



  • 中文名:曹詩頌
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:安徽省岳西縣
  • 出生日期:1989年4月
  • 畢業院校:首都師範大學(博士);武漢理工大學(本科)
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:高校教師
  • 專業方向:城市遙感與城鄉發展
  • 職務:教師
  • 學術代表作:城區太陽輻射傳輸——模型構建與遙感套用
  • 主要成就:教育部科技進步二等獎,地理科技信息進步一等獎


在北京建築大學測繪與城市空間信息學院從事教學與科研工作,現任院長助理,地理信息科學系副教授、碩士研究生導師、系教工黨支部委員。中國科協聯合國咨商工作信息與通信技術專業委員會委員,國際氣候變化與災害管理科學委員會成員,英國華威大學訪問學者。研究興趣為城市遙感以及可持續發展科學。先後主持和參與國家自然基金,國家自然基金重點項目、科技支撐重大專項10餘項。2021年入選北京市青年人才托舉工程。曾獲教育部科技進步獎二等獎1次、地理信息科技進步一等獎3次、華夏建設科學技術進步獎二等獎1次、教育部全國百名研究生黨員標兵稱號等十餘項省部級榮譽或科研獎勵。是ISPRS Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing等國內外多個期刊外審專家。出版學術專著/教材3部,發表學術論文60餘篇,其中,SCI收錄40餘篇。學術成長經歷入選北京市“不忘初心,牢記使命”主題課件資源開發計畫,成片榮獲北京市黨員教育片觀摩交流三等獎並在北京長城網專題展播。




為國內外十餘個重要期刊提供審稿服務(每年>40次),主要包括: ISPRS Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing; IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing International Journal of Remote Sensing; ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information; Journal of Cleaner Production; Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment; Environmental Monitoring and Assessment; Natural Hazards Research; International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; Urban Climate; Urban Water Journal; Ecological Indicators; Applied Geography; Scientific Reports; Geo-spatial Information Science; Transport Policy; Urban Science; Sensors; Atmosphere; Sustainability; 地球信息科學學報; 地理信息世界.


北京市教委科技一般項目:建築三維形態特徵影響下城區地表短波輻射傳輸模型構建與套用研究 (KM202110016004),2021.01-2024.12, 項目負責人.
國家自然基金項目:面向城市建築系統代謝最佳化模擬的建築垃圾遙感精準識別, 2023-01-01 至 2026-12-31, 項目參與人員.


城市空間信息工程北京市重點實驗室開放基金:基於航空LiDAR的城區建築物多尺度3D變化監測研究——類型,形態,景觀(2020210),2020.01-2021.12, 課題負責人.
城市空間信息工程北京市重點實驗室開放基金:結合航空雷達數據和超高解析度遙感影像的城市功能區分類研究(20220111),2022.1.1-2022.12, 課題負責人.
市屬高校基本科研業務費項目-青年教師跟蹤資助計畫:城區太陽短波輻射傳輸建模與遙感套用 (X20047),2020-01-2020.12,項目負責人.


