- 中文名:朱治林
- 出生地:湖北荊門
- 出生日期:1963年4月
1. 國家自然科學面上基金:華北平原農田生態系統臭氧通量及其氣孔吸收的控制機制研究
2. 國家973項目(中國陸地生態系統碳-氮-水通量的相互關係及其環境影響機制,項目首席科學家:於貴瑞)專題:渦度相關數據匯集和質量控制
3. 中科院地理資源所自主部署創新項目:農田生態系統大氣臭氧濃度特徵觀測研究
1. Zhilin Zhu, Xiaomin Sun, Xuefa Wen Yanlian Zhou (2006), Study on the processing method of nighttime CO2 eddy covariance flux data in ChinaFLUX, Science in China, Series D Earth Sciences
2. Zhilin Zhu, Xiaomin Sun, yanlian zhou, Jinping Xu Guofu Yuan(2005), Correcting method of eddy covariance fluxes observed at non-flat surfaces and its application in ChinaFLUX, Science in China, Series D
3. Sien Li, Shaozhong Kang, Lu Zhang, Fusheng Li, Zhilin Zhu and Baozhong Zhang (2008), A comparison of three methods for determining vineyard evapotranspiration in the arid desert regions of northwest China. HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES
4. Zhilin Zhu, A. Moravek, A. Serafimovich, M. O. Andreae, T. Foken, F.X. Meixner, (2008), Turbulent ozone fluxes and ozone deposition velocities within and above a spruce forest (Waldstein/Fichtelgebirge). Geophysical Research Abstracts
5. Xiaomin Sun, Zhilin Zhu, Xuefa Wen, Guofu Yuan, Guirui Yu (2006), The impact of averaging period on eddy fluxes observed at ChinaFLUX sites, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
6. Zhilin Zhu, Xiaomin Sun, Renhua Zhang (2003), Statistical analysis and comparative study of energy balance components estimated using micrometeorological techniques during HUBEX/IOP 1998/99, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences
7. Zhilin Zhu, Xiaomin Sun, Renhua Zhang, Hongbo Su, Xinzai Tang, Xuihui Lee (2002), A note on alternatively direct measurement of the transfer resistance over vegetation, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology
8. Xiaomin Sun, Zhilin Zhu, Jinping Xu, Guofu Yuan, Yanlian Zhou, Renhua Zhang (2005), Determination of averaging period parameter and its effect analysis for eddy covariance measurements, Science in China
9. Shusen Wang, Zhilin Zhu, Xiaomin Sun (1996), Characteristics of energy exchange in Lhasa, Tibet, Science in China, Series D
10. Xiaomin Sun, Zhilin Zhu, Xinzhai Tang, Hongbo Su (2000), A new measuring technique of soil thermal inertia. Science in China, Series E
11. Renhua Zhang Xiaomin Sun, Zhilin Zhu, (1999), A remote sensing model of CO2 Flux for wheat and studying of regional distribution, Science in China, Series D
12. Zhilin Zhu, Xiaomin, Jinping Xu, weimin Wang, Renhua Zhang (2004), Using Large Aperture Scintillometer(LAS) to validate pixel heat flux based on remote sensing models, International Ggescience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Alaska
13. Zhilin Zhu, Xiaomin Sun (1999), Measurements of sensible and latent heat fluxes in Huahe Basin using micrometeorological methods, Workshop on MESO-scale system in MEIYU/BAIU front and hydrological cyclle, Hokkaido, Japan.
14. 朱治林,孫曉敏,賈媛媛,溫學發,張仁華,袁國富,唐新齋(2010):基於大孔徑閃爍儀(LAS)測定農田顯熱通量的不確定性分析,地球科學進展
15. 李思恩,康紹忠,朱治林,杜太生,佟玲,李伏生(2008):套用渦度相關技術監測地表蒸發蒸騰量的研究進展。中國農業科學
16. 朱治林,孫曉敏,張仁華,蘇紅波,唐新齋(2004):作物群體的CO2通量和水分利用效率的快速測定, 套用生態學報
17. 朱治林,孫曉敏,張仁華(2000):淮河流域典型下墊面水熱通量的觀測與分析, 氣候與環境研究
18. 朱治林,孫曉敏,張仁華(2002):利用微氣象方法估算內蒙古草原物質和能量交換, 氣候與環境研究