematics》、《International J. Math. Math. Sci.》、《Southeast Asian Bulletin of Math.》、《Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics 》等國內外重要的數學雜誌上發表學術論文70多篇,其中SCI收錄21篇。
(1) 建立了複平面C中的一系列的重要微分從屬原理,解決了Miller和Mocanu提出的一個問題,得到解析函式的積分運算元保持星形性與單葉性的條件,給出復變數微分方程的解析解的從屬關係和單葉性的充要條件,建立了星形函式的一些充分條件等。
(2) 建立了中有界凸平衡域上的雙全純凸映照的一個充要條件和無窮維Hilbert空間中的單位球上的雙全純凸映照的一個充要條件,解決了Graham 和Kohr提出的一個問題;在n維復空間或Banach空間中一些比較一般的Reinhardt域上得到推廣的Roper-Suffridge運算元具有保持星形性、螺形性等的一些重要性質;得到Reinhardt域Dp上雙全純凸映照的充分條件,從另一角度構造了Dp上的一些雙全純凸映照;推廣了varepsilon星形映照的概念,提出了varepsilon擬凸映照的概念,得到了它們的一些重要的研究成果;套用新方法得到了一般Banach空間上雙全純凸映照的偏差定理, 在Banach空間上, 證明了Hamada 和Kohr的一個猜想成立。
(3) 將Hilbert空間中的框架的性質推廣到g-框架,引入了g-框架序列,g-Riesz框架,g-Besselian框架,擬g-Riesz基,無冗g-框架,並對它們進行系統的研究,得到了一些類似於框架的性質和一些完全與框架不同的性質,將Hilbert空間中的框架理論推廣到Banach空間中,在Banach空間中首次引入了p-擬Riesz基、q-框架、q-Besslian框架的概念,給出p-擬Riesz基和q-Besslian框架的等價刻畫,得到了q-框架、p-擬Riesz基、q-Besslian框架的擾動的穩定性的性質。
3. 朱玉燦,Bp上雙全純凸映照,數學年刊,19A(4)(1998),457-462.
4. 朱玉燦,Banach空間上的q-框架與p-Riesz基的穩定性,數學年刊,22A(3)(2001), 359-364.
5. 朱玉燦, Bnp上雙全純凸映照,數學年刊, 24A(3)(2003), 269-278.
6. 朱玉燦, 有界凸平衡域上的雙全純凸映照的判別準則,數學學報, 46(6)(2003), 1153-1162.
7. Hongmei Zhang, Chuanrong Wang and Yucan Zhu, Stability of solutions to Hilbert boundary value problem under perturbation of the boundary curve, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 284(2)(2003) 601-617.(SCI)
8. Mingsheng Liu, Zhu Yucan, Sufficient conditions for starlikeness of holomorphic mapping in Cn,South. Asian Bull. Math., 28(3)(2004),447-456.
9. 朱玉燦,Bp上alpha -凸映照,數學物理學報,25A(1)(2005),84-92.
10. Yucan Zhu,Mingsheng Liu,The generalized Roper-Suffridge extension operator in Banach spaces (II), J. Math. Anal. Appl. 303(2)(2005), 530-544. (SCI)
11.Yucan Zhu, Mingsheng Liu, Distortion theorems for biholomorphic convex mappings in Banach spaces, Complex Variables, 50(1)(2005), 57-68.
12.Mingsheng Liu,Yucan Zhu, On the generalized Roper-Suffridge extension operator in Banach spaces, International J. Math. Math. Sci. 2005: 8(2005), 1171-1187,數學進展,34(4)(2005),506-508.
13. Yucan Zhu, Mingsheng Liu, Criteria for biholomorphic convex mappings on the unit ball in Hilbert spaces, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 322(2)(2006),495-511.(SCI)
14.Mingsheng Liu,Yucan Zhu, Some sufficient conditions for biholomorphic convex mappings onBnp, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 316(1)(2006), 210-228.(SCI)
15. Mimgsheng Liu,Yucan Zhu, On some sufficient conditions for starlikeness of order alpha in Cn, Taiwanese J. Math. 10(5)(2006),1169-1182. (SCI).
16.Ming-Sheng Liu, Yu-Can Zhu, On varepsilon quasi-convex mappings in the unit ball of a complex Banach space. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 323(2) (2006), 1047-1070. (SCI).
17.Chuanrong Wang, Hongmei Zhang, Yucan Zhu, Riemann boundary value problem with respect to the perturbation of boundary curve,Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 51(8-11)(2006),831-845.
18. 朱玉燦, 劉名生, 在Banach空間中推廣的Roper-Suffridge運算元(I), 數學學報,50(1)(2007),189-196.
19. 劉名生,朱玉燦,有界完全Reinhardt域上推廣的Roper-Suffridge運算元,中國科學,A輯,37(10)(2007), 1193-1206.
20. Yu-Can Zhu, q-Besselian frames in Banach spaces, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 23(9)(2007), 1707-1718. (SCI)
21.Yucan Zhu, Some starlikeness criterions for analytic functions,J. Math. Anal. Appl. 335(2)(2007), 1452-1459.(SCI).
