《會計科目中英文對照 (北京市審計局發布)》是北京市審計局發布的關於會計科目中英文翻譯對照表。
中英文對照最新會計科目 北京市審計局發布
順序號 | 編號 | 會計科目名稱 | 適用範圍 | 英文表達法 |
一、資產類 | ||||
1 | 1001 | 庫存現金 | Cash on Hand | |
2 | 1002 | 銀行存款 | Cash in bank | |
3 | 1003 | 存放中央銀行款項 | 銀行專用 | Deposit in the Central Bank |
4 | 1011 | 存放同業 | 銀行專用 | Due from Placements with Banks and Other Financial Institutions |
5 | 1015 | 其他貨幣資金 | Other Monetary Capital | |
6 | 1021 | 結算備付金 | 證券專用 | Deposit Reservation for Balance |
7 | 1031 | 存出保證金 | 金融共用 | Deposit for Recognizance |
8 | 1051 | 拆出資金 | 金融共用 | Lendings to Banks and Other Financial Institutions |
9 | 1101 | 交易性金融資產 | Transactional Monetary Capital | |
10 | 1111 | 買入返售金融資產 | 金融共用 | Redemptory Monetary Capital for Sale |
11 | 1121 | 應收票據 | Notes Receivable | |
12 | 1122 | 應收賬款 | Accounts Receivable | |
13 | 1123 | 預付賬款 | Advance to suppliers | |
14 | 1131 | 應收股利 | Dividend Receivable | |
15 | 1132 | 應收利息 | Accrued Interest Receivable | |
16 | 1211 | 應收保戶儲金 | 保險專用 | Receivable Deposit from the Insured |
17 | 1221 | 應收代位追償款 | 保險專用 | Subrogation Receivables |
18 | 1222 | 應收分保賬款 | 保險專用 | Reinsurance Accounts Receivable |
19 | 1223 | 應收分保未到期責任準備金 | 保險專用 | Receivable Deposit for Undue Duty of Reinsurance |
20 | 1224 | 應收分保保險責任準備金 | 保險專用 | Receivable Deposit for Duty of Reinsurance |
21 | 1231 | 其他應收款 | Other Receivable | |
22 | 1241 | 壞賬準備 | Provision for bad debts | |
23 | 1251 | 貼現資產 | 銀行專用 | Deposit of Capital Discounted |
24 | 1301 | 貸款 | 銀行和保險共用 | Loans |
25 | 1302 | 貸款損失準備 | 銀行和保險共用 | Loans Impairment Reserve |
26 | 1311 | 代理兌付證券 | 銀行和證券共用 | Vicariously Cashed Securities |
27 | 1321 | 代理業務資產 | Capital in Vicarious Business | |
28 | 1401 | 材料採購 | Procurement of Materials | |
29 | 1402 | 在途物資 | Materials in Transit | |
30 | 1403 | 原材料 | Raw Materials | |
31 | 1404 | 材料成本差異 | Balance of Materials | |
32 | 1406 | 庫存商品 | Commodity Stocks | |
33 | 1407 | 發出商品 | Goods in Transit | |
34 | 1410 | 商品進銷差價 | Difference between Purchase and Sales of Commodities | |
35 | 1411 | 委託加工物資 | Materials for Consigned Processing | |
36 | 1412 | 包裝物及低值易耗品 | Wrappage and Easily Wornout Inexpensive Articles | |
37 | 1421 | 消耗性生物資產 | 農業專用 | Consumptive Biological Assets |
38 | 1431 | 周轉材料 | 建造承包商專用 | Revolving Materials |
39 | 1441 | 貴金屬 | 銀行專用 | Expensive Metals |
40 | 1442 | 抵債資產 | 金融共用 | Capital for Debt Payment |
41 | 1451 | 損余物資 | 保險專用 | Salvage Value Of Insured Properties |
42 | 1461 | 存貨跌價準備 | Reserve For Stock Depreciation | |
43 | 1501 | 待攤費用 | Unamortized Expenditures | |
44 | 1511 | 獨立賬戶資產 | 保險專用 | Capital in Independent Accounts |
45 | 1521 | 持有至到期投資 | Held-To-Maturity Investment | |
46 | 1522 | 持有至到期投資減值準備 | Reserve for Held-To-Maturity Investment Impairment | |
47 | 1523 | 可供出售金融資產 | Financial Assets Available for Sale | |
48 | 1524 | 長期股權投資 | Long-term Equity Investment | |
49 | 1525 | 長期股權投資減值準備 | Reserve for Long-term Equity Investment Impairment | |
50 | 1526 | 投資性房地產 | Investment Real Estate | |
51 | 1531 | 長期應收款 | Long-term Accounts Receivable | |
