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  • 中文名:時坤
  • 國籍中國
  • 畢業院校:東北林業大學、東京農工大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 職稱:教授




1.Ecology and evolution of wildlife:Long-term studies relating to environmental issues including habitat fragmentation, desertification, urbanization and global climate change which impact upon species demographics, behaviour and population dynamics of wildlife.
2.Biodiversity conservation:Conserving biodiversity at the landscape, species and genetic level, especially with regard to issues of conservation and restoration for endangered and scientifically important species of mammals, especially wild felids in China.
3.Ecosystem management:Ecosystem engineering and biological control to mitigate the impact of human activities on communities and keystone species, building up sustainable land use models to facilitate the coexistence of people with wildlife in different ecosystems.




1. 牛津大學野生動物保護研究所(WildCRU)長期訪問學者
2. 東北林業大學野生動物資源學院客座教授
3. 國際雪豹網路(SLT)指導委員會執委
4. IUCN貓科動物專家組成員
5. IUCN世界保護地委員會委員
6. 中國動物學會獸類學分會貓科動物專家組秘書長
7. 中國生態學會動物生態專業委員會委員
8. 國家林業局貓科動物研究中心學術委員
9. 全球虎論壇(GTF)技術諮詢委員會委員
10. 國家瀕管辦亞洲象MIKE項目技術總協調
11. 陸橋生態中心(EBC)理事長




