
曾敏:男,博士,副教授。1981年9月生,湖南省邵東縣人,中共黨員。2003年畢業於成都理工學院資源勘查工程系資源勘查工程專業;2006年畢業於中國地質大學(北京)地球探測與信息技術專業,獲工學碩士學位(導師陳建平教授);2010年畢業於中國地質大學(北京)礦產普查與勘探專業,獲工學博士學位(導師陳建平教授、Frank R. Ettensohn)。2008-2009年在美國肯塔基大學學習、進修。



  • 中文名:曾敏
  • 出生地:湖南省邵東縣
  • 出生日期:1981年9月
  • 畢業院校:成都理工學院、中國地質大學(北京)




作為項目負責人或主研人員參與了國家自然科學青年基金“班公湖-怒江縫合帶中西段木嘎崗日岩群中的含火山碎屑淺海沉積及其構造意義”教育部高等學校博士點基金“卡林型金礦成礦過程中的活性鐵地球化學研究”、大陸構造與動力學國家重點實驗室開發基金“班公湖怒江縫合帶中段侏羅系沉積序列及其大地構造意義”、、地質調查項目子題“班公湖-怒江成礦帶礦產資源遙感地質調查協作研究”、地質調查項目子題“青海祁漫塔格地區遙感地質解譯及典型礦床成礦規律協作研究” 、國家自然科學基金面上項目“新疆白楊河礦床鈾-鈹-鉬共生分異機制研究”。在《Basin Research》、《Sedimentary geology》、《International Journal of Geographical information science》等刊物及會議論文集上發表論文20餘篇,其中SCI文章3篇,EI文章8篇。研究興趣:沉積學;青藏高原地質;沉積型礦床;遙感地質學。


[1] Zeng, Min*, Zhang, Xiang, Cao, Hui, Ettensohn, Frank R., Late Triassic initial subduction of the Bangong- Nujiang Ocean beneath Qiangtang revealed: stratigraphic and geochronological evidence from Gaize,Tibet, Basin Research, 2015, pp 1-11 , 2015 (SCI)
[2] Zeng, M.*, Ettensohn, F.R., Zhang, R., Stratigraphic and Geochronologic Evidence for Late Triassic Initial Subduction of The Bangong-Nujiang Tethys Ocean Beneath Qiangtang, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 46(6), 8, 2014
[3] Zeng, M.*, Chen, J., Zhang, R., A Geological Section of the Jurassic Mugagangri Group in Gaize, Tibet, and Its Implications to the Evolution of Bangong-Nujiang Suture. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 87, 220-221, 2013.
[4] Zeng, M.*, Ettensohn, F.R., 2013. Upper Mississippian Stratigraphy and Syndepositional Faulting Reflect Likely Ouachita Flexural Forebulge Effects, East-Central Kentucky, USA. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 45(7), 47, 2013.
[5] Zeng, M.*, Ettensohn, F.R., Wilhelm, W.B., Upper Mississippian (Lower Carboniferous) carbonate stratigraphy and syndepositional faulting reveal likely Ouachita flexural forebulge effects, eastern Kentucky, USA. Sedimentary Geology, 289, 99-114, 2013. (SCI檢索)
[6] Duan, Y., Zhang, R., Zeng, M.*, Chen, J., ASTER Spectral Analysis and Lithologic Mapping in Bangong Suture, Tibet, China. Advanced Materials Research, 664, 403-408, 2013. (EI檢索)
[7]張瑞絲,陳建平,曾敏.基於Worldview-II遙感影像的西藏改則地區斷裂構造解譯研究及套用.遙感技術與套用, 27, 265-274, 2012.
[8] Chen, J., Zeng, M.*, Duan, Y., Regional carrying capacity evaluation and prediction based on GIS in the Yangtze River Delta, China. International Journal of Geographic Information Science, 25, 171-190, 2011. (SCI檢索)
[9] Zhang, R., Zeng, M.*, Chen, J., Study on Geological Structural Interpretation Based on Worldview-2 Remote Sensing Image and Its Implementation. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 10, 653-659, 2011. (EI檢索)
[10] Zeng, M., Zhang, R.*, Chen, J., Mapping lithological units of the Bangong-Nujiang suture zone along a north-south traverse in Gaize, west-central Tibet, based on field and ASTER imagery data: geological implications. Geosphere (in revision).


