時玉舫,男,漢族,1960年10月11日出生;1988年至1992年在加拿大阿爾伯塔大學獲免疫學博士學位;1992年至1995年在加拿大多倫多大學免疫學系從事博士後;1995年至2001年在美國紅十字協會Holland醫學生物研究所、美國喬治華盛頓大學從事研究工作,並被聘為終身副教授;2001年至2008年在美國新澤西醫科大學-羅伯特·伍德·詹森醫學院從事研究工作,並被聘為終身教授(加一個University Professor title)。現任中國科學院上海生命科學研究院/上海交通大學醫學院健康科學研究所所長,免疫與成體幹細胞課題組組長。自1997年起擔任Cell Research雜誌的副主編和主編;1999年至2002年任Journal of Immunology副主編,並為30 多種專業雜誌審稿;2008 年被邀請出任Journal of Biological Chemistry雜誌編委、幹細胞欄目主審;近期,他又成為美國德克薩斯州幹細胞研究和套用委員會委員和Oncogene雜誌編委。
Devadas, S. Das, J. Liu, C., Zhang, L., Roberts, A.I., Pan, Z., Moore, P., Das, G., and Shi, Y. 2006 Apoptosis Modulates the Th1/Th2 Balance: Distinct Roles for Caspases and Granzyme B. Immunity, 25:237-47
Das, J, Eynott, P, Jupp, R, Bothwell,, A, Van Kaer, L., Das, G*. and Shi, Y.F*. 2006. Natural killer T cells and CD8+ T cells are dispensable for T cell–dependent allergic airway inflammation. Nature Medicine, 12:1345-1346
Das, G., Mittal, J. Zhang, YY., Bothwell, A., Van Kare Luc, and Shi, Y.F. 2006. Pivotal Roles of Major Histocompatibility Complex Class Ib Restricted CD8+ T Cells in Autoimmune Diseases J. Exp. Med. 203:2603-11
Zhang, XR, Zhang, LY, Devadas, S, Li, L, Keegan, AD and Shi, YF. Reciprocal Expression of TRAIL and CD95L in Th1 and Th2 Cells: Role of Apoptosis in T Helper Subset Differentiation. Cell Death Differ2003. 10: 216-224.
Yin, D, Tuthill, D, Mufson, RA and Shi, YF. 2000. Chronic restraint stress promotes lymphocyte apoptosis by modulating CD95 expression. J Exp Med. 191: 1423-1428.
Yin, D, Mufson, RA, Wang, R and Shi, YF. 1999. Fas-mediated cell death promoted by opioids. Nature, 397: 218.
Shi, YF, Glynn, JM, Guilbert, LJ, Cotter, TG, Bissonnette, RP and Green, DR. 1992. Role for c-myc in activation-induced apoptotic cell death in T cell hybridomas. Science 257: 212-214. (with cover illustration)
Shi, YF, Sahai, BM and Green, DR. 1989. Cyclosporin A inhibits activation-induced cell death in T-cell hybridomas and thymocytes. Nature, 339: 625-626.
Books Edited
Shi, Y. B., Y. F. Shi, D. W. Scott, and Y. H. Xu. 1997. Current Advances in Programmed Cell Death. Plenum Publishing Corp., New York.
Shi, Y. F., J. Cidlowski, D. W. Scott, and Y. B. Shi. 2003. Molecular Mechanisms of Programmmed Cell Death. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York..