2004年6月、2006年12月兩次高分通過PETS-5(出國人員外語水平考試)。2007年獲國家留學基金委全額資助,於2008年6月到劍橋大學法學院做博士後研究。 近年來一直從事國際私法、國際商事仲裁、國際貿易法的研究,尤其關注非洲涉外民商事糾紛解決機制及非洲國家內部法律衝突(習慣法的適用)的解決,研究重點是南非、奈及利亞、埃及、安哥拉、蘇丹等中國有較多投資和貿易的非洲國家的涉外民商事爭端解決機制,以及非洲商法協調組織(OHADA)和南部非洲發展共同體(SADC)的法律制度。在研究過程中,與國外非洲法學者、從事非洲法實務的律師有廣泛的學術交流和聯繫。 曾出版專著、譯著各一部,參與編寫全國性教材三部。其中譯著《非洲商法:OHADA與統一化進程》由英國GMB出版公司(GMB Publishing Ltd)在2008年7月出版;在Journal of Private International Law ( UK, Hart Publishing, the first English journal on private international law)、《西亞非洲》、《訴訟法論叢》、《河北法學》、《北大國際法與比較法評論》、《民間法》、《仲裁與法律》等刊物發表中英文學術論文及譯文四十多篇。 2005年8月20-9月10日,參加了由中國社會科學院法學所和德國Bucerius法學院聯合舉辦的“德國法、歐盟法、WTO法研修班";2006年10月20-11月10日,全程參與、組織了商務部、教育部主辦,由我校非洲法律與社會研究中心承辦的“非洲法律與社會經濟發展研修班”,主持了部分講座,並為來自非洲6國的15名學者、政府官員作了主題報告。
1. 2007年11月26-29日應邀參加了在澳門大學舉辦的“The Harmonization of Commercial Laws in Africa and Its Advantage for Chinese Investment in Africa"國際學術會議,在會上作了題為"China-African Trade and Investment and the Exchange of Law"主題發言;
2. 2008年4月23日-25日,應邀參加在莫三比克首都馬普托召開的“首屆地區一體化和南部非洲發展共同體法律國際會議”(the First International Conference on the Regional Integration and SADC Law),在會上作了“東協自由貿易區爭端解決機制及其對南部非洲發展共同體的啟示”(the Dispute Settlement Mechnism and Its Implications forSADC)和“中國與其特別行政區之間的關係及調整”(the Relationships Between China and Its Special Administrative Regions and Their Regulations)兩個主題報告。這兩篇會議論文後發表於“美國國際發展署”網站;
3. 2009年9月8-11日,應邀參加在南非約翰內斯堡大學召開的比較國際私法國際大會,提交論文:Determining the Validity of Arbitration Agreement in China;
4. 2009年9月15-20日,應邀參加在北京召開的第24屆國際法哲學和法社會學大會,做兩個會議報告:OHADA:As a Base for Chinese Investment in Africa 和 Choice of Law of Arbitration Agreement in China;
5. 2008年12月9-11日,應邀參加剛果(金)召開的“The Importance of the Ratification of OHADA Treaty for the Republic of Congo”國際會議。
《非洲商法:OHADA與統一化進程》(譯著),英國GMB出版公司(GMB Publishing Ltd)2008年版;
“China’s Codification of conflict of laws: Publication of Draft text”, Journal of Private International Law (英國), vol.3,2007,October, pp.283-308(共26頁);
“China-African Trade & Investment and the Exchange of Law”,in Harmonization of Business Law in Africa and Its Advantage for Chinese Investment in Africa,Tipografia Macau Hung Heng Limitada (澳門), 2008,pp.99-113(共14頁);
“Codification of Private International Law: The Latest Development in China”, vol. 48 , No.1, Codicillus 11 (2007), (南非), pp. 11-30(共19頁);
“OHADA:As a Base for Chinese Further Investment in Africa”,Recueil Penant(法國), vol.129, No.89, 2009, pp. 421-429(共8頁);
“Law Applicable to Arbitration Agreement in China”, Yearbook of Private International Law(瑞士), vol.11, 2009, pp.255-265(共10頁);
“Determining the Validity of Arbitration Agreement in China: Towards a New Approach”, Asian International Arbitration Journal(新加坡), vol.6, No.1, 2010, pp.44-64(共20頁);
“The Relationship between China and Its SARs and Their Regulation”,Journal of Cambridge Studies(英國), vol.4, No.2, 2009, pp.111-119(共8頁);
Unifying Private International Law in East Asia: Necessity, Possibilty and Approach, Asian Women Law (韓國), No.13, 2010.
