


  • 中文名:曹廷彬
  • 出生日期:1977年
  • 畢業院校:山東大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:中單與多復變全純映射、Nevanlinna理論、復微分與差分方程理論
  • 任職院校:南昌大學理學院
  • 職稱:教授


擔任德國《Zentralblatt MATH.》和美國《Mathematical Reviews》評論員、國際雜誌《Differential Equations & Applications》編委。




在《中國科學》、《Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math.》、《Math. Nachr.》、《J. Math. Anal. Appl.》、《Bull. Australian Mathe. Soc.》、 《EJQTDE》、《Computers Math. Appl.》等國內外重要學術刊物上發表系列學術論文(目前MR收錄70篇,其中SCI收錄50餘篇)。
(1) *Cao, Tingbin; Nie, Jun,The second main theorem for holomorphic curves intersecting hypersurfaces with casorati determinant into complex projective spaces, Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae-Mathematica
(2) *Cao, Tingbin; Cao, Hongzhe,Multiple values and uniqueness problem of meromorphic mappings sharing hypersurfaces, Copmplex Variables and Elliptic Equations
(3) Cao, Tingbin; *Korhonen, Risto,A new version of the second main theorem for meromorphic mappings intersecting hyperplanes in several complex variables, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
(4) Cao, Tingbin; Liu, Zhixue,Normality criteria for a family of holomorphic functions concerning the total derivative in several complex variables, Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society
(5) *Cao, Tingbin,On the Bruck conjecture, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society
(6) *Cao, Ting-Bin,Difference analogues of the second main theorem for meromorphic functions in several complex variables, Mathematische Nachrichten
(7) *Cao, Ting-Bin; Zhu, Chuan-Xi,Multiple Values and Uniqueness Problem of Holomorphic Mappings in Riemann Surfaces, Computational Methods and Function Theory
(8) Cao, Ting-Bin; Liu, Kai; Cao, Hong-Zhe,Multiple values and uniqueness problem for meromorphic mappings sharing hyperplanes, Annales Polonici Mathematici
(9) *Cao, Ting-Bin; Liu, Kai; Wang, Jun,On the growth of solutions of complex differential equations with entire coefficients of finite logarithmic order, Mathematical Reports
(10)*Cao, Ting-Bin; Zhu, Chuan-Xi; Liu, Kai,On the complex oscillation of meromorphic solutions of second order linear differential equations in the unit disc, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
(11)曹廷彬; 儀洪勛,分擔處於一般位置超平面的亞純映射唯一性定理, 中國科學:數學, 02期
(12)*Cao, Ting-Bin; Xu, Jun-Feng; Chen, Zong-Xuan,On the meromorphic solutions of linear differential equations on the complex plane, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
(13)Cao, Ting-Bin; *Deng, Zhong-Shu,Solutions of non-homogeneous linear differential equations in the unit disc, Annales Polonici Mathematici
(14)*Cao, Ting-Bin; Yi, Hong-Xun,On the uniqueness of meromorphic functions that share four values in one angular domain, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
(15)*Cao, Ting-Bin; Yi, Hong-Xun; Xu, Hong-Yan,On the multiple values and uniqueness of meromorphic functions on annuli, Computers & Mathematics with Applications
(16)*Cao, Ting-Bin; Yi, Hong-Xun,On the complex oscillation theory of f^{''} + A(z)f=0 where A(z) is analytic in the unit disc, Mathematische Nachrichten
(17)*Cao, Ting-Bin,The growth, oscillation and fixed points of solutions of complex linear differential equations in the unit disc, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
(18)*Cao, Ting-Bin,Growth of solutions of a class of complex differential equations, Annales Polonici Mathematici
(19)*Cao, Tingbin; Yi, Hongxun,On the complex oscillation of higher order linear differential equations with meromorphic coefficients, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity
(20)*Cao, Ting-Bin; Yi, Hong-Xun,The growth of solutions of linear differential equations with coefficients of iterated order in the unit disc, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications



