

曾忠,男,1968年11月生,工學博士,重慶大學航空航天學院教授、博士生導師、重慶大學期刊社副社長。從事流體力學基礎理論、程式開發與並行及其套用的研究,主要包括浮區法和提拉法晶體生長中的流體動力學研究;靜態與動態磁場的對流控制,包括理論建模、基於有限體積法的二次程式開發及數值模擬;基於譜元法(高精度的譜方法和有限元結合)的計算流體動力學程式開發及數值模擬;基於譜元法和線性穩定性理論的對流穩定性研究,包括程式開發及其套用;Lattice Boltzmann Method(LBM)理論研究、程式開發及數值模擬。共主持和參加科研項目30項,發表論文70餘篇,其中包括International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer、Journal of Computational Physics、Journal of Crystal Growth等SCI期刊論文40餘篇,完成書籍《Studies on Flow Instabilities in Bulk Crystal Growth》的章節撰寫。


  • 中文名:曾忠
  • 出生日期:1968年11月
  • 畢業院校:東北大學
  • 學位/學歷:工學博士
  • 職務:重慶大學航空航天學院重慶大學期刊社副社長


重慶市沙坪壩區政協副主席,致公黨沙坪壩區委主委,致公黨重慶市委常務委員,重慶市第二屆學術技術帶頭人,入選教育部“新世紀優秀人才支持計畫”,重翻采探慶市力學學會副理事長, 重慶市科學技術期刊編輯學會危和遷夜副理事長,非均質材料力學重慶市重點實驗室副主任。《流體動力學》期刊編委、《套用數學和力學》期刊編委、《Journal of Advanced Thermal Science Research》期刊編委、《重慶大學學報》糠套糠常務副主編。



1997.04 - 2000.03: 工學博士 (日本)東北大學 金屬材料研究所
1996.10 - 1997.03 研修生 (日本)東北大學 金屬材料研究所
1990.09 - 1993.07: 工學碩士  重慶大學 工程力學系
1986.09 - 1990.07: 本科學士 重慶大學 工程力學系


1993.07-- 1996.08 助教 重慶大學 工程力學系
1996.09-- 1996.09 講師 重慶大學 工程力學系
2000.04-- 2000.08 教務輔佐員 (日屑檔芝本)東北大學 金屬材料研究所
2000.09-- 2002.03 助手 (日本)東北大學金屬材料研究所
2002.04-- 2003.03 非常勤講師(中核的研究機關研究員)(日本)東北大學 金屬材料研究所
2003.04-- 2005.03 外國人特別研究員 (日本)東北大學 金屬材料研究所
2003.10 - 2013.12 教授 重慶大學 資源及環境科學學院 工程力學系
其中:2004.09 - 博導 重慶大學
2011.12 - 2012.02 客座教授 (日本)東北大學金屬材料研究所
2013.05 - 2013.11 (掛職)副主任江陰高新技兆剃術創業園管委會
2013.12 - 教授 重慶大學 航空航天遷簽牛學院 工程力學系
2014.12 - 副社長重慶大學期刊社
其中:2014.01 - 2014.03 客座教授 (日本)東北大學金己促甩請屬材料研究所
2015.07 - 2015.08 客座教授 (日本)東北大學金屬材料研究所


1. Liping Yao, Zhong Zeng, Hiroshi Mizuseki and Yoshiyuki Kawazoe, Effects of Rotating Magnetic Fields on Thermocapillary Flow: Comparison of the infinite and theΦ1-Φ2 models, Int. J. Thermal Sci., 49 (2010) 2413-2418.
2. L. P. Yao, Z. Zeng, J. Q. Chen, C. B.Chen, L. Li, H. Mizuseki, Y. Kawazoe, Effect of Rotating Magetic Field on Three-Dimensional Instabilities of Thermocapillary Convection under Microgravity, Recent progresses in fluid dynamics research, Proceedings of the sixth international conference on fluid mechanics, AIP Conf. Proc. 1376 (2011) 114-116.
