12. Foster Care of the Handicapped Orphans:Can Parent-child Relationship Be Substituted? Presented at The The XVITH Biennial Meetings of International Society for the Study of Behaioural Development‚Beijing CHINAZeng Fanlin
Fanlin Zeng*, Chao Peng, Yizhi Liu, Jianmin Qu*.Reactive Molecular Dynamics Simulation on the Disintegration of PVDF, FP-POSS and Their Composites during Atomic Oxygen Impact.TheJournal of Physical Chemistry A, under review.
Fanlin Zeng, Enlai Hu, Yi Sun, Jianmin Qu.The Mechanism and a Slip Model for the Initial Plastic Deformation of Amorphous Polyethylene under Uniaxial Tension.Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 2015,DOI: 10.1002/polb.23727, IF=3.803
Sun Yi,Zeng Fanlin*.Modelling and Simulations in Nanoindentaion. in:Applied Nanoindentation in Advanced Materials. John Wiley & Sons, 2015.
Liu Yizhi, Sun Yi,Zeng Fanlin, etal. Effect of nano SiO2 particles on the morphology and mechanical properties of POSS nanocomposite dental resins.Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2014, 16(12):2736.
Liu Yizhi, Sun Yi,Zeng Fanlin, etal. Characterization and analysis on atomic oxygen resistance of POSS/PVDF composites.Applied Surface Science, 2014, 320:908-913
Fanlin Zeng, Yizhi Liu, Yi Sun. Mechanical Properties and Fracture Behavior of Poly(vinylidene fluoride)-Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane Nanocomposites by Nanotensile Testing.The 13th International Conference on Fracture, 2013, Beijing.
Liu Yizhi, Sun Yi,Zeng Fanlin, Chen Yunjun, etal. Morphology, crystallization, thermal and mechanical properties of poly(vinylidene fluoride) films filled with different concentrations of polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane.Polymer Engineering & Science, 2013, 53(7);1364-1373
Liu Yizhi, Sun Yi,Zeng Fanlin, etal. Influence of POSS as a Nanofiller on the Structure, Dielectric, Piezoelectric and Ferroelectric Properties of PVDF.International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 2013, 8(4):5688-5697.
Liu Yizhi, Sun Yi,Zeng Fanlin, etal. Effect of POSS nanofiller on structure, thermal and mechanical properties of PVDF matrix.Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2013, 15(12):2116.
Hu, Enlai, Sun Yi,Zeng Fanlin. The enhancement mechanism and deformation analysis of polyethylene incorporated with poss by nanoindentation simulation.Reviews on Advanced Materials Science, 2013, 33(1):85-91
Fanlin Zeng, Yizhi Liu, Yi Sun, Enlai Hu, Yu Zhou.Nanoindentation, Nanoscratch and Nanotensile Testing of Poly(vinylidene fluoride)-Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane Nanocomposites.Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 2012,50(23):1597-1611.
Fan-lin Zeng, Yi Sun, Yi-Zhi Liu, Yu Zhou. Multiscale Simulations of Wedged Nanoindentation on Nickel.Computational Materials Science, 2012, 62:47-54.
Fanlin Zeng, Yi Sun, Yizhi Liu.Molecular Simulations of the Uniaxial Tension on PVDF: from a Single Molecular Chain to an Amorphous Cell.ProcediaIUTAM, 2012.
Fan-lin Zeng, Yi Sun, Yu Zhou and Qing-kun Li. A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study to Investigate the Elastic Properties of PVDF and POSS Nanocomposites.Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 2011,19, 025005(26pp).(被選為當期編輯推薦論文)
Enlai Hu, Yi Sun,Fanlin Zeng, Jianmin Qu. Nanoindentation simulation of PE/POSS under different shapes of indenters.Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2011, 24(4):365-372
Li, J., Sun, Y., Cui, Z.,Zeng, F. Least square method for the calculation of elastic constants.Computer Physics Communications, 2011, 182(7):1447-1451.
Fan-lin Zeng, Yi Sun, Yu Zhou, Qing-kun Li. Molecular Simulations of the Miscibility in Binary Mixtures of PVDF and POSS compounds.Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 2009,17, 075002(13pp).
Enlai Hu, Yi Sun andFanlin Zeng. Molecular mechanics simulation on the deformation behaviors and the mechanical properties of nano composite of polyethylene and POSS.Proc. SPIE, 2009, 7493,74935F(7pp)
Jun Li, Yi Sun andFanlin Zeng. Molecular dynamics simulations research on the effects of POSS on mechanical properties of polyethylene.Proc. SPIE, 2009, 7493:74936W(8pp).
F. L. Zeng, Y. Sun. Quasicontinuum Simulation of Nanoindentation of Nickel Film.Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2006, 19(4):283-288.
Fanlin ZENG, Yi SUN. Atomistic Finite Element Simulations on the Tensile Properties of Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane (POSS) Reinforced Polystyrene.Progresses in Fracture and Strength of Materials and Structures, 2007, 353-358:965-968.
F.L. Zeng, Y. Sun, Y. Zhou. Molecular Mechanics Simulation of Deformation Behavior under Uniaxial Tension in POSS Nanocomposite.Advances in Heterogeneous Material Mechanics, 2008:41-45.
Fanlin Zeng, Yi Sun, Yu Zhou and Jun Li. Molecular mechanics simulation on the nanoindentation on POSS nanocomposite,Proc. SPIE, 2007, 6423,642322(6pp).
Zeng F.L., Sun Y., Hu L.J. Molecular Dynamics Simulations on the Relations between the Elastic Parameters and the Molecular Structures of Nano-hybrid POSS Materials.Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 2006, 13(2): 164-172.
F.L. ZENG, Y. SUN. Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Nanoindentation of POSS Materials.Computational Methods, Springer, Netherlands, 2006(PTS 1 and 2):1655-1660.
Fanlin Zeng, Yi Sun, Jun Li. Studies on the Influences of Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane (POSS) on Tensile Properties of Polystyrene.Journal of Jilin University(Engineerig and Technology Edition), 2006, 36: 182-186.
Yi Sun,Fanlin Zeng. Molecular Mechanics Simulation on the Deformation and Damage Process in POSS Nano Composite.Key Engineering Materials, 2007, 348-349:109-112.