在這個以MGM經典電影為藍本的拉鋸戰般的休閒防禦遊戲中,您將在防禦領主亞瑟( Lord Arthur)的城堡時扮演能穿越時光、打擊惡魔、聰明無比的銷售員角色, 在亡靈之書(Necronomicon)中抵禦迎面而來的大群未死惡魔。當然, 您不會單槍匹馬一人作戰!號召包括領主亞瑟( Lord Arthur)、公爵亨利紅(Duke Henry the Red)、智者(Wiseman)和更多其他人在內的諸位盟友,來一起幫助您,與您共同守衛邪惡之書,使用邪惡之書返回到屬於您自己的那個時代。人玩鬼(ARMY OF DARKNESS):防禦行動顯示出狂熱經典電影的機智魅力, 並融入了華麗的畫面和創新的悠閒遊戲玩法, 必定能讓任何移動玩家玩的愉快盡興。所以請記住咒語並確保您系好了鞋帶, 因為這將是一場夢幻史詩般的戰爭!
Explain: This MGM classic movie modeled on the tug of war like casual defense game, you will play in the castle of defense lord Arthur (Lord Arthur) can travel through time, the fight against the devil, smart and extremely salesman role in the souls ofbooks (Necronomicon) resist the oncoming crowd of Acquainted with the devil. Of course, you will not be alone one combat! Called on the lord Arthur (Lord Arthur), Duke Henry (Duke Henry the Red), Wise (Wiseman) and more people, including your allies come together to help you with book jointly guarding the evil, evil book of that era to return to your own. People play ghost (ARMY OF DARKNESS): defensive action shows the the avid classic movies wit charm, and integration into the gorgeous graphics and innovative leisure gameplay must allow any mobile gamers to play the enjoyable and fun. So remember the spell and make sure your shoelaces tied, because this is a fantasy epic war!