


作譯者:耿旺昌 等
出版時間:2019-01千 字 數:170版次:01-01頁 數:132
開本:16開裝幀:I S B N :9787121359989




Part 1 General Principles in Chemical Laboratory 1
Chapter 1 Chemical Laboratory Safety Rules 1
Chapter 2 General Operations 6
Chapter 3 Data and Error Analysis 12
Part 2 Experiments 15
Experiment 1 Determination of the Ideal Gas Constant 15
Experiment 2 Determination of Enthalpy of Chemical Reaction— Zn and
CuSO4 Reaction 23
Experiment 3 Chemical Reaction Rate 28
Experiment 4 Electrochemistry 36
Experiment 5 Inorganic Compound 44
Experiment 6 Determination of Dissociation Constant of Bromothymol by
Spectrophotometric Method 51
Experiment 7 Synthesis of Potassium Trioxalatoferrate(III) 63
Experiment 8 Determination of Calcium and Magnesium Ion in Water by
Complexometric Titrations with EDTA 66
Experiment 9 Determination of Mo(VI) Content by Visual Catalytic Kinetics
Method 72
Experiment 10 Separation of Coordination Compounds by Ion Exchange
Resin 78
Part 3 Appendices 83
Appendix 1 Specification and Selection of Chemical Reagent 83
Appendix 2 Density and Concentration of Commonly Used Acid or
Base Solutions (15℃) 84
Appendix 3 Color of Common Ions 85
Appendix 4 International Relative Atomic Mass 86
Appendix 5 Standard Electrode Potential 88
Appendix 6 Saturated Vapor Pressure of Water at Different Temperature 92
Appendix 7 Stability Constant of Some Coordinated Ions 94
Appendix 8 Boiling Point of Water at Different Pressure 95
Appendix 9 Density of Water at Different Temperature 96
Appendix 10 Relationship Between pH and Temperature of Buffer
Solutions 97
Appendix 11 Dissociation Constant of Some Common Weak Electrolytes
(298.15 K) 98
Appendix 12 Solubility Product of Some Common Substances 99
Appendix 13 Symbols,Values and SI Units of Some Constants 100
Part 4 Experimental Reports 101
Experimental Report 1 101
Experimental Report 2 103
Experimental Report 3 106
Experimental Report 4 110
Experimental Report 5 112
Experimental Report 6 114
Experimental Report 7 117
Experimental Report 8 119
Experimental Report 9 121
Experimental Report 10 124