52 | 1541 | 未實現融資收益 | Unrealized Financing Profits | |
53 | 1551 | 存出資本保證金 | 保險專用 | Deposit for Capital Recognizance |
54 | 1601 | 固定資產 | Fixed assets | |
55 | 1602 | 累計折舊 | Accumulative Depreciation | |
56 | 1603 | 固定資產減值準備 | Provision for impairment of fixed assets | |
57 | 1604 | 在建工程 | Construction in Process | |
58 | 1605 | 工程物資 | Engineer Material | |
59 | 1606 | 固定資產清理 | Disposal of Fixed Assets | |
60 | 1611 | 融資租賃資產 | 租賃專用 | Financial Leasing Assets |
61 | 1612 | 未擔保余值 | 租賃專用 | Unguaranteed Residual Value |
62 | 1621 | 生產性生物資產 | 農業專用 | Productive Biological Assets |
63 | 1622 | 生產性生物資產累計折舊 | 農業專用 | Accumulative Depreciation of Productive Biological Assets |
64 | 1623 | 公益性生物資產 | 農業專用 | Biological Assets for Commonweal |
65 | 1631 | 油氣資產 | 石油天然氣開採專用 | Oil and Gas Assets |
66 | 1632 | 累計折耗 | 石油天然氣開採專用 | Accumulated Depletion |
67 | 1701 | 無形資產 | Intangible Assets | |
68 | 1702 | 累計攤銷 | Accumulated Amortization | |
69 | 1703 | 無形資產減值準備 | Reserve for Intangible Assets Impairment | |
70 | 1711 | 商譽 | Business Reputation | |
71 | 1801 | 長期待攤費用 | Long-term Deferred Expenses | |
72 | 1811 | 遞延所得稅資產 | Deferred Income Tax Assets | |
73 | 1901 | 待處理財產損溢 | Profit & loss of assets pending disposal | |
二、負債類 | ||||
74 | 2001 | 短期借款 | Short-term Borrowings | |
75 | 2002 | 存入保證金 | 金融共用 | Deposit Received for Recognizance |
76 | 2003 | 拆入資金 | 金融共用 | Borrowings from Banks and Other Financial Institutions |
77 | 2004 | 向中央銀行借款 | 銀行專用 | Borrowings from the Central Bank |
78 | 2011 | 同業存放 | 銀行專用 | Due to Placements with Banks and Other Financial Institutions |
79 | 2012 | 吸收存款 | 銀行專用 | Savings Absorption |
80 | 2021 | 貼現負債 | 銀行專用 | Liabilities of Capital Discounted |
81 | 2101 | 交易性金融負債 | Transactional Moneytary Liabilities | |
82 | 2111 | 賣出回購金融資產款 | 金融共用 | Financial Assets Sold for Repurchase |
83 | 2201 | 應付票據 | Notes Payable | |
84 | 2202 | 應付賬款 | Accounts Payable | |
85 | 2205 | 預收賬款 | Advance from customers | |
86 | 2211 | 應付職工薪酬 | Payroll Payable | |
87 | 2221 | 應交稅費 | Taxes Payable | |
88 | 2231 | 應付股利 | Dividend Payable | |
89 | 2232 | 應付利息 | Accrued Interest Payable | |
90 | 2241 | 其他應付款 | Other Accounts Payable | |
91 | 2251 | 應付保戶紅利 | 保險專用 | Dividend Payable for The Insured |
92 | 2261 | 應付分保賬款 | 保險專用 | Dividend Payable for Reinsurance |
93 | 2311 | 代理買賣證券款 | 證券專用 | Receivings from Vicariously Traded Securities |
94 | 2312 | 代理承銷證券款 | 證券和銀行共用 | Receivings from Vicariously Sold Securities |
95 | 2313 | 代理兌付證券款 | 證券和銀行共用 | Receivings from Vicariously Cashed Securities |
96 | 2314 | 代理業務負債 | Liabilities from Vicarious Business | |
97 | 2401 | 預提費用 | Accrued expensess | |
98 | 2411 | 預計負債 | Estimated Liabilities | |
99 | 2501 | 遞延收益 | Deferred Profits | |
100 | 2601 | 長期借款 | Long-term loans | |
101 | 2602 | 長期債券 | Long-term Bonds | |
102 | 2701 | 未到期責任準備金 | 保險專用 | Deposit for Undue Duty of Reinsurance |
103 | 2702 | 保險責任準備金 | 保險專用 | Deposit for Duty of Reinsurance |
104 | 2711 | 保戶儲金 | 保險專用 | Deposit of the Insured |