3. Liping Yao, Zhong Zeng, Jingqiu Chena, Yongxiang Zhang, Hiroshi Mizuseki and Yoshiyuki Kawazoe, Effects of Rotating Magnetic Fields on Thermocapillary Flow in a Floating Half-Zone, Journal of Crystal Growth, 316 (2011) 177-184.
4. X. Li, Z. Zeng, L. Yao, L. Li, C. Chen, Y. Zhang, J. Chen, Influence of transverse magnetic field on thermocapillary flow in liquid bridge, Cryst. Res. Technol. 46 (2011) 249-254.
5. Yongxiang Zhang, Zhong Zeng, Jingqiu Chen, The improved space-time conservation element and solution element scheme for two-dimensional dam-break flow simulation,International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids,68/5 (2012) 605-624.
6. Zhouhua Qiu, Zhong Zeng, Huan Mei, Liping Yao, A spectral element method for the numerical simulation of axisymmetric flow in Czochralski crystal growth, Advanced Materials Research, 452-453 (2012) 1195-1199.
7. Liping Yao,Zhong Zeng,Jingiu Chen, Liang Li, Hiroshi Mizuseki and Yoshiyuki Kawazoe, Investigation of convection control under the non-uniform RMF in a liquid bridge,Procedia Engineering, 31 (2012) 659-664.
8. Zhouhua Qiu, Zhong Zeng, Huan Mei, Liang Li, Liping Yao, A Fourier-Legendre Spectral Element Method in Polar Coordinates, Journal of Computational Physics, 231 (2012) 666–675.
9.Liping Yao, Zhong Zeng, Yi Zhang, Zhouhua Qiu, Hiroshi Mizuseki and Yoshiyuki Kawazoe,Three-Dimensional Unsteady Thermocapillary Flow under Rotating Magnetic Field,Cryst. Res. Technol. 47-8 (2012) 816-823.
10. Liping Yao, Zhong Zeng, Yi Zhang, Zhouhua Qiu, Huan Mei, Liangqi Zhang, Yongxiang Zhang, Influence of Rotating Magnetic Field Strength on Three-Dimensional Thermocapillary Flow in a Floating Half-Zone Model,Heat and Mass Transfer,48 (2012) 2103-2111.
11. Hai-Qiong Xie, Zhong Zeng, Liang-Qi Zhang, Gong-You Liang, Hiroshi Mizuseki, and Yoshiyuki Kawazoe, Multi-relaxation-time lattice Boltzmann front tracking method for two-phase flow with surface tension, Chinese Physics B. 21/12 (2012)124703.
12. Gongyou Liang, Zhong Zeng, Yu Chen, Junya Onishi , Hirotada Ohashi, Shiyi Chen, Simulation of self-assemblies of colloidal particles on the substrate using a lattice Boltzmann pseudo-solid model.Journal of Computational Physics 248(2013) 323-338.
13.Huan Mei, Zhong Zeng, Zhouhua Qiu, Liang Li, Liping Yao, Hiroshi Mizuseki, Yoshiyuki Kawazoe, Numerical simulation of crucible rotation in high-temperature solution growth method using a Fourier-Legendre spectral element method, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 64 (2013) 882-891.
14. Gongyou Liang, Zhong Zeng, Yu Chen, Junya Onishi , Hirotada Ohashi, Shiyi Chen, Simulation of self-assemblies of colloidal particles with different sizes by using a lattice Boltzmann pseudo-solid mode.International Journal of Modern Physics C, 24(12) (2013) 40002-400020.
15. Liangqi Zhang, Zhong Zeng ,Haiqiong Xie, Xutang Tao, Yongxiang Zhang, Yiyu Lu, Akira Yoshikawa, Yoshiyuki Kawazoe, An alternative lattice Boltzmann model for three-dimensional incompressible flow, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 68 / 10 (2014) 1107–1122.
16. Liangqi Zhang, Zhong Zeng ,Haiqiong Xie, Yongxiang Zhang, Yiyu Lu, Akira Yoshikawa, Yoshiyuki Kawazoe, A comparative study of lattice Boltzmann models for incompressible flow, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 68 / 10 (2014) 1446–1466.
