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  • 中文名:朱國輝
  • 出生日期:1976年
  • 職業:副教授
  • 畢業院校:華南農業大學
  • 職稱:副教授



朱國輝,1976年出生。副教授,碩士生導師,廣東省“千百十工程”校級培養對象。2004年獲華南農業大學植物學專業博士學位,2008年赴香港浸會大學任訪問學者。主要研究方向是植物逆境生理與分子生物學。在J Exp Bot、Plant Cell Physiol等SCI雜誌發表研究論文9篇,其中第一作者論文6篇。現主持國家自然科學基金項目2項,省部級課題1項。


  • 2004.7-2009.09:華南農業大學生命科學學院,講師
  • 2008.2-2008.10:香港浸會大學,訪問學者
  • 2009.10 - 今:華南農業大學生命科學學院,副教授


  1. 植物逆境生理與分子生物學,尤其是逆境脅迫下ABA信號轉導及作用機制。
  2. 水稻籽粒灌漿的生理及分子基礎。


.hu G, Liu Y, Zhang A, Li Y, Liu R, Shi L, Jia L, Zhang J. 2012. Ascorbic acid and reactive oxygen species are involved in the inhibition of seed germination by abscisic acid in rice seeds.Journal of Experimental Botany63(5):1809-1822.
  1. Zhu G, Liu Y, Ye N, Liu R, Zhang J. 2011. Involvement of the abscisic acid catabolic gene CYP707A2 in the glucose-induced delay in seed germination and post-germination growth of Arabidopsis.Physiologia Plantarum143,375-384. (IF 3.067)
  2. Zhu G, Ye N, Yang J, Peng X, Zhang J. 2011. Regulation of expression of starch synthesis genes by ethylene and ABA in relation to the development of rice inferior and superior spikelets.Journalof Experimental Botany62,3907–3916. (IF 4.818)
  3. Ye N*,Zhu G*, Liu Y, Li Y, Zhang J. 2011. ABA controls H2O2accumulation through the induction of OsCATB in rice leaves under water stress.Plant and Cell Physiology52,689-698. (*Co-first author) (IF 4.257)
  4. Zhu G, Ye N, Zhang J. 2009. Glucose-induced delay of seed germination in rice is mediated by the suppression of ABA catabolism rather than an enhancement of ABA biosynthesis.Plant and Cell Physiology50,644-651. (IF 4.257)
  5. Zhu G, Zhang J, Chen J, Peng X. 2008. Characterization of a rice metallothionein type 3 gene with different expression profiles under various nitrogen forms.Biologia Plantarum52,668-673. (IF 1.582)
  6. Zhang J, He Z, Tian H,Zhu G, Peng X. 2007. Identification of aluminium-responsive genes in rice cultivars with different aluminium sensitivities.Journal of Experimental Botany58, 2269-2278. (IF 4.818)
  7. Zhu GH, Zhuang C-X, Wang Y-Q, Jiang L-R, Peng X-X. 2006. Differential expression of rice genes under different nitrogen forms and their relationship with sulfur metabolism.Journal of Integrative Plant Biology48, 1177-1184. (IF 1.603)
  8. Wang YQ, Zhang JJ,Zhu GH, Peng XX. 2006. Differential expression of proteins in rice leaves cultivated with different forms of nitrogen nutrients.Journal of plant physiology and molecular biology32, 403-410.
  9. Xu HW, Ji XM, He ZH, Shi WP,Zhu GH, Niu JK, Li BS, Peng XX. 2006. Oxalate accumulation and regulation is independent of glycolate oxidase in rice leaves.Journal of Experimental Botany57, 1899-1908. (IF 4.818)
  10. 朱國輝, 徐慰盈, 吳丹, 張乾毅. 2010. 擬南芥ABA生物合成基因NCED6對葡萄糖誘導其種子萌發延遲的作用. 植物生理學通訊46,139-142.
  11. 朱國輝, 黃卓烈. 2009. 生物化學驗證性實驗與設計性實驗結合教學的實踐. 生物學雜誌26,95-96.
  12. 朱國輝, 羅思施, 李守思, 梁計南, 謝君. 2008. 重金屬污染土壤能源甘蔗品種篩選及蔗汁發酵的研究. 可再生能源26,60-63.
  13. 朱國輝, 黃卓烈. 2008. mRNA 差異顯示技術分離水稻銨態氮營養誘導表達基因. 中國水稻科學22,261-265.
  14. 15.蔡珊蘭,廖炳創,潘麗朴,朱國輝.2013.基因晶片分析水稻灌漿期籽粒澱粉合成相關基因的表達.華南農業大學學報34


