- 中文名:曹春陽
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 出生日期:1970年8月
1) 利用核磁共振(NMR)技術研究若干生物大分子溶液三維結構、動力學與功能關係。
2) 利用NMR研究許多重要酶在核酸複製過程中識別、剪下與修覆核酸損傷位點的機制,以及相關蛋白與核酸相互作用機制。
3) 利用化學結構修飾(有機合成)與酶學方法研究與疾病相關的酶與底物相互作用機制。4) 利用定點突變技術研究重要胺基酸及有關胺基酸側鏈在酶生物催化過程中的作用。
5) 基於生物大分子溶液三維結構及相關酶生物催化機制, 利用有機合成方法進行抗腫瘤藥物分子、其它藥物分 子合理化設計。
1.Lan WX, Wang ZH, Yang ZZ, Cao C*. et alConformational toggling of Yeast Iso-1-cytochrome c in the oxidized and reducedstates, PLoS One, 2011, accepted
2.Zhu S, Peigneur S, Gao B, Lu X, Cao C*,Tytgat J. Evolutionary diversification of Mesobuthus {alpha}-scorpion toxinsaffecting sodium channels, Mol Cell Proteomics, 2011,in press
3.Zhang Y., Hu W., Shen J., Tong XT, LanWX, Cao C*. Cys397 plays important roles in the global folding of theneuron-restricted silencer factor/RE1-silencing transcription factor, BBRC,2011, in press
4.Zhang LL, Yang Z., Zhang Y., Cao C*., etal Highly efficient production of soluble proteins from insoluble inclusionbodies by a two-step-denaturing and refolding method PloS One 2011,2011;6(7):e22981.
5.Wang CK, Shen J., Yang ZZ, Cao C*. et alStructural basis of readout of unmodified H3R2 by UHRF1 PHD, Cell Res, 2011,2011, 21(9):1379-82
6.Tong XT, Lan WX, Zhang X., Liu ML, CaoC*., Solution structure of all parallel G-quadruplex formed by the oncogene RETpromoter sequence Nucleic Acid Res. 2011, 2011 39(15):6753-63
7.中國專利申請, Cao C*., etal Synthesis of the derivative of 4-(2,4,6- trimethylphenoxy) -5-fulorouraci,2010, Application code 201010611826.3
8.中國專利申請, Cao C*., etal, An novel approach to real-time detect deamination of cytosinecontained in HIV-1 cDNA, 2010, Application code 201010611814.0
9.Zhu, J; Tong, XT; Cao, C; Wu, G; Zhang,N; Wu, H. Solution structure of BmK? Tx11, a toxin from the venom of theChinese scorpion Buthus martensii Karsch. BBRC (2010), 391(1), 627-633.
10.Ju, J; Yang, ZZ; Wu, HM; Wang, ZF; Cao,C*. Solution structure determination of zinc finger 9 in NRSF/REST by NMR.Huaxue Xuebao (2009), 67(7), 705-708.
11.Guan, W; Liu, YH; Shen, Jie; Tang, PP;Wu, HM; Zhang, GA; Cao, C*.. DNA: a biological target of 23-Oxa-OSW-1? HuaxueXuebao (2008), 66(14), 1745-1748.
12.Sheng, Z.-Z.; Wang, ZQ; Wu, HM; Huang,ZX; Wu, XX; Cao, C*. 1H NMR studies on heme microenvironment of cytochrome b5mutant P40V. Huaxue Xuebao (2008), 66(10), 1221-1227.
13.Tong, XT; Zhu, J; Ma, Y; Chen, X; Wu, G;He, F; Cao, C.; Wu, HM. Solution Structure of BmK? IT01, an -Insect Toxin fromthe Venom of the Chinese Scorpion Buthus martensii Karsch. Biochem (2007),46(40), 11322-11330.
14.Cao C, Jiang Y.L., Krosky D, StiversJT. “The Catalytic Power of Uracil DNAGlycosylase in the Opening of Thymine Base Pairs” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2006, 128(40), 13034-13035.
15.Cao C, Stivers JT “Dynamic opening ofnormal thymidine bases during enzymatic search for damaged sites in DNA” NatureStructural and Molecular Biology 2004, 11(12), 1230-1236
16.Cao C, Kwon K, Jiang YL, Drohat A,Stivers JT “Solution structure and base perturbation studies reveal a novelmode of alkylated base recognition by 3-methyladenine DNA glycosylase I” TheJournal of Biological Chemistry 2003, 278(48), 48012-48020.
17.Cao C, Wu HM, Xue L, Wang Y, Huang ZX;“The solution structure of the oxidized bovine microsomal cytochrome b5 mutantV61H” BBRC, 2003, 307(3), 600-609.
18.Cao C, Wang Y, Wu HM, Wang ZQ, Wang Y,Huang ZX “NMR study of the effect oncytochrome b5 heme caused by the mutation in the residue Val45” Biochimie 2003, 85(10), 1007-1016.