17. Liangqi Zhang, Zhong Zeng ,Haiqiong Xie, Xutang Tao, Yongxiang Zhang, Yiyu Lu, Akira Yoshikawa, Yoshiyuki Kawazoe, An alternative second order scheme for curved boundary condition in lattice Boltzmann method, Computers & Fluids, 114 (2015) 193-202.
18. Haiqiong Xie, Zhong Zeng, Liangqi Zhang, Yiyu Lu, Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of the Thermocapillary Flow in an Annular Two Liquid Layers System with Deformable Interface, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 68 (2015) 78-84.
19. Haiqiong Xie, Zhong Zeng, Liangqi Zhang, Three-dimensional multi-relaxation-time lattice Boltzmann front tracking method for two-phase flow simulations. Chin. Phys. B, 25 / 1 (2016) 014702.
20. Zhong Zeng,Long Qiao, Yaping Liu, Yuui Yokota, Yoshiyuki Kawazoe,Akira Yoshikawa, Numerical Study on the Radial Dopant Distribution in Micro-Pulling-Down Crystal Growth, Journal of Crystal Growth,434 (2016) 110-115.
21. Long Qiao, Zhong Zeng, Haiqiong Xie, Phase-field-based Finite Volume Method for Simulating Thermocapillary Flows, Procedia Engineering , 126 (2015) 507–511.
22. Haiqiong Xie, Zhong Zeng, Liangqi Zhang, Yuui Yokota, Yoshiyuki Kawazoe,Akira Yoshikawa, Simulation on Thermocapillary-Driven Drop Coalescence by Hybrid Lattice Boltzmann Method, Microgravity - Science and Technology, 28(2016)67-77.
23. Linmao Yin, Zhong Zeng, Zhouhua Qiu, Huan Mei , Liangqi Zhang, Yongxiang Zhang, Linear stability analysis of thermocapillary flow in a slowly rotating shallow annular pool using spectral element method, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 97 (2016) 353-363.
24. Huan Mei, Faming Wang, Zhong Zeng, Zhouhua Qiu, Linmao Yin, Liang Li, A Global Spectral Element Model for Poisson Equations and Advective Flow over a Sphere, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 33 (2016) 377-390.
25. Lingquan Wang, Zhong Zeng, Liangqi Zhang, Haiqiong Xie, Gongyou Liang, Yiyu Lu, A lattice Boltzmann model for thermal flows through porous media, Applied Thermal Engineering, 108 (2016), 66–75.
26. Zhang, L, Yang, S., Zeng, Z,Yin, L., Zhao, Y., Chew, J.W., Consistent lattice Boltzmann methods for incompressible axisymmetric flows, Physical Review E, 94 (2016) 023302.
27. Liangqi Zhang, Zhong Zeng, Haiqiong Xie,Zhouhua Qiu, Liping Yao, Yongxiang Zhang, Yiyu Lu, An Alternative Lattice Boltzmann Model for Incompressible Flows and its stabilization, Communications in Computational Physics, 21/2 (2017) 443-465.
28. Yi Zhang, Zhong Zeng, LipingYao, Long Qiao, Linmao Yin, Yiyu Lu, Modelling the Rotating Magnetic Field with the Skin Effect, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics,已經錄用.
29. Liangqi Zhang, Shiliang Yang, Zhong Zeng, Liping Yao, Jia Wei Chew, Alternative kinetic theory based lattice Boltzmann model for incompressible axisymmetric flows, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 已經錄用.
30.文岑、張永祥、陳景秋、曾忠,用CE/SE法對彎曲與分叉河道的潰壩洪水波的數值研究,計算力學學報, 27/3 (2010) 435-44.
31.梁功有、曾忠、張良奇、謝海瓊,格子Boltzmann方法三維並行程式設計, 水動力學研究與進展A輯, 26 (2011) 531-537.
32.李亮、曾忠、時洪宇、趙前成、成寶江、陳杰富、周武. 600MW超臨界CFB鍋爐中振盪對流分析. 西南大學學報(自然科學版), 33 (2011) 152-159.
33. 姚麗萍、曾忠、張永祥,微重力環境下橫向旋轉磁場對熱表面張力流的影響,重慶大學學報,35(2012) 115-120.
34. 梁功有、曾忠、姚麗萍、張良奇、邱周華、梅歡,二維方腔內熱表面張力流的格子Boltzmann方法模擬,重慶大學學報 35/9 (2012) 106-113.
35. 梅歡、曾忠、邱周華,極坐標系下的Legendre譜元方法求解Poisson-型方程,計算力學學報, 29/5 (2012) 641-645.
36. 李亮、曾忠、姚麗萍、陳朝波、陳景秋,組合線圈磁場對液橋表面張力流的影響,工程力學 29/8(2012)39-44.
37.梅歡、曾忠、邱周華、李亮、姚麗萍, 極坐標系下Fourier-Legendre譜元方法與有限差分法數值擴散的比較,計算力學學報, 30/3 (2013) 406-411.
38.梁功有、曾忠、張永祥、張良奇、謝海瓊、陳昱, 兩球形顆粒間橫向毛細力的格子Boltzmann研究, 套用數學和力學, 34/5(2013)445-453.
39.劉亞平、曾忠、許小龍、張臻、屈菁菁, 不同結構的板翅式油冷器單層冷卻液側換熱特性的數值模擬, 套用數學和力學, 35/7 (2014) 815-822.
40.屈菁菁、曾忠、喬龍、付昌祿、丁雨憧,微下拉法YAG晶體生長數值模擬,套用數學和力學, 37/6 (2016) 574-583.


2014.12 - 副社長重慶大學期刊社
其中:2014.01 - 2014.03 客座教授 (日本)東北大學金屬材料研究所
2015.07 - 2015.08 客座教授 (日本)東北大學金屬材料研究所


1. Liping Yao, Zhong Zeng, Hiroshi Mizuseki and Yoshiyuki Kawazoe, Effects of Rotating Magnetic Fields on Thermocapillary Flow: Comparison of the infinite and theΦ1-Φ2 models, Int. J. Thermal Sci., 49 (2010) 2413-2418.
2. L. P. Yao, Z. Zeng, J. Q. Chen, C. B.Chen, L. Li, H. Mizuseki, Y. Kawazoe, Effect of Rotating Magetic Field on Three-Dimensional Instabilities of Thermocapillary Convection under Microgravity, Recent progresses in fluid dynamics research, Proceedings of the sixth international conference on fluid mechanics, AIP Conf. Proc. 1376 (2011) 114-116.
3. Liping Yao, Zhong Zeng, Jingqiu Chena, Yongxiang Zhang, Hiroshi Mizuseki and Yoshiyuki Kawazoe, Effects of Rotating Magnetic Fields on Thermocapillary Flow in a Floating Half-Zone, Journal of Crystal Growth, 316 (2011) 177-184.
4. X. Li, Z. Zeng, L. Yao, L. Li, C. Chen, Y. Zhang, J. Chen, Influence of transverse magnetic field on thermocapillary flow in liquid bridge, Cryst. Res. Technol. 46 (2011) 249-254.
5. Yongxiang Zhang, Zhong Zeng, Jingqiu Chen, The improved space-time conservation element and solution element scheme for two-dimensional dam-break flow simulation,International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids,68/5 (2012) 605-624.
6. Zhouhua Qiu, Zhong Zeng, Huan Mei, Liping Yao, A spectral element method for the numerical simulation of axisymmetric flow in Czochralski crystal growth, Advanced Materials Research, 452-453 (2012) 1195-1199.
7. Liping Yao,Zhong Zeng,Jingiu Chen, Liang Li, Hiroshi Mizuseki and Yoshiyuki Kawazoe, Investigation of convection control under the non-uniform RMF in a liquid bridge,Procedia Engineering, 31 (2012) 659-664.
8. Zhouhua Qiu, Zhong Zeng, Huan Mei, Liang Li, Liping Yao, A Fourier-Legendre Spectral Element Method in Polar Coordinates, Journal of Computational Physics, 231 (2012) 666–675.
