



  • 軟體名稱:暫停音樂
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:1.72MB


暫停音樂是最好的方式來聽音樂,而沒有忽略你的周圍,在你的辦公桌。 暫停音樂手錶的遊客,當你專注於你的工作,用你的iPhone或iPod數位相機,用於檢測運動,並自動暫停播放音樂或音頻。 當來訪者進入指定的區域,音樂自動暫停,並顯示發生變化,顯示已停止。 暫停音樂觸發用戶指定區域中的運動,而忽略所有其它運動。 所有日常使用而設計的,暫停音樂有著巨大的暫停/播放按鈕,簡化重複白天的互動。 - 使用在辦公室看接近遊客,當你聽音樂,在你的辦公桌。 你的訪問者會看到一個“暫停”的訊息突出顯示,讓他們知道,他們現在就可以開始與你交談。 當有人進入指定的區域,提示音播放,提醒你它們的存在。 可選的觸發聲音會通知您的運動,即使音頻被暫停。 每當有人進入您所在地區的鐘聲會玩。 Pause Music is the best way to listen to music at your desk without ignoring your surroundings. Pause Music watches for visitors while you concentrate on your work, by using your iPhone or iPod camera to detect motion and automatically pause your music or audio. When a visitor enters the designated area, the music is automatically paused and the display changes to show who has stopped by. Pause Music only triggers from motion in the user specified area and ignores all other motion. Designed for all day use, Pause Music has a huge Pause / Play button to simplify repeated interactions during the day. You aren’t stuck using the tiny little buttons in the default music player. USES INCLUDE: - Use at home to automatically pause music when someone enters the room, or when you leave the room. - Use at the office to watch for approaching visitors while you listen to music at your desk. When visitors enter the designated area, the music is automatically paused and the display changes to show who has stopped by. Your visitors will see a “Paused” message prominently displayed, which lets them know they can now start talking to you. - Use in a noisy place with noise canceling headsets, even if you are not listening to music. When someone enters the designated area, a chime plays, alerting you to their presence. - Use at the airport to rest your eyes while it keeps an eye on your luggage or the gate. The optional trigger sound will notify you of movement, even if the audio is paused. - Use without headphones or speakers with the chime sound turned on. Whenever someone enters your area, the chime will play.