105 | 2721 | 獨立賬戶負債 | 保險專用 | Liabilities of Independent Accounts |
106 | 2801 | 長期應付款 | Long-term Payable | |
107 | 2802 | 未確認融資費用 | Unsettled Financing Expenses | |
108 | 2811 | 專項應付款 | Special Accounts Payable | |
109 | 2901 | 遞延所得稅負債 | Deferred Income Tax Liabilities | |
三、共同類 | ||||
110 | 3001 | 清算資金往來 | 銀行專用 | Liquidation of Inter Bank Business |
111 | 3002 | 外匯買賣 | 金融共用 | Foreign Exchange Buy and Sale |
112 | 3101 | 衍生工具 | Derivative Tools | |
113 | 3201 | 套期工具 | Arbitrage Tools | |
114 | 3202 | 被套期項目 | Arbitraged Items | |
四、所有者權益類 | ||||
115 | 4001 | 實收資本 | Paid-in Capital | |
116 | 4002 | 資本公積 | Capital Reserve | |
117 | 4101 | 盈餘公積 | Surplus Reserve | |
118 | 4102 | 一般風險準備 | 金融共用 | Generic Risk Reserve |
119 | 4103 | 本年利潤 | Profit & loss summary | |
120 | 4104 | 利潤分配 | Distribution profit | |
121 | 4201 | 庫存股 | Treasury Share | |
五、成本類 | ||||
122 | 5001 | 生產成本 | Production Costs | |
123 | 5101 | 製造費用 | Manufacturing Expenditures | |
124 | 5201 | 勞務成本 | Service Costs | |
125 | 5301 | 研發支出 | Research and Development Expenditures | |
126 | 5401 | 工程施工 | 建造承包商專用 | Engineering Constructon |
127 | 5402 | 工程結算 | 建造承包商專用 | Engineering Settlement |
128 | 5403 | 機械作業 | 建造承包商專用 | Mechanical Operations |
六、損益類 | ||||
129 | 6001 | 主營業務收入 | Sales revenue | |
130 | 6011 | 利息收入 | 金融共用 | Interest Income |
131 | 6021 | 手續費收入 | 金融共用 | Commission Income |
132 | 6031 | 保費收入 | 保險專用 | Premium Income |
133 | 6032 | 分保費收入 | 保險專用 | Reinsurance Premium Income |
134 | 6041 | 租賃收入 | 租賃專用 | Leasehold Income |
135 | 6051 | 其他業務收入 | Revenues from other operationse | |
136 | 6061 | 匯兌損益 | 金融專用 | Exchange Gain or Loss |
137 | 6101 | 公允價值變動損益 | Profit and Loss from Fair Value Changes | |
138 | 6111 | 投資收益 | Income on Investment | |
139 | 6201 | 攤回保險責任準備金 | 保險專用 | Amortized Deposit for Duty |
140 | 6202 | 攤回賠付支出 | 保險專用 | Amortized Compensation Expenses |
141 | 6203 | 攤回分保費用 | 保險專用 | Amortized Reinsurance Expenditures |
142 | 6301 | 營業外收入 | Non-operating profit | |
143 | 6401 | 主營業務成本 | Cost of sales | |
144 | 6402 | 其他業務成本 | Cost of other operations | |
145 | 6405 | 營業稅金及附加 | Business Tax and Surcharges | |
146 | 6411 | 利息支出 | 金融共用 | Interest Expenses |
147 | 6421 | 手續費支出 | 金融共用 | Commission Expenses |
148 | 6501 | 提取未到期責任準備金 | 保險專用 | Appropriation of Deposit for Undue Duty |
149 | 6502 | 提取保險責任準備金 | 保險專用 | Appropriation of Deposit for Duty |
150 | 6511 | 賠付支出 | 保險專用 | Compensation Expenses |
151 | 6521 | 保戶紅利支出 | 保險專用 | Dividend Expenses for The Insured |
152 | 6531 | 退保金 | 保險專用 | Loan Value |
153 | 6541 | 分出保費 | 保險專用 | Reinsurance Premium |
154 | 6542 | 分保費用 | 保險專用 | Reinsurance Expenses |
155 | 6601 | 銷售費用 | Marketing Costs | |
156 | 6602 | 管理費用 | Managing Costs | |
157 | 6603 | 財務費用 | Financing Costs | |
158 | 6604 | 勘探費用 | Prospecting Costs | |
159 | 6701 | 資產減值損失 | Assets Devaluation | |
160 | 6711 | 營業外支出 | Non-operating expenses | |
161 | 6801 | 所得稅 | Income Tax | |
162 | 6901 | 以前年度損益調整 | Prior period profit & loss adjustment |