9.Liping Yao, Zhong Zeng, Yi Zhang, Zhouhua Qiu, Hiroshi Mizuseki and Yoshiyuki Kawazoe,Three-Dimensional Unsteady Thermocapillary Flow under Rotating Magnetic Field,Cryst. Res. Technol. 47-8 (2012) 816-823.
10. Liping Yao, Zhong Zeng, Yi Zhang, Zhouhua Qiu, Huan Mei, Liangqi Zhang, Yongxiang Zhang, Influence of Rotating Magnetic Field Strength on Three-Dimensional Thermocapillary Flow in a Floating Half-Zone Model,Heat and Mass Transfer,48 (2012) 2103-2111.
11. Hai-Qiong Xie, Zhong Zeng, Liang-Qi Zhang, Gong-You Liang, Hiroshi Mizuseki, and Yoshiyuki Kawazoe, Multi-relaxation-time lattice Boltzmann front tracking method for two-phase flow with surface tension, Chinese Physics B. 21/12 (2012)124703.
12. Gongyou Liang, Zhong Zeng, Yu Chen, Junya Onishi , Hirotada Ohashi, Shiyi Chen, Simulation of self-assemblies of colloidal particles on the substrate using a lattice Boltzmann pseudo-solid model.Journal of Computational Physics 248(2013) 323-338.
13.Huan Mei, Zhong Zeng, Zhouhua Qiu, Liang Li, Liping Yao, Hiroshi Mizuseki, Yoshiyuki Kawazoe, Numerical simulation of crucible rotation in high-temperature solution growth method using a Fourier-Legendre spectral element method, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 64 (2013) 882-891.
14. Gongyou Liang, Zhong Zeng, Yu Chen, Junya Onishi , Hirotada Ohashi, Shiyi Chen, Simulation of self-assemblies of colloidal particles with different sizes by using a lattice Boltzmann pseudo-solid mode.International Journal of Modern Physics C, 24(12) (2013) 40002-400020.
15. Liangqi Zhang, Zhong Zeng ,Haiqiong Xie, Xutang Tao, Yongxiang Zhang, Yiyu Lu, Akira Yoshikawa, Yoshiyuki Kawazoe, An alternative lattice Boltzmann model for three-dimensional incompressible flow, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 68 / 10 (2014) 1107–1122.
16. Liangqi Zhang, Zhong Zeng ,Haiqiong Xie, Yongxiang Zhang, Yiyu Lu, Akira Yoshikawa, Yoshiyuki Kawazoe, A comparative study of lattice Boltzmann models for incompressible flow, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 68 / 10 (2014) 1446–1466.
17. Liangqi Zhang, Zhong Zeng ,Haiqiong Xie, Xutang Tao, Yongxiang Zhang, Yiyu Lu, Akira Yoshikawa, Yoshiyuki Kawazoe, An alternative second order scheme for curved boundary condition in lattice Boltzmann method, Computers & Fluids, 114 (2015) 193-202.
18. Haiqiong Xie, Zhong Zeng, Liangqi Zhang, Yiyu Lu, Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of the Thermocapillary Flow in an Annular Two Liquid Layers System with Deformable Interface, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 68 (2015) 78-84.
19. Haiqiong Xie, Zhong Zeng, Liangqi Zhang, Three-dimensional multi-relaxation-time lattice Boltzmann front tracking method for two-phase flow simulations. Chin. Phys. B, 25 / 1 (2016) 014702.
20. Zhong Zeng,Long Qiao, Yaping Liu, Yuui Yokota, Yoshiyuki Kawazoe,Akira Yoshikawa, Numerical Study on the Radial Dopant Distribution in Micro-Pulling-Down Crystal Growth, Journal of Crystal Growth,434 (2016) 110-115.
21. Long Qiao, Zhong Zeng, Haiqiong Xie, Phase-field-based Finite Volume Method for Simulating Thermocapillary Flows, Procedia Engineering , 126 (2015) 507–511.
22. Haiqiong Xie, Zhong Zeng, Liangqi Zhang, Yuui Yokota, Yoshiyuki Kawazoe,Akira Yoshikawa, Simulation on Thermocapillary-Driven Drop Coalescence by Hybrid Lattice Boltzmann Method, Microgravity - Science and Technology, 28(2016)67-77.