[1] Wen Song(#), Shisong Cao(*), Mingyi Du, et al. Distinctive roles of land-use efficiency in SDGs: an investigation of trade-offs and synergies in China, Journal of Cleaner Production, 382: 134889, 2023. (IF: 11.072)
[2] Yang Meizi(#), Shisong Cao, Hengrui Zhang, et al. Using Point of Interest Data and Satellite Observation for Urban Functional Zone Mapping, Sensors and Materials, 35(1): 269-284, 2023 (IF: 0.879).
[3] Yang Meizi(#), Shisong Cao, Dayu Zhang, et al. Spatially Explicit Modeling of Anthropogenic Heat Intensity in Beijing Center Area: An Investigation of Driving Factors with Urban Spatial Forms, Sensors, 23, 7608, 2023 (IF: 3.847).
[4] Liang Ying(#), Shisong Cao(*), and Mingyi Du, et al. Local climate zone mapping using remote sensing: a synergetic use of daytime multi-view Ziyuan-3 stereo imageries and Luojia-1 nighttime light data, International Journal of Digital Earth, 16(1):3456-3488, 2023 (IF: 5.1).
[5] Ziyu Wang(#), Shisong Cao(*), and Mingyi Du et al., Local climate zone classification by seasonal and diurnal satellite observations: an integration of daytime thermal infrared multispectral imageries and high-resolution nighttime light data, Remote Sensing, 15(10), 2599, 2023 (IF: 5.349).
[6] Ying Liang(#), Wen Song, Shisong Cao(*), and Mingyi Du. Local Climate Zone Classification Using Daytime Zhuhai-1 Hyperspectral Imagery and Nighttime Light Data, Remote Sensing, 15(13), 3351, 2023 (IF: 5.349).
[7] Qiang Chen(#), Rui Liu(*), Qianhao Cheng, Yunhao Chen, Shisong Cao, Mingyi Du, and Kangning Li, Evaluating the impact of sky view factor and building shadow ratio on air temperature in different residential and commercial building scenarios: A case study of Beijing, China, Urban Climate, 2023, 49: 101509 (IF: 6.663).
[8] Yongjuan Guan(#),Jinling Quan(*),Ting Ma, Shisong Cao, et al., Identifying Major Diurnal Patterns and Drivers of Surface Urban Heat Island Intensities across Local Climate Zones, Remote Sensing, 15(20):5061, 2023 (IF: 5.349)
[9] Shisong Cao(#), Qihao Weng(#), and Linlin Lu. Distinctive roles of two- and three-dimensional urban structures in surface urban heat islands over the conterminous United States, Urban Climate, 2022, 44: 101230. (IF: 6.663)
[10] Shisong Cao(#), Yile Cai, Mingyi Du, Qihao Weng(*), and Linlin Lu. Seasonal surface urban heat islands in China: an investigation of driving factors with three-dimensional urban morphological parameters. GIScience & Remote Sensing, 2022, 59: 1121-1142. (IF: 6.397)
[11] Wen Song(#), Shisong Cao(*), Mingyi Du, You Mo, and Suju Li. Investigation of Compound Drought Risk and Driving Factors in Nepal, Natural Hazards, 2022. (IF: 3.158)
[12] Ziqiang Peng(#), Shisong Cao(*), Mingyi Du(*), Linlin Lu, et al. Spatiotemporal patterns and driving factors of urban particulate matter islands: new evidence from 240 cities in China, Sustainability, 2022, 14(10): 6117. (IF: 3.889)
[13] Siyan Gao(#), Yang Liu(*), Shisong Cao, et al. IUNet-IF: identification of construction waste using unmanned aerial vehicle remote sensing and multi-layer deep learning methods, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2022, 43(19-24):7181-7212. (IF: 3.531)
[14] Xue Zhao(#), Yang Yang, Fuzhou Duan(*), Miao Zhang, Guofu Jiang, Xing Yan, Shisong Cao and Wenji Zhao. Identification of construction and demolition waste based on change detection and deep learning. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 43(6): 2012-2028, 2022. (IF: 3.531)
[15] 彭自強(#), 曹詩頌(*), 杜明義. 中美城市群顆粒物島現象與健康暴露風險對比. 地理信息世界, 29(2): 8-15, 2022.
[16] Wen He(#), Shisong Cao(*), Mingyi Du, et al., How do two- and three-dimensional urban structures impact seasonal land surface temperatures at various spatial scales? a case study for the northern part of Brooklyn, New York, USA. Remote Sensing, 2021, 13, 3283. (IF: 5.349)
