



  • 中文名:朱曉東
  • 畢業院校:朱曉東
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:低溫電漿物理和套用
  • 職務:中國科學技術大學博士生導師
  • 任職院校:中國科學技術大學
  • 職稱:中國科學技術大學教授






主持或參加過多項國家自然科學面上和重點基金、國家863高技術探索基金和省部級基金項目的研究。在新型電漿源研製、電漿薄膜沉積及其機理、離子束納米表面製造和功能薄膜器件等方面進行過系列的研究工作,獲省級自然科學二等獎一項。曾先後在日本原子力研究所做訪問學者、JSPS訪問研究員,法國巴黎第六大學從事博士後研究和日本靜岡大學訪問教授。在Appl. Phys. Lett.、Phys. Rev. B、Phys. Plasmas、J. Chem. Phys.等國內外重要學術期刊上發表論文近百篇。


1) Branched carbon tree-like structures grown in direct current Plasma - Applied Physics Letter - 2009 - 95,121501
2) Cold microplasma plume produced by a compact and flexible generator at atmospheric pressure - Applied Physics Letter - - 92,241503(2008).
3) Carbon cone arrays by double-bias assisted hot filament plasma chemical vapor deposition - Thin Solid Films - 2008 - 516,2981
4) Probe diagnostic and numerical simulations of low pressure argon slender plasma excited by low frequency discharge - Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. - 2008 - 17, 045006
5) Coupling effect of electron cyclotron resonance hydrogen plasma and dc biasing in fabricating diamond nanotips - Physics of Plasmas - 2007 - 14, 123501
6) Buckling instability in amorphous carbon films - Journal of Physics: CM, - 2007 - 19, 236227
7) Effect of substrate facets on homoepitaxial growth of diamonds during plasma-assisted hot filament chemical vapor deposition - Diamond & Related Materials, 16(2007)637. - 2007 - 2007
8) AFM Investigation on surface evolution of amorphous carbon during ion beam assisted deposition - Applied Surface Science - 2006 - 253, 1480
9) Bias-induced structural evolution of diamond films in plasma enhanced hot filament chemical vapor deposition with a two-step process - J. Phys. D: Appl.Phys. - 2006 - 39,3350
10) Open air deposition of SiO2 films by an atmospheric pressure line-shaped plasma - Plasma Processes and Polymers - 2005 - 2, 407
11) Control of characteristic lengths for self-organized nanostructuresof amorphous carbon - Journal of Physics:Condensed Matter, - 2004 - 16, 1175
12) Self-organized textured surfaces of amorphous carbon - Journal of AppliedPhysics - 2004 - 95, 4105
13) Chang from micrometer to nanometer size for diamond grains by plasma chemically vapor deposition - Nanotechnology - 2004 - 15,1609
14) 熱絲輔助雙偏壓氫電漿製造金剛石錐狀表面研究 - 物理學報 - 2008 - 第4期, 2334