23. Linmao Yin, Zhong Zeng, Zhouhua Qiu, Huan Mei , Liangqi Zhang, Yongxiang Zhang, Linear stability analysis of thermocapillary flow in a slowly rotating shallow annular pool using spectral element method, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 97 (2016) 353-363.
24. Huan Mei, Faming Wang, Zhong Zeng, Zhouhua Qiu, Linmao Yin, Liang Li, A Global Spectral Element Model for Poisson Equations and Advective Flow over a Sphere, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 33 (2016) 377-390.
25. Lingquan Wang, Zhong Zeng, Liangqi Zhang, Haiqiong Xie, Gongyou Liang, Yiyu Lu, A lattice Boltzmann model for thermal flows through porous media, Applied Thermal Engineering, 108 (2016), 66–75.
26. Zhang, L, Yang, S., Zeng, Z,Yin, L., Zhao, Y., Chew, J.W., Consistent lattice Boltzmann methods for incompressible axisymmetric flows, Physical Review E, 94 (2016) 023302.
27. Liangqi Zhang, Zhong Zeng, Haiqiong Xie,Zhouhua Qiu, Liping Yao, Yongxiang Zhang, Yiyu Lu, An Alternative Lattice Boltzmann Model for Incompressible Flows and its stabilization, Communications in Computational Physics, 21/2 (2017) 443-465.
28. Yi Zhang, Zhong Zeng, LipingYao, Long Qiao, Linmao Yin, Yiyu Lu, Modelling the Rotating Magnetic Field with the Skin Effect, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics,已經錄用.
29. Liangqi Zhang, Shiliang Yang, Zhong Zeng, Liping Yao, Jia Wei Chew, Alternative kinetic theory based lattice Boltzmann model for incompressible axisymmetric flows, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 已經錄用.
30.文岑、張永祥、陳景秋、曾忠,用CE/SE法對彎曲與分叉河道的潰壩洪水波的數值研究,計算力學學報, 27/3 (2010) 435-44.
31.梁功有、曾忠、張良奇、謝海瓊,格子Boltzmann方法三維並行程式設計, 水動力學研究與進展A輯, 26 (2011) 531-537.
32.李亮、曾忠、時洪宇、趙前成、成寶江、陳杰富、周武. 600MW超臨界CFB鍋爐中振盪對流分析. 西南大學學報(自然科學版), 33 (2011) 152-159.
33. 姚麗萍、曾忠、張永祥,微重力環境下橫向旋轉磁場對熱表面張力流的影響,重慶大學學報,35(2012) 115-120.
34. 梁功有、曾忠、姚麗萍、張良奇、邱周華、梅歡,二維方腔內熱表面張力流的格子Boltzmann方法模擬,重慶大學學報 35/9 (2012) 106-113.
35. 梅歡、曾忠、邱周華,極坐標系下的Legendre譜元方法求解Poisson-型方程,計算力學學報, 29/5 (2012) 641-645.
36. 李亮、曾忠、姚麗萍、陳朝波、陳景秋,組合線圈磁場對液橋表面張力流的影響,工程力學 29/8(2012)39-44.
37.梅歡、曾忠、邱周華、李亮、姚麗萍, 極坐標系下Fourier-Legendre譜元方法與有限差分法數值擴散的比較,計算力學學報, 30/3 (2013) 406-411.
38.梁功有、曾忠、張永祥、張良奇、謝海瓊、陳昱, 兩球形顆粒間橫向毛細力的格子Boltzmann研究, 套用數學和力學, 34/5(2013)445-453.
39.劉亞平、曾忠、許小龍、張臻、屈菁菁, 不同結構的板翅式油冷器單層冷卻液側換熱特性的數值模擬, 套用數學和力學, 35/7 (2014) 815-822.
40.屈菁菁、曾忠、喬龍、付昌祿、丁雨憧,微下拉法YAG晶體生長數值模擬,套用數學和力學, 37/6 (2016) 574-583.