(1) Justine S. Alexander, ChengchengZhang, Kun Shi*, Philip Riordan (2016) A granular view of a snowleopard population using camera traps in Central China. BiologicalConservation 197: 27—31
(2) Justine S Alexander, Zhang Cheng Cheng, Shi Kun,Philip Riordan. A spotlight on snow leopard conservation in China. IntegrativeZoology11: 308—321
(3) Chen P., Gao Y., Lee, T.L. A., Cering L., Shi, K.*,Clark, G. S., (2016) Human—carnivore coexistence in Qomolangma (Mt. Everest) Nature Reserve,China: Patterns and compensation. Biological Conservation (Doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2016.02.026)
(4) Chen, P., Gao, Y., Wang, J., Qiong, P., Cering L., Hu,H., Xu, J., Shi, K.*, (2016) Status and conservation of snowleopard (Pantherauncia) in Qomolangma National Nature Reserve, Tibet,China. Oryx. In press
(5) Justine Alexander, Chen Pengju, Peter Damerell, WangYoukui, Joelene Hughes, Shi Kun*, Philip Riordan (2015) Human wildlifeconflict involving large carnivores in Qilianshan, China and the minimalpaw-print of snow leopards. Biological Conservation 187: 1-9(http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2015.04.002)
(6) Charlotte E. L. Whithama, Kun Shi* and PhilipRiordan (2015) Ecosystem Service Valuation Assessments for Protected AreaManagement: A Case Study Comparing Methods using Different Land CoverClassification and Valuation Approaches. PLoS ONE 10 (6):e0129748 (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0129748)
(7) Alexander Justine, GopalaswamyArjun, Kun Shi*and Riordan Philip. Face value: towards robust estimates of snow leoparddensities. PLoS ONE 10(8): e0134815
(8) Alice Laguardia, Jan F. Kamler, Sheng Li, ChengchengZhang, Zhefeng Zhou and Kun Shi *(2015) The current distributionand status of leopards in China. Oryx (doi:10.1017/S0030605315000988)
(9) Justine Alexander, Kun Shi*, Lucy Tallents,Philip Riordan (2015) On the high trail: examining determinants of snow leopardsite-use in Qilianshan, China. Oryx50(2): 231-238(doi:10.1017/S0030605315001027)
(10) Alexander,Justine; Cusack, Jeremy; Chen, Pengju; Shi, Kun*; Riordan, Philip(2016) Conservation of snow leopards: spill-over benefits for othercarnivores? Oryx 50(2): 239-243(doi:10.1017/S0030605315001040)
(11) AliceLAGUARDIA, Jun WANG, Fang-Lei SHI, Kun SHI*, Philip RIORDAN (2015)Species identification refined by molecular scatology in a community ofsympatric carnivores in Xinjiang, China. ZOOLOGICAL RESEARCH 36(2): 72-78
(12) CharlotteE. L. Whitham, Kun Shi* and Philip Riordan (2015) People andprotected areas: understanding attitude alignment for more effectiveconservation. J. Resources and Ecology, 6 (5): 281-292
(13) EveBohnett&Kun Shi* (2015) Initial Assessment on Large and Medium SizedTerrestrial Mammal Assemblage Using Camera Trapping in Nangunhe Nature Reservein Yunnan, China. J. Resources and Ecology, 6 (5): 331-344
(14) PHILIPRIORDAN, JUN WANG, KUN SHI, HONGYAN FU, ZHU DABUXILIKE, KEBIAO ZHU,and XIAOHU WANG (2015) New evidence of dhole Cuonalpinus populations innorth-west China. Oryx 49(2): 203-204
(15) PhilipRiordan, Samuel A. Cushman, David Mallon, Kun Shi, Joelene Hughes(2015) Predicting global population connectivity and targeting conservationaction for snow leopard across its range. Ecography, DOI:[10.1111/ecog.01691]
(16) Hughes,J., J. Alexander, K. Shi, and P. Riordan(2014)Confirmationof threatened white-lipped deer (Przewalskiumalbirostris) in Gansu and Sichuan,China, and their overlap with livestock. Mammalia, DOI:10.1515/mammalia-2014-0038
(17) WANGJun, Alice LAGUARDIA, Peter John DAMERELL, Philip RIORDAN and SHI Kun*(2014) Dietary overlap of snow leopard and other carnivores in the Pamirs ofNorthwestern China. Chinese Science Bulletin 59 (25):3162-3168
(18) KunShi*, Osamu Imura,Nobuo Morimoto and Philip Riordan (2014) Effects of environmental andmanagement factors on the structure of bird communities in the grasslands ofnortheastern Tochigi, central Japan. Grassland Science, 60 (1): 45—54
(19) O.Imura, N. Morimoto, K. Shi& H. Sasaki (2014) Landscapediversity of pasture dung beetle communities in the central region of mainlandJapan and implications for conservation management. BiodiversConserv ,23: 597—616
(20) QQSun, K Shi*, P Damerell, C Whitham, and GH Yu (2013) Carbon dioxideand methane fluxes: seasonal dynamics from inland riparian ecosystems,northeast China. Science of the total environment, 465: 48-55
(21) Qiao-QiSun, Charlotte Whitham, Kun Shi*, Guo-Hai Yu, Xiao-Wei Sun (2012)Nitrous Oxide Emissions from a waterbody in the Nenjiang basin, China. HydrologyResearch, 43 (6): 862—869
(22) WangJun, Shi Kun* & Philip Riordan (2012) Study on populationdensity of ungulates in Taxkurgan. Chinese Journal of Wildlife, 33(3): 113-117(in Chinese withEnglish summary)
(23) OsamuImura, Kun Shi, KeijiIimura and Tadashi Takamizo (2010) Assessingthe effects of cultivating genetically modified glyphosate-tolerant varietiesof soybeans (Glycine max (L) Merr.) on populations of field arthropods. EnvironmentBiosafety Research 9: 101 - 112
(24) A.Ablimit, K. Shi, T. Tursun, XY Gao, Abdurusul, Y. Hashim (2010)Distribution and population resources of Argali Sheep and Ibex in Baicheng ofAksuTianshan Mountains. Chinese Journal of Wildlife, 31 (5):270-275 (in Chinese with English summary)
(25) PhilipRiordan and Shi Kun (2010)The Snow Leopard in China. CatNews -Cat Conservation in China 5: 14-17
(26) ShiK., F Zhu, J Shi, ZGDai, P Riordan & D Macdonald (2009) Reconfirmation of snow leopard inTaxkurgan Nature Reserve, Xinjiang, China. Oryx, 43 (2): 169-170


1. 雪豹棲息地選擇及時空動態;國家自然科學基金,2015-18
2. 雪豹調查技術研究及試點;國家林業局,2014-15
3. 亞洲象等瀕危物種跨境區域種群及棲息地調查;國家林業局,2015-1
4. 新疆托木爾峰山地有蹄類疥癬病監測與防治;國家林業局,2015-16
5. 印支虎、雲豹生境維護試點;國家林業局,2015-16
6. 天山雪豹種群及棲息地評估;國家林業局,2015-16
7. 全球虎豹貿易現狀及機制調研,國家瀕管辦,2015-16
8. 新疆博爾塔拉雪豹種群動態和遺傳分化研究;Panthera, 2015-17
9. 珠峰種群與棲息地調查評估;珠峰雪豹保護中心,2015-16
10. 人畜共患棘球蚴病檢測與防控;國家林業局,2016-17