China-Africa Legal Exchange and Cooperation: The Past, Present and Future (co-author), in Fifty Years of Sino-African Cooperation: Background, Progress and Significance--Chinese Perspectives on Sino-African Relations, Yunan University Press, 2009.
《OHADA仲裁法律制度述評》(第一作者),《仲裁與法律》第110輯,2008年 。
《中國涉外仲裁協定效力的認定:困境與出路》,載《仲裁與法律》,第116輯, 2010年2月。
OHADA:As a Base for Further Chinese Investment in Africa,載《非洲法律與社會發展變遷》,湘潭大學出版社2010年版;
1. China's Codification of Private International Law: Publication of a Draft Text, Journal of Private International Law (UK), vol.3, issue 2, 2007; 當代國際著名國際私法學家、美國德克薩斯大學法學院Russell Weintraub曾在Texas International Law Journal 2008年第43捲髮表的論文"Choice of Law Rules of the European Community Regualtion on the Law Applicable to Non-Contractual Obligations: Simple and Predictable, Consequences-Based, or Neither?"中引用該文;當代國際著名國際私法學家Symeon C. Symeonides 在2009年第57卷American Journal of Comparative Law (SSCI)發表的論文“Private International Law Bibliography 2007-08: U.S. and Foreign Resource in English"一文中收錄該文。此外,Journal of Private International Law, Yearbook of Private International Law 等國際期刊也多次引用該文;該期刊被世界三大法學檢索資料庫Lexis, Westlaw和Heinonline收錄("When the Journal was established five years ago, one of the objectives of the Editors was that the Journal should examine private international law topics in more than one legal system. That objective has been met with conspicuous success as can be seen from the range of articles addressing common problems with perspectives drawn from across Europe, North America, South Africa and the Pacific region. Equally the editors' prediction that we live in interesting times in the private international law field is fully borne out by the scope of the examination in the Journal of challenging issues arising across the world, not least in terms of proposals emerging from Brussels and The Hague. The Journal has established itself as a major source of information and analysis in this challenging and increasingly important field of legal study and practice." Sir Peter North, Jesus College, University of Oxford);
2. Law Applicable to Arbitration Agreements in China, Yearbook of Private International Law (Switzerland), Vol. XI, 2009 (世界上著名的國際私法期刊,"This English-language annual publication provides analysis and information on private international law developments worldwide. The Editors commission articles of enduring importance concerning the most significant trends in the field." (The European Legal Forum, Issue 4-2008) ; 3. OHADA: As a Base for Further Chinese Investment in Africa, Recueil Penant, No.869, 2009 (非洲法期刊,創刊於1891年,是法國歷史最悠久的法學期刊之一;Recueil Penant is France's oldest legal review on civil law in Africa. It focuses particularly on business law, with the authoritative articles written by the best specialists: academics, magistrates, lawyers and legal professionals. It also publishes the most important jurisprudence decisions in Africa, again particularly concerning commercial disputes, company law, commercial contractual law, and collective bargaining and arbitration procedures);4. Codification of Private International Law: the Latest Development in China, Codicillus (South Africa), vol.48, 2007.當代國際著名國際私法學家Symeon C. Symeonides 在2009年第57卷American Journal of Comparative Law (SSCI)發表的論文“Private International Law Bibliography 2007-08: U.S. and Foreign Resource in English"一文中收錄該文。5. China-Africa Trade and Investment and Exchange of Law, The Harmonization of Commerical Laws in Africa and Its Advantages for Chinese Investment in Africa, Macao, 2008;
6. The Relationships Between China and Its SARs and Their Reuglation, Journal of Cambridge Studies, (UK) vol. 6, 2009.
7.Determining the Validity of Arbitration Agreements in China: Towards a New Approach, Asian International Arbitration Journal (Singapore), vol.6, issue 1, 2010 (該期刊Kluwerlaw資料庫來源期刊,The Asian International Arbitration Journal (AIAJ) aims to be the thought leader on issues in international commercial arbitration in the Asia-Pacific region.);
8. Unifying Private International Law in East Asia: Necessity, Possibilty and Approach, Asian Women Law (South Korea), No.13, 2010.9. 在《西亞非洲》、《山東大學學報》、《河北法學》、《訴訟法論叢》、《民商法論叢》、《民間法》等發表CSSCI論文20篇左右。
4、2006年被遴選為湖南省青年骨幹教師。 5、2008年入選湖南省新世紀121人才工程第三層次人選。