[17] Siji Sanlang(#), Shisong Cao(*), Mingyi Du, et al., Integrating Aerial LiDAR and Very-High-Resolution Images for Urban Functional Zone Mapping. Remote Sensing, 2021, 13, 2573. (IF: 5.349)
[18] Qiang Chen(#), Qianhao Cheng(*), Yunhao Chen, Kangning Li, Danan Wang, Shisong Cao. The Influence of Sky View Factor on Daytime and Nighttime Urban Land Surface Temperature in Different Spatial-Temporal Scales: A Case Study of Beijing. Remote Sensing, 2021, 13, 4117. (IF: 5.349)
[19] Meilin Zhou(#), Linlin Lu(*), Huadong Guo, Qihao Weng, Shisong Cao, et al., Urban Sprawl and Changes in Land-Use Efficiency in the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei Region, China from 2000 to 2020: A Spatiotemporal Analysis Using Earth Observation Data. Remote Sensing, 2021, 13, 2850. (IF: 5.349)
[20] You Mo(#), Ruofei Zhong(*), Shisong Cao. Orbita hyperspectral satellite image for land cover classification using random forest classifier. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 15(1): 014519, 2021. (IF: 1.568)
[21] Shuqi Wu(#), Zhuowei Hu, Zhiheng Wang, Shisong Cao, Yang Yang, Xinyuan Qu, and Wenji Zhao(*). Spatiotemporal variations in extreme precipitation on the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River Basin (1970–2018). Quaternary International, 2021. (IF: 2.454)
[22] 蔡一樂(#), 曹詩頌(*), 杜明義, 等. 中國地級市人為熱總量的估算及驅動因素分析, 地球信息科學學報, 23(3): 1-14, 2021.
[23] 胡德勇(#,*), 張亞妮, 劉曼晴,於琛, 曹詩頌, 狄宇飛. 顧及城區形態特徵的太陽輻射傳輸模型及其遙感套用初探, 遙感學報, 25(10), 2116–2126, 2021.
[24] 龔克(#), 梁曉峰, 馮錄召, 吳思竹, 劉闖(*), 伊赫亞, 許哲平, 曹詩頌. 中國抗擊COVID-19科研進展視頻報告(第3期):病毒抗體[J/DB/OL]. 全球變化數據倉儲電子雜誌(中英文), 2020. https://doi.org/10.3974/geodb.2020.03.21.V1.
[25] Shisong Cao(#), Mingyi Du(*), Wenji Zhao, et al. Multi-level monitoring of three-dimensional building changes for megacities: trajectory, morphology, and landscape. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 167: 54-70, 2020. (IF: 11.774)
[26] Shisong Cao(#), Qihao Weng(*), Mingyi Du(*), et al. Multi-scale three-dimensional monitoring of building information for urban areas using aerial LiDAR data, GIScience and Remote Sensing, 2020. (IF: 6.397)
[27] Shisong Cao(#), Deyong Hu, Wenji Zhao, Mingyi Du(*), et al. Integrating multi-view optical point clouds and multispectral images from ZY-3 satellite remote sensing data to generate an urban digital surface model. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 14(1), 014505, 2020. (IF: 1.568)
[28] Peng Li(#), Zhengwei He(*), Dong He, Dongjian Xue, Ying Wang, & Shisong Cao. Fractional vegetation coverage response to climatic factors based on grey relational analysis during the 2000-2017 growing season in Sichuan province, China. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 41 (3): 1170-1190, 2020. (IF: 3.531)
[29] 吳舒祺, 趙文吉, 王志恆, 曹詩頌, 等. 基於GIS的洪澇災害風險評估及區劃——以浙江省為例. 中國農村水利水電, 卷(6): 51-57, 2020.
[30] 劉宇昕, 王斌, 曹詩頌, 等. 武漢地區環境衛星氣溶膠光學厚度反演, 遙感信息, 卷(2): 30-37, 2020.
[31] 於琛, 胡德勇, 張亞妮, 曹詩頌, 王莎莎. DEM空間分塊的洪水動態演進算法研究與套用. 測繪科學, 45(10):9, 2020.
[32] Shisong Cao(#), Deyong Hu(*), Wenji Zhao, et al. Monitoring changes in impervious surface of different urban functional zones from multisource remote sensing data: a case study of Tianjin, China. GIScience and Remote Sensing, 56 (7): 967-987, 2019. (IF: 6.397)
[33] Shuqi Wu(#), Shisong Cao(*), Zhiheng Wang, et al. Spatiotemporal variations in agricultural flooding in middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River from 1970 to 2018, Sustainability, 11, 6613, 2019. (IF: 3.889)
