


  • 中文名:朱中凡 
  • 畢業院校:日本東京大學 
  • 學位/學歷:博士 
  • 職業:教師 
  • 專業方向:水利工程 
  • 職務:碩士生導師 
  • 任職院校:北京師範大學 
  • 職稱:副教授 



2002.9—2006.7 中國地質大學(武漢)環境學院水文與水資源工程專業,學士
2006.9—2009.7 清華大學水利水電工程系水力學與河流動力學專業,碩士
2009.10—2012.10 日本東京大學新領域創成科學研究科水環境學專攻,博士


2013.7—2016.5 北京師範大學水科學研究院,講師
2016.6—2019.6 北京師範大學水科學研究院,講師,碩士生導師
2019.7—今 北京師範大學水科學研究院,副教授,碩士生導師


[1] 《水利水電技術》特邀編委,2021-
[2]《International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health》客座編輯(城市洪災專題),2022-2023
[3]《Frontiers in Environmental Science》, Review Editor, 2022-
[4]《Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution》, Review Editor, 2022-
[5]《Frontiers in Earth Science》, Review Editor, 2022-
[7]AGU, JSCE, IAHR會員, 2013-
[9] Water Research, Geomorphology等國內外期刊審稿人, 2013-




[3]研究生課程: 河流動力學



[1]科技興蒙行動重點專項, 典型經濟作物節水控鹽提質綜合技術模式的示範套用,2021-2023,主持
[3]國家自然科學青年基金,電解質及水流剪下對高濃度粘性沙懸浮液流變參數的影響, 2016-2018,主持
[6]北京師範大學理科自主科研基金, 粘性細顆粒泥沙懸浮體系形成絮網結構的臨界條件,2013-2015,主持
[9]北京師範大學自主科研基金(學科交叉重點項目), 高濃度粘性沙懸浮液流變特性:機理分析與數學模擬,2015-2018,技術負責
[10]水利部綜合事業局水資源管理中心中央分成水資源費,非常規水資源利用分析報告(2015、2016、2017年度) ,2016-2018,技術負責


[1]Z Zhu, L Gou, S Liu, D Peng. 2023. Effect of urban neighbourhood layout on the flood intrusion rate of residential buildings and associated risk for pedestrians. Sustainable Cities and Society, 104485
[2]H Ji, D Peng, Y Gu, X Luo, B Pang, Z Zhu. 2022. Snowmelt Runoff in the Yarlung Zangbo River Basin and Runoff Change in the Future. Remote Sensing 15 (1), 55
[3]Z Zhu, Y Zhang, L Gou, D Peng, B Pang. 2022. On the physical vulnerability of pedestrians in urban flooding: Experimental study of the hydrodynamic instability of a human body model in floodwater. Urban Climate 48, 101420
[4]K Zhao, D Peng, Y Gu, B Pang, Z Zhu. 2022. Daily precipitation dataset at 0.1 for the Yarlung Zangbo River basin from 2001 to 2015. Scientific Data 9 (1), 349
[5]Z Zhu, L Gou, D Peng, B Pang. 2022. Quantifying the role of openings in the impact of a dam-break-induced flood on a porous building. Journal of Hydrology 614, 128596
[6]L Cui, B Pang, G Zhao, C Ban, M Ren, D Peng, D Zuo, Z Zhu. 2022. Assessing the sensitivity of vegetation cover to climate change in the Yarlung Zangbo river basin using machine learning algorithms. Remote Sensing 14 (7), 1556
[7]L Gou, Y Liu, Y Zhang, Z Zhu, D Peng, J Dou. 2022. Estimating the instability criterion of vehicles in urban flooding by an entropic method. Urban Climate 41, 101069
[8]J Dou, AP Yunus, DT Bui, A Merghadi, M Sahana, Z Zhu, CW Chen. 2019. Assessment of advanced random forest and decision tree algorithms for modeling rainfall-induced landslide susceptibility in the Izu-Oshima Volcanic Island, Japan. Science of the Total Environment 662, 332-346
[9]Z Zhu, X Xiong, C Liang, M Zhao. 2018. On the flocculation and settling characteristics of low-and high-concentration sediment suspensions: effects of particle concentration and salinity conditions. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25, 14226-14243
[10]Z Zhu, D Peng, H Wang. 2018. Seawater desalination in China: an overview. Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination 9 (2), 115-132


[1] 《南水北調與水利科技(中英文)》2016-2020年度優秀論文,2021
[2] 《水利水電技術(中英文)》2021年度優秀審稿專家,2022
[5]亞洲開發銀行日本獎學金 (ADB-JSP)(馬尼拉,菲律賓),2009-2011


