




  • 書名:21世紀高職高專專業英語系列教材:服裝貿易專業英語
  • 作者:陳彥華 賈永青
  • 出版社:武漢大學出版社
  • 頁數:220頁
  • 開本:16
  • 定價:27.00
  • 外文名:English for Clothing and Its Bussiness Process
  • 類型:高職高專英語
  • 出版日期:2011年7月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:730708774X, 9787307087743
  • 品牌:武漢大學出版社有限責任公司




Chapter One International Commercial Terms
Reading One Definition and Functions of Incoterms
Reading Two Incoterms 2000
Chapter Two The Inspection of Apparel and Textile
Reading One China Taps into Demand for Eco-textiles
Reading Two The Steps of Inspecting Apparel and Textile
Chapter Three The Clothing Production Process
Reading One Clothing and Garment Manufacturing
Reading Two The Clothing Production Process
Chapter Four Quality Standard and Packaging
Reading One Quality Standards of Garment
Reading Two Local and Overseas Supplier-Apparel Packing and Packaging Requirements
Chapter Five Price Terms for Export Apparels
Reading One Pricing Strategies and Pricing Methods for the Apparel Industry
Reading Two Discounts and Allowances
Chapter Six Methods of Payment in International Apparel Trade
Reading One Methods of Payment in International Trade
Reading Two Negotiable Instrument
Chapter Seven Transportation and Documentation
Reading One Transport
Reading Two Documentation
Chapter Eight Clearance of Imported and Exported Goods
Reading One Procedure for Clearance of Imported Goods
Reading Two Correct Way to Fill out the Shipper's Export Declaration
Chapter Nine Insurance of the Export Apparel
Reading One The Basics of Cargo Insurance
Reading Two Air Carriers' Limited Liability
Chapter Ten Inspection of Garments
Reading One Garment Inspection
Reading Two Inspection Procedure
Chapter Eleven Claims and Arbitration
Reading One Claims Guides
Reading Two Arbitration
Chapter Twelve Business Negotiation
Reading One To Negotiate:What Does It Mean?
Reading Two Competitive Negotiation:Procedure Summary Exercises
Keys to Exercises of Vocabulary,Cloze and Scramble Sentences
Keys to Exercise of Case Study



Your price should almost never be lower than your costs or higher than what most consumers consider "fair". This may seem obvious, but many entrepreneurs seem to miss this simple concept, either by miscalculating costs or by inadequate market research to determine fair pricing. Simply put, if people won't readily pay enough more than your cost to make you a fair profit, you need to reconsider your business model entirely. How can you cut your costs substantially? Or change your product positioning to justify higher pricing?Pricing is a tricky business. You're certainly entitled to make a fair profit on your product, and even a substantial one if you create value for your customers. But remember, something is ultimately worth only what someone is willing to pay for it.
Reading Two Discounts and Allowances
Discounts and allowances are reductions to a basic price of goods or services.
The discounts and allowances can occur anywhere in the distribution channel, modifying either the manufacturer's list price (determined by the manufacturer and often printed on the package), the retail price (set by the retailer and oftenattached to the product with a sticker), or the list price (which is quoted to a potential buyer, usually in written form).
There are many purposes for discounting, to increase short-term sales, to move out-of-date stock, to reward valuable customers, to encourage distribution channel members to perform a function, or to otherwise reward behaviors that benefit the discount issuer. Some discounts and allowances are forms of sales promotion.
The most common types of discounts and allowances are listed below.
Discounts and allowances dealing with payment
Prompt Payment Discount
Trade Discount: Reduction in price given by the wholesaler/manufacturer to the retailer at the list price or catalogue price.
Cash Discount: Reduction in price give the creditor to the debtor is known as cash discount. This discount is intended to speed payment and thereby provide liquidity to the firm. They are sometimes used as a promotional device.


