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  • 中文名:朱志立
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 任職院校:鄭州大學






先後主持完成河南省自然科學基金1項,河南省基礎與前沿技術研究計畫1項,河南省高等學校重點科研項目1項。以第一或通訊作者在Phys. Rev. Lett.,Nanoscale,Appl. Phys. Lett.等國際權威期刊發表SCI論文20餘篇。首次預言了VIA族元素Te形成的單層二維材料碲烯,相關成果發表在物理學頂級期刊《物理評論快報》上(Physical Review Letters, 119, 106101, 2017),填補了VIA族單元素二維材料的空白。該成果引起國內外研究組的廣泛關注,在《Nature》期刊“News & Views”專欄作為亮點報導。文章入選ESI高被引論文(Highly Cited Papers)。
1.Zhu Zhili, Cui Ping, Cai Xiaolin, Xia Mengjiao, Jia Yu*, Zhang Shengbai*, Zhang Zhenyu * Red phosphorus in its two-dimensional limit: novel clathrates with varying band gaps and superior chemical stabilities, Nanoscale, 10, 13969 (2018).
2.Zhu Zhili, Cai Xiaolin, Yi Seho, Chen Jinglei, Dai Yawei, Niu Chunyao, Guo Zhengxiao, Xie Maohai, Liu Feng, Cho Jun Hyung, Jia Yu*, Zhang Zhenyu*, Multivalency-Driven Formation of Te-Based Monolayer Materials: A Combined First-Principles and Experimental study,Phys. Rev. Lett.119,106101 (2017).
3.Zhu, Zhili*,Cai, Xiaolin,Niu, Chunyao,Wang, Chongze,Jia, Yu* , Computational prediction of the diversity of monolayer boron phosphide allotropes,Appl. Phys. Lett.109, 153107 (2016).
4.Zhu, Zhili*,Yu Weiyang, Ren Xiaoyan, Sun Qiang, Jia Yu*, Grain boundary in phosphorene and its unique roles on C and O doping,Europhysics letters109, 47003 (2015).
5.Zhu, Zhili*,Li, Chong,Yu, Weiyang,Chang, Dahu,Sun, Qiang,Jia, Yu*,Magnetism of zigzag edge phosphorene nanoribbons,Appl. Phys. Lett.105, 113105 (2014).
6.Zhili Zhu*,Weiguang Chen, Qiang Sun and Yu Jia, Half-metal behaviour mediated by self-doping of topological line defect combining with adsorption of 3d transition-metal atomic chains in graphene,J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.47, 055303 (2014).
7.Zhili Zhu*,J.h. Gu, Y. Jia and X.Hu, Magnetic behavior induced by Cr doping in SrMoO3from first-principles studies,Phys. Status Solidi B249, 1624 (2012).
8.Zhili Zhu*,J.h. Gu, Y. Jia and X.Hu, A comparative study of electronic structure and magnetic properties of SrCrO3and SrMoO3,Physica B407, 1990(2012).
9.Zhili Zhu*, J.h. Gu, Y. Jia and X.Hu, Antiferromagnetism of perovskite EuZrO3from a first-principles study,Physica B406, 3985 (2011).
10.Zhili Zhu*, J.h. Gu, Y. Jia and X.Hu, From the atom to monatomic wire: An ab initio study of magnetism in 3d transition metals,Acta Metall. Sin. (Engl. Lett.)23, 191 (2010).
11.Zhili Zhu*, J.h. Gu, Y. Jia, and X.Hu, Influence of Co–O bond length on the spin state of Co in cobaltite perovskites RCoO3,Phys. Sta.t Sol B247, 308 (2010).
12.Zhili Zhu*, J.Guo, Y. Jia, and X.Hu, Electronic structure and evolution of spin state in YCoO3, .Physica B405, 359 (2010).
13.Zhili Zhu*, J.h. Gu, Y. Jia and X.Hu, First-principles study of electronic and magnetic properties of TlNiO3,Physica B405, 2457(2010).
14.Zhili Zhu, Y.L. Ding, Wang Z.Y. J. h. Gu*.,Deposition pressure effect on the surface roughness scaling of microcrystalline silicon films,Chin. Phys. B19, 106803 (2010).
15.Zhili Zhu*, J.h. Gu, Y. Jia, and X.Hu, First principle study on the possibilities of magnetism in one-dimensional In and Tl atomic wires with the full-potential linearized augmented plane wave method,Acta Metall. Sin.(Engl. Lett.)22, 117 (2009).
16.Zhili Zhu*, J.h. Gu, Y. Jia, Emergence of magnetism in titanium nanowires,Physica B387, 190 (2007).
17. J.h. Gu,Zhili Zhu*, Ab initio Studies on Magnetism of 3d Transition Metal Dimers, Acta Metall. Sin. (Engl. Lett.) 20, 341 (2007).
18.Zhu Zhi-Li, Wang Jian-Tao*, Jia Jin-Feng, Xue Qi-Kun, Wang Ding-Sheng, Magnetism of Zr atomic wires,Chin. Phys. B14, 2106 (2005).
19.Zhu Zhili, Hu Xing Guo Lanjing, Potential application of superconducting material YBa2Cu3O7−xas oxygen resistance sensors,Int. J. Mod. Phys. B19, 3923 (2005).
20 Hu Xing,Zhu Zhili, Yang, Delin, Great enhancement of the ratio of output signals of the resistance type sensors by a double sensors circuit,Sensors and Actuators B99, 310 (2004).
21.Zhili Zhu, Delin Yang, Xing Hu*,Oxygen desorption activation energy of YBa2Cu3O7−xobtained by thermogravimetry with different heating rates,Physica C383, 169 (2002).


