易朝路 男,湖北監利人,博士、研究員、中科院博士生導師。研究方向為地貌過程與生態環境建設。
- 中文名:易朝路
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 畢業院校:華中師範大學
2004.6-,青藏高原研究所研究員。中科院人才引進項目“百人計畫”獲得者,國際第四紀雜誌(Quaternary International)客座編輯, 李四光研究會理事。[國際第四紀聯合會第四紀冰川工作組會議] 易朝路研究員研究興趣主要在冰川地貌與沉積及其冰下動力過程,河流與湖泊環境演變,地貌沉積動力與生態環境工程建設等方面,主要從事青藏高原及其周邊高山高原第四紀冰川發育的動力,地表環境變化過程及其環境生態效應與對策研究,這將有助於認識高亞洲古氣候變化的驅動力和高原地表近代沉積與侵蝕的變化,服務於青藏高原社會與經濟的可持續發展。與美國愛達荷大學地球科學系,辛辛那提大學地質系,華盛頓大學第四紀研究中心,德國柏林自由大學地理系,英國倫敦大學學院環境演變研究中心的地質和地理學家進行第四紀冰川和河流湖泊地貌的國際合作研究
Lewis A. Owen*, Ruth Robinson, Douglas I. Benn, Robert C. Finkel, Nicole K. Davis. Chaolu Yi, Jaakko Putkonen, Dewen Li, Andrew S. Murray. Quaternary glaciation of Mount Everest. Accepted by Quaternary Science Reviews.
Yeong Bae Seong, Lewis Owen, Robert C. Finkel, and Chaolu Yi. 2009. Quaternary glaciation of Muztag Ata and Kongur Shan: Evidence for glacier response to rapid climate changes throughout the Late Glacial and Holocene in westernmost Tibet
Ping Fu and Chaolu Yi*. 2009. Relationships between the heights of moraines and lengths of former glaciers in Tibet and surrounding mountains
Yeong Bae Seong, Lewis A. Owen, Chaolu Yi, Robert C. Finkel, Lindsay Schoenbohm. 2009. Geomorphology of anomalously high glaciated mountains at the northwestern end of Tibet: Muztag Ata and Kongur Shan
Lewis A. Owen, Glenn Thackray, Robert S. Anderson, Jason Briner, Darrell Kaufman, Gerard Roe, William Pfeffer, Chaolu Yi. 2009. Integrated research on mountain glaciers: Current status, priorities and future prospects
Glenn Thackray, Lewis A. Owen, Chaolu Yi. 2009. Mountain glaciation and landscape evolution
Schütt, B., Berking, J., Frechen, M., Yi, CL. 2008. Late Pleistocene lake-level fluctuations of the Nam Co, Tibetan Plateau, China. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie; vol
Qiu, ZL; Li, HB; Yi, CL, et al. 2008. Difference of topographical features of lateral moraines between Puruogangri ice field and west Nyainqentanghula Shan glacier and its climatic and tectonic causes
Glenn D. Thackray, Lewis A. Owen, Chaolu Yi. 2008. Timing and nature of late Quaternary mountain glaciation. Journal of Quaternary Science
Chaolu Yi*, Hualiang Chen, Jianqiang Yang, Bin Liu, Ping Fu, Kexin Liu, Shijie Li. 2008. Review of Holocene glacial chronologies based on radiocarbon dating in Tibet and its surrounding mountains, Journal of Quaternary Science
CL Yi*, ZY Zhu, L Wei, ZJ Cui, BX Zheng, YF Shi. 2007. Advances on Quagternary glaciations in China. Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie
楊建強, 崔之久, 易朝路*, 孫繼敏和楊利榮. 2007. 關於點蒼山“大理冰期”. 中國科學(D 輯: 地球科學
JQ Yang, ZJ Cui, CL Yi, JM Sun & LR Yang. 2007. “Dali Glaciation” on Massif Diancangshan. Science in China (earth sciences)
C. Yi*, B. Wang, M. Jin & Z. Guo. 2007. Two-dimensional simulation of underground seepage in a dangerous piping zone of the Jingjiang Great Levee, the middle reach of the Yangtze Rive
Chaolu Yi*, Huifang Liu, Neil L. Rose, Hong Yang, Leyi Ni and Ping Xie. 2006. Sediment sources and the flood record from Wanghu lake, in the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River
Li Dewen, Yi Chaolu, Ma Baoqi, Wang Pengling, Ma Chunmei and Cheng Gongbi. 2006. Fabric analysis of till clasts in the Urumqi Rivershead, Tian Shan, China
Chaolu Yi*, Ling Zhu, Yeong Bae Seong, Lewis A. Owen, Robert C Finkel. 2006. A Lateglacial rock avalanche event in the Tianchi Lake, Tien Shan, Xinjiang. Quaternary International
Xiaoze Li, Chaolu Yi, Fahu Chen, Tandong Yao, Xin Li and Zhigang Li. 2006. Formation of proglacial dunes in front of the Puruogangri icefield in the central Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: implications for reconstructing paleoenvironmental changes since the Late glacial
Lorenz King, Thomas Herz, H. Hartmann, T. Jiang, C. Ke, Z. Wei and C. Yi. 2006. The PACE monitoring strategy: A concept for permafrost research in Qinghai-Tibet
Yang Jianqiang, Zhang Wei, Cui Zhijiu, Yi Chaolu, Liu Kexin and Ju Yuanjiang. 2006. Late Pleistocene Glaciation of Diancang Mountains and Gongwang Mountains, southeast margin of Tibetan Plateau
H. Yang, C. Yi, P. Xie, Y. Xing,L. Ni. 2006. Sedimentation rates, nitrogen and phosphorus retentions in the largest urban Lake Donghu, China
Du, L; Yi, CL*; Pan, SM, et al. 2006. Sedimentary records of water environment in lake Chaohu in the Yangtze delta