22. Yu-Can Zhu, Ming-Sheng Liu,The generalized Roper-Suffridge extension operator on bounded complete Reinhardt domains,Science in China Series A: Mathematics,50(12)(2007), 1781-1794. (SCI)
23.Yucan Zhu, Mingsheng Liu,Second order differential subordinations of holomorphic mappings on bounded convex balanced domain in Cn, J. Inequalities in Pure and Appl. Math., 8(4)(2007) , Article 104, 1-15.
24. Yu-Can Zhu, Ming-Sheng Liu,Loewner chains associated with the generalized Roper-Suffridge extension operator on some domains,J. Math. Anal. Appl. 337(2)(2008), 949-961. (SCI)
25. Yu-Can Zhu, Ming-Sheng Liu, Subordinations of the solutions of Briot-Bouquet differential equations and their applications, Integral Transforms and Special Functions, 19(3)(2008),171-182. (SCI)
26. Ming-Sheng Liu, Yu-Can Zhu, Criteria for strongly starlike and Phi-like functions, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, 53(5)(2008),485-500.
27. Ming-Sheng Liu, Yu-Can Zhu, H. M. Srivastava, Properties and characteristics of certain subclasses of starlike functions of order beta,Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 48(3-4)(2008),402-419 . (SCI)
28. Mingsheng Liu,Yucan Zhu,the extension operator in Banach spaces for locally biholomorphic mappings.Acta Mathematica Scientia,28B(3)(2008), 711-720. (SCI)
29. Ming-Sheng Liu, Yu-Can Zhu, On varepsilon complete quasi-convex mappings in Cn, South. Asian Bull. Math., 32(4)(2008),677-698.
30. Yu-Can Zhu, Characterizations of g-frames and g-Riesz bases in Hilbert spaces,Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 24(10)(2008).1727-1736. (SCI)
31.肖祥春, 朱玉燦,曾曉明, Hilbert空間中g-Parseval框架的一些性質,數學學報,51(6) (2008), 1143-1150.
32.朱玉燦,劉名生,Hilbert空間中的雙全純凸映照和雙全純星形映照的構造,數學年刊,29A(5) (2008), 591-604.
33.Can Zhu, Ming-Sheng Liu, Construction of biholomorphic convex mappings and biholomorphic starlike mappings in Hilbert spaces,Chinese Journal of Contemporary Mathematics,29(4)(2008),347-362.
35.Ming-Sheng Liu, Yu-Can Zhu, Construction of biholomorphic convex mappings on Dp in Cn, Rocky Mountain J. Math. 39(3)(2009),853-878 . (SCI)
36.Can Zhu, Ming-Sheng Liu, The generalized Roper-Suffridge extension operator in Banach spaces (III), Science in China Series A: Mathematics,52(11)(2009), 2432-2446. (SCI)
37. Yan-Jin Wang,Yu-Can Zhu, G-frames and g-frame sequences in Hilbert spaces, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 25(12)(2009), 2093-2106. (SCI)
38. Xiang-Chun Xiao, Yu-Can Zhu, Xiao-Ming Zeng, Generalized p-frame and q-Riesz basis in separable complex Banach spaces, Int. J. Wavelets Multiresolut. Inf. Process,8(1)(2010), 133-148. (SCI)
39.劉名生,朱玉燦,在Banach空間中推廣的Roper-Suffridge運算元(III),中國科學A輯:數學,40(3)(2010), 265-278.
40.Can Zhu, Ming-Sheng Liu, The generalized Roper-Suffridge extension operator on Reinhardt domain Dp, Taiwanese J. Math., 14(2)(2010), 359-372. (SCI)
41.Can Zhu,Criteria for some subclasses biholomorphic starlike mappings in Banach spaces,South. Asian Bull. Math., 34(3)(2010), 579-593.
42. Ming-Ling Ding, Yu-Can Zhu,G-Besselian frames in Hilbert spaces,ActaMathematica Sinica, English Series, 26(11)(2010), 2117-2130. (SCI)
43.CanZhu,Si-Yuan Wang,The stability of Banach frames in Banach spaces,Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series,26(12)(2010), 2369-2376. (SCI)
44. Jian-Zhen Li, Yu-Can Zhu, Exact g-frames in Hilbert spaces, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 374(1)(2011),201-209. (SCI)
45.李建振,朱玉燦,Hilbert空間中的g-Riesz框架,中國科學:數學,41(1)(2011), 53-68.
1. 2009-2011, 全純映照幾何理論與相關問題的研究,福建省自然科學基金項目, 主持人.
2. 2008-2010, 推廣的框架及其套用, 福建省教育廳基金項目, 主持人.
3. 2005-2008, 全純映照幾何理論與邊值問題及其小波逼近, 福建省自然科學基金項目, 主持人.
4. 2004-2007, 框架與小波框架及其套用, 福建省教育廳基金項目,
5. 2002-2004, 全純映照幾何理論與邊值問題攝動理論, 福建省教育廳基金項目, 主持人.
6. 1997-1999, 分形上的微積分, 國家自然科學基金項目, 主要成員.
7. 2000-2002, 全純映照幾何理論與邊值問題, 福州大學科技發展基金項目, 主持人.
8. 1998-2001, 全純映照幾何理論與小波分析及套用, 福建省自然科學基金項目, 主持人.
9. 1997-2000, 小波分析及其套用, 福建省教育廳基金項目, 主持人.
10. 1994-1996, 微分從屬與小波分析及套用, 福建省自然科學基金項目, 主持人.


