


  • 中文名:時國龍
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生地:廣德
  • 出生日期:1988年5月
  • 畢業院校:武漢大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:智慧型感知、信號處理


2020.11—至今 安徽農業大學 信息與計算機學院 副教授
2020.01—2023.03 武漢大學電氣工程 博士後
2016.09—2019.12 合肥工業大學 電氣工程 博士
2010.09—2013.07 中國科學技術大學 自動化 碩士
2006.09—2010.07 河海大學套用物理學 本科




主持國家自然科學基金,中國博士後基金面上項目,安徽省自然科學基金,農業生態大數據分析與套用技術國家地方聯合工程研究中心開放課題項目, 安徽省教育廳自然科學研究項目,農業部農業感測器重點實驗室開放課題等。以第一作者在IEEE Internet of Things Journal,Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical ,IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,IEEE Sensor Journal, Future Generation Computer Systems、農業工程學報、電子測量與儀器學報等期刊發表論文10餘篇,其中,ESI高被引論文1篇,授權中國發明專利20餘項、美國發明專利3項,軟體著作權2項。







1. Guolong Shi, et al. DANTD: A Deep Abnormal Network Traffic Detection Model for Security of Industrial Internet of Things Using High-order Features [J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2023, DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2023.3253777.
2. Guolong Shi, et al. Passive Wireless Detection for Ammonia Based on 2.4 GHz Square Carbon Nanotube-loaded Chipless RFID-inspired Tag [J]. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2023, 72: 9510812.
3. Guolong Shi, et al. Multipath Interference Analysis for Low-power RFID-Sensor under Metal Medium Environment [J]. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2023, DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2023.3253571.
4. Guolong Shi, et al. Portable device for acetone detection based on cataluminescence sensor utilizing wireless communication technique [J]. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 2018, 257: 451-459.
5. Guolong Shi, et al. Detection and determination of harmful gases in confined spaces for the Internet of Things based on cataluminescence sensor [J]. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 2019, 296:126686.
6. Guolong Shi, et al. Feature Extraction and Classification of Cataluminescence Images Based on Sparse Coding Convolutional Neural Networks [J]. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2021, 70:9501811.
7. Guolong Shi, et al. Analysis and modeling of wireless channel characteristics for Internet of Things scene based on geometric features [J]. Future Generation Computer Systems, 2019, 101:492-501.
8. Guolong Shi, et al. Construction and analysis of multi-path propagation model for indoor short range Ultra-wideband signal based on time domain ray tracing method [J]. Cluster Computing, 2018, 22(4): 9525-9542.
9. Guolong Shi, et al. Synthesis of SiO2/Fe3O4 nanomaterial and its application as cataluminescence gas sensor material for ether [J]. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 2012, 171:699-704.
10. Xinyi Shen, Guolong Shi*, et al. Wireless Volatile Organic Compound Detection for Restricted Internet of Things Environment Based on Cataluminescence Sensor, Chemosensors, 2022, 10(5): 179. (ESI高被引論文)
11. Xinyi Shen, Guolong Shi*, et al. Chipless RFID-inspired Sensing for Smart Agriculture: A Review [J]. Sensors and Actuators: A. Physical, 2023, doi: 10.1016/j.sna.2023.114725.
12. 時國龍,等. 面向智慧農業的無晶片射頻跨域感知研究進展[J]. 農業工程學報, 2023, 39(7):10-23.
13. 時國龍,等. 受限複雜區域無線信號測量及統計特性分析[J]. 電子測量與儀器學報, 2018(9): 48-54.
14. 時國龍,等. 基於GPRS的砷氟監測儀無線控制系統[J]. 自動化與儀表, 2012, 27(12):14-17.


1. 時國龍,等。基於RFID多特徵融合感知模型的物聯網環境參數自適應反演方法,ZL2020105134309(已授權)
2. 時國龍,等。介質干擾環境下基於無晶片射頻識別的檢測系統標定方法及系統,ZL2022106887776(已授權)
3. 時國龍,等。呼吸躍變型作物本體揮發性氣體檢測系統,ZL2022100481491(已授權)
4. 時國龍,等。一種規模化畜禽養殖場景中的疾病監測裝置,ZL2021113368505(已授權)
5. 時國龍,等。一種農林場景的危害監測預警裝置,ZL2021113193962(已授權)
6. 時國龍,等。面向智慧農業的水產養殖多感測器信息融合環境監測裝置,ZL202210124478X(已授權)
7. 何怡剛,時國龍,等。一種面向5G的多維自適應MIMO系統及其調整天線連線埠的輻射模式的方法,ZL2018102542864(已授權)
8. 何怡剛,時國龍,等。一種基於三層神經網路的列車通信信道預測方法,ZL2018101266392(已授權)
9. 何怡剛,時國龍,等。六氟化硫遠程實時監測的嵌入式催化發光圖像感測裝置,ZL2016111908476(已授權)
10. Yigang He, Guolong Shi, et al. 5G-Oriented Multdimensional Adaptive MIMO System and Method Thereof For Adjusting Radiating Modes of Antenna Ports, 美國發明專利,US10382102B1(已授權)
11. Yigang He, Guolong Shi, Liulu He, Method and system for vehicle-loading warehousing asset management based on ultra high frequency radio frequency identification path loss model, 美國發明專利,US11423241B2(已授權)
12. Yigang He, Yongbo Sui; Guolong Shi, et al. Time Domain Channel Prediction Method And Time Domain Channel Prediction System For Ofdm Wireless Communication System, 美國發明專利,US11381442B2(已授權)
13. 時國龍,等。一種用於土壤濕度無源檢測的抗干擾標籤測試系統,ZL2023107334746(實質審查)