[34] Shanshan Chen(#), Deyong Hu(*), Man Sing Song, Huazhong Ren, Shisong Cao, Chen Yu, et al. Characterizing spatiotemporal dynamics of anthropogenic heat fluxes: A 20-year case study in Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei region in China. Environmental Pollution, 249, 923-931, 2019. (IF: 9.988)
[35] You Mo(#), Ruofei Zhong(*), Haili Sun, Qiong Wu, Liming Du, Yuxin Geng, & Shisong Cao. Integrated Airborne LiDAR Data and Imagery for Suburban Land Cover Classification Using Machine Learning Methods. Sensors, 19, 1996, 2019. (IF: 3.847)
[36] 於琛(#), 胡德勇(*), 曹詩頌, 等. 近30年北京市ISP-LST空間特徵及其變化. 地理研究, 38(9): 2346-2356, 2019.
[37] 於琛(#), 胡德勇(*), 張暘, 曹詩頌, 段欣, & 張亞妮. 近20年京津唐主體城區地表熱場空間特徵變化分析. 地理科學, 39(6): 1016-1024, 2019.
[38] 於琛, 胡德勇, 段欣, 張亞妮, 曹詩頌, 張暘. 基於降水-流量關聯與水力模型的暴雨洪澇災害預警[J]. 水電能源科學, 37(10):4, 2019.
[39] 段欣, 胡德勇, 曹詩頌, 等. 城區複雜下墊面天空視域因子參數化方法——以北京鳥巢周邊地區為例. 國土資源遙感, 31(3): 29-35, 2019.
[40] 姜棟, 趙文吉, 萬碧玉, 楊振宇, 曹詩頌. 高解析度星載SAR影像在島礁測圖中的套用研究, 測繪科學與技術, 7(2) : 52-59, 2019.
[41] Shisong Cao(#), Wenji Zhao(*), Hongliang Guan(*), et al. Comparison of remotely sensed PM2.5 concentrations between developed and developing countries: results from the US, Europe, China, and India. Journal of Cleaner Production, 182, 672-681, 2018. (IF: 11.072)
[42] Shisong Cao(#), Deyong Hu, Zhuowei Hu(*), et al. An integrated soft and hard classification approach for evaluating urban expansion from multisource remote-sensing data: a case study of the Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan metropolitan region, China. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 39 (11), 3556-357, 2018. (IF: 3.531)
[43] Shisong Cao(#), Deyong Hu, Zhuowei Hu(*), et al. Comparison of spatial structures of urban agglomerations between the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and Boswash based on the subpixel-level impervious surface coverage product. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 28(3): 306-322, 2018. (IF: 4.012)
[44] Shisong Cao(#), Deyong Hu(*), Wenji Zhao, et al. Monitoring Spatial Patterns and Changes of Ecology, Production, and Living Land in Chinese Urban Agglomerations: 35 Years after Reform and Opening Up, Where, How and Why? Sustainability, 766, 2017. (IF: 3.889)
[45] Deyong Hu(#,*), Shisong Cao, Shanshan Chen, et al. Monitoring spatial patterns and changes of surface net radiation in urban and suburban areas using satellite remote-sensing data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 38(4): 1043-1061, 2017. (IF: 3.531)
[46] Deyong Hu(#), Shanshan Chen(*), Kun Qiao, and Shisong Cao. Integrating the CART algorithm and multi-source remote sensing data to estimate sub-pixel impervious surface coverage: a case study from Beijing Municipality, China. Chinese Geographical Science, 27: 614-625, 2017. (IF: 3.101)
[47] Kun Qiao(#), Wenquan Zhu, Deyong Hu(*), Ming Hao, Shanshan Chen, & Shisong Cao. Examining the distribution and dynamics of impervious surface in different function zones in Beijing, Journal of Geographical Sciences, 28(5): 669-684, 2018. (IF: 4.012)
[48] 齊夢溪(#), 魯晗, 曹詩頌, 等. 基於引力模型的經濟空間結構時空演變分析——以河南省為例. 地理研究, 37(05):39-53, 2018.
[49] 張暘, 胡德勇, 曹詩頌, 等. 京津冀城市群熱島強度遙感監測及其城市規模效應分析[J]. 首都師範大學學報(自然科學版), 39(05):75-83, 2018.
[50] 曹詩頌(#), 胡德勇(*), 趙文吉, 陳姍姍, 程慶文. 不透水地表蓋度視角下中美城市群空間結構對比——以“京津冀”與“波士華”為例. 地理學報, 72 (6): 1017- 1031, 2017.
[51] 曹詩頌(#), 王艷慧(*), 段福洲,等. 中國貧困地區生態環境脆弱性與經濟貧困的耦合關係——基於連片特困區 714 個貧困縣的實證分析. 套用生態學報, 27(8):2614-2622, 2016.
[52] 喬琨(#), 朱文泉, 胡德勇(*), 郝明, 陳姍姍, 曹詩頌. 北京市不同功能區不透水地表時空變化差異. 地理學報, 2017, 72(11):14.
[53] 於琛(#), 胡德勇(*), 曹詩頌, 等. 2005-2016 年北京中心城區熱島時空格局及影響因子多元建模. 地球信息科學學報, 19(11): 1485-1494, 2017.
[54] 孟宇(#), 胡卓瑋(*), 趙文吉, 曹詩頌. 貧困地區信息服務及發布平台的設計與實現. 工程勘察, 44(9):42-48, 2016.
[55] 曹詩頌(#), 趙文吉(*), 段福洲. 秦巴特困連片區生態資產與經濟貧困的耦合關係. 地理研究, 34(7): 1295-1309, 2015.


