晏維金,男,中國科學院地理科學與資源研究所特聘研究員,博士生導師。美國地球物理學會(AGU)會員,美國海洋與湖沼學會(ASLO)會員,國際地圈/生物圈計畫中國全國委員會(CNC-IGBP) JGOFS/LOICZ工作組委員,聯合國教科文組織(UNESCO)“全球營養鹽輸出(Global NEWS)”項目專家組委員。
- 中文名:晏維金
- 國籍:中國
- 職業:研究員、博士生導師
- 性別:男
美國海洋與湖沼學會(ASLO)會員,國際地圈/生物圈計畫中國全國委員會(CNC-IGBP) JGOFS/LOICZ工作組委員,聯合國教科文組織(UNESCO)“全球營養鹽輸出(Global NEWS)”項目專家組委員。研究領域和研究方向:研究領域:生物地球化學、環境化學、水生生態學。 研究方向:區域生物地球化學過程與模型,流域非點源污染、模型與控制,水環境化學與水生生態恢復。
主持和參加的科研項目如下: 1)國家自然科學基金項目”河流氮的反硝化過程及其對河流輸送氮的截留作用” 2)聯合國教科文組織“全球河流營養鹽輸出(Global News)”項目,專家組委員。 3)中科院知識創新工程重點項目“中國主要河口及鄰近陸架海域陸海相互作用研究:長江入海物質的通量變異及其在鄰近海域的擴散”。 4)中科院知識創新工程項目“地表碳氮磷等循環過程及其環境效應:水體富營養化機制和控制原理的研究”。 5)國家自然科學基金項目“磷在地表徑流中的形態轉化及生物可利用性”。6)“九五”重大基金專題“農田氮、磷向水體和大氣遷移機理,影響因素及阻控對策”。 7)中科院“九五”重點項目“陸海相互作用及其資源、環境效應”的專題:長江入海物質變動規律研究。 8)國家自然科學基金項目:“典型微景觀結構對非點源污染截留機理的研究”。 9)中科院“八五”重點項目“水陸交錯帶生態系統結構、功能、環境效應與開發前景研究”。 獲獎情況: 1999年5月在第8屆國際湖泊保護與管理大會上與博士第二導師尹澄清一起獲 “The Ibaraki Kasumigaura Prize”(茨城-霞浦獎)。 1997年獲第21屆中國博士後科學基金資助二等獎。
Wang, H., Jiao R., Wang F., Zhang L., Yan W(晏維金)*, 2016. Dissolved organic carbon content and characteristics in relation to carbon dioxide partial pressure across Poyang Lake wetlands and adjacent aquatic systems in the Changjiang basin. Environmental Pollution
Wang, H., Zhang L., Yao X., Xue B., Yan W(晏維金)*, 2016. Dissolved nitrous oxide and emission relating to denitrification across the Poyang Lakeaquatic continuum, J. Environ
Dan Yu, Weijin Yan(晏維金), Nengwang Chen, Benrong Peng, Huasheng Hong, Guihua Zhuo.2015. Modeling increased riverine nitrogen export: Source tracking and integrated watershed-coast management
Wang J., Chen N., Yan W(晏維金)*., Wang B., Yang L. 2015. Effect of dissolved oxygen and nitrogen on emission of N2O from rivers in China
Wang J., Yan W(晏維金)*., Chen N., Li X., Liu L. 2015. Modeled long-term changes of DIN:DIP ratio in the Changjiang River in relation to Chl-α and DO concentrations in adjacent estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science
Liu, Kon-Kee, Yan, Weijin(晏維金), Lee, Hung-Jen, Chao, Shenn-Yu, Gong, Gwo-Ching, Yeh, Tzu-Ying. 2014. Impacts of increasing dissolved inorganic nitrogen discharged from Changjiang on primary production and seafloor oxygen demand in the East China Sea from 1970 to 2002, Journal of Marine Systems
Jiangning Wang, Xinyan Lin, Weijin Yan*, Fang Wang, Pei MA. 2014. Watershed nitrogen export model related to changing nitrogen balance and hydrology in the Changjiang River basin. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosyst
Yang, L. Lei, K. Yan, W(晏維金). and Li, Y. 2013. Internal loads of nutrients in Lake Chaohu of China: Implications for lake eutrophication. Int. J. Environmental Research
Libiao Yang, Kun Lei, Wei Meng, Guo Fu, Weijin Yan(晏維金). 2013. Temporal and spatial changes in nutrients and chlorophyll-a in a shallow lake, Lake Chaohu, China: An 11-year investigation. Journal of Environmental Sciences
Yan, Weijin(晏維金)*, Yang Libiao, Wang Fang, Wang Jianing, Ma Pei. 2012. Riverine N2O concentrations, exports to estuary and emissions to atmosphere from the Changjiang River in response to increasing nitrogen loads
Yang Libiao, Li Xinyan, YanWeijin(晏維金)*, Ma Pei, Wang Jianing. 2012. CH4 concentrations and emissions from three rivers in the Chaohu Lake watershed in Southeast China
Xinyan Li,Libiao Yang,Weijin Yan(晏維金)*. 2011. Model analysis of dissolved inorganic phosphorus exports from the Yangtze river to the estuary. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems
Yang Libiao,Yan Weijin(晏維金)*,Ma Pei,Wang Jianing. 2011. Seasonal and diurnal variations in N2O concentrations and fluxes from three eutrophic rivers in Southeast Chin. Journal Geogr. Sci
Yan, Weijin(晏維金)*, E. Mayorga, X. Li, S. P. Seitzinger, and A. F. Bouwman. 2010. Increasing anthropogenic nitrogen inputs and riverine DIN exports from the Changjiang River basin under changing human pressures
Weijin Yan(晏維金), et al., 2005. Nitrogen export by runoff from agricultural fields in two lake basins in China. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems
Weijin Yan(晏維金), et al., 2003. How do nitrogen inputs impact the Changjiang River nitrate: A temporal analysis for 1968-1997
Weijin Yan (晏維金), Shen Zhang. 2003. The composition and bioavailability of phosphorus transport through the Changjiang River during the 1998 flood. Biogeochemistry
Weijin Yan(晏維金), et al., 2001. Phosphorus export by runoff from Agricultural Field plots with different crop cover in Lake Taihu Watershed
Weijin Yan (晏維金), C.Yin and S. Zhang. 1999. Nutrient budgets and biogeochemistry in an experimental agricultural watershed in Southeastern China. Biogeochemistry