《朗文中學英語智趣故事集:妙語短篇(A2)》精選135篇幽默小故事(每冊15篇,分三個等級,共9冊)。每篇故事都配有一組適合中國學生學習和考試的練習。各冊辭彙與語法既與新課標接軌,又遵照循序漸進、步步為營的原則,便於學生接受和使用。每篇故事插圖生動活潑、妙趣橫生;每篇故事寓意豐富深刻,既令讀者忍俊不禁、愛不釋手,又無形中提高了英語閱讀和實踐能力。 本系列讀物既可在課堂上使用,也可供各級水平的英語愛好者自學。每冊後附有習題答案和譯文,以方便讀者學習。
- 書名:朗文中學英語智趣故事集:妙語短篇
- 作者:瓊斯(Heather Jones) 麥瑟爾德(Ken Methold)
- 出版日期:2010年5月1日
- 語種:英語, 簡體中文
- ISBN:7546327350, 9787546327358
- 品牌:吉林出版集團外語教育有限公司
- 外文名:Short Stories for Comprehension A3
- 出版社:吉林出版集團有限責任公司,外語教育出版公司
- 頁數:90頁
- 開本:32
- 定價:7.00
- 譯者:於鑫
作者:(美國)瓊斯(Heather Jones) (美國)麥瑟爾德(Ken Methold) 譯者:於鑫
1.The Three Tortoises
2.An Old Friend
3.Not Here
4.A Bad Doctor
5.Nothing to Complain about
6.A Good-Bye Gift
7.Good Value
8.No! Funny
9.The Right Tools for the Job
10.Paid in Full
11.The Wrong Question
12.Bananas Are Bad for You
13.Big John
14.The Wrong Medicine
15.Something in the Ear
Answer Key
2.An Old Friend
3.Not Here
4.A Bad Doctor
5.Nothing to Complain about
6.A Good-Bye Gift
7.Good Value
8.No! Funny
9.The Right Tools for the Job
10.Paid in Full
11.The Wrong Question
12.Bananas Are Bad for You
13.Big John
14.The Wrong Medicine
15.Something in the Ear
Answer Key
John Smith and his friend Bill Jones were shipwrecked on a deserted island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
They had plenty of fish and fruit to eat, but nothing to read except a book full of jokes.
Each of the jokes was numbered.
At first, to help pass the time, John and Bill read the jokes to one another; then they told them from memory. After a year they knew the jokes so well that they just said the number of the joke.
"Twenty," John would say, and Bill would roar with laughter.
Then Bill might say, "Seventy-five," and John would laugh.
One day, after they. had been on the island for many years, another man was shipwrecked with them.
"How do you pass the time?" he asked them.
"We tell each other jokes." Bill said, and handed him the joke book.
"Tell us a joke," John said. "Just read out the number."
"OK," the man said. He looked through the book until he found a joke he thought was very funny. It was number eightythree.
"I've found a good joke," he said. "Are you ready?"
John Smith and his friend Bill Jones were shipwrecked on a deserted island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
They had plenty of fish and fruit to eat, but nothing to read except a book full of jokes.
Each of the jokes was numbered.
At first, to help pass the time, John and Bill read the jokes to one another; then they told them from memory. After a year they knew the jokes so well that they just said the number of the joke.
"Twenty," John would say, and Bill would roar with laughter.
Then Bill might say, "Seventy-five," and John would laugh.
One day, after they. had been on the island for many years, another man was shipwrecked with them.
"How do you pass the time?" he asked them.
"We tell each other jokes." Bill said, and handed him the joke book.
"Tell us a joke," John said. "Just read out the number."
"OK," the man said. He looked through the book until he found a joke he thought was very funny. It was number eightythree.
"I've found a good joke," he said. "Are you ready?"
1.The New Principal
2.A Bad Neighbor
3.The Generous Policeman
4.Which Way?
5.The Most Famous Person in the World
6.Dream Win
7.A Careless Driver
8.A Piece of Bread
9.Too High a Price
10.A New Kind of Chicken
12.An Unexpected Answer
13.The Entertainer
14.Suspicious Behavior
15.One Thing Missing
Answer Key
2.A Bad Neighbor
3.The Generous Policeman
4.Which Way?
5.The Most Famous Person in the World
6.Dream Win
7.A Careless Driver
8.A Piece of Bread
9.Too High a Price
10.A New Kind of Chicken
12.An Unexpected Answer
13.The Entertainer
14.Suspicious Behavior
15.One Thing Missing
Answer Key