[1] 曹詩頌等,發明專利,建築物信息的提取方法、裝置及計算機設備(202010060603.6),已授權;
[2] 曹詩頌等,發明專利,建築物變化的監測方法、裝置及計算機設備(202010060604.0),已授權;
[3] 曹詩頌等,發明專利,一種數字地表模型的生成方法及裝置(201910974042.8),已授權;
[4] 曹詩頌等,發明專利,一種城市功能區分類方法、裝置及存儲介質(202110657027.8),已授權.
[5] 曹詩頌等,發明專利,乾旱風險等級評估方法、裝置及計算機設備(202210539278.0),受理.
[6] 胡德勇,劉曼晴,於琛,張亞妮,曹詩頌等,一種城區地表反射率遙感反演方法(20201002338.2),已授權.


曹詩頌, 杜明義. 城市太陽輻射傳輸——模型構建與遙感套用,商務印書館,2021 年;
胡德勇, 曹詩頌, 陳蓓蓓. 遙感圖像處理實習教程, 測繪出版社,2020年.




1. 工作期間榮譽
地理信息科技進步一等獎:多尺度城市要素遙感大數據獲取、監測與評估關鍵技術及套用,排名2/15, 2022年
地理信息科技進步一等獎:多源出行位置大數據融合分析技術及在交通中的套用,排名:4/15, 2021年
教育部科技進步二等獎:超大城市智慧型體檢與精細管理關鍵技術及套用,排名:8/15, 2021年
華夏建設科學技術進步獎二等獎:城市空間要素遙感智慧型解譯、監測和評估關鍵技術及套用研究,排名:5/12, 2024年
第二批國家一流本科課程,城市空間信息學(線下課程),排名:5, 2023年
第三屆全國高校GIS教學成果獎:工程能力導向的城市空間信息類創新型套用人才培養的創新與實踐,排名:5/10, 2021年
第六屆全國高校GIS青年教師講課競賽三等獎, 2021年
2. 博士期間榮譽
3. 指導學生論文/科技競賽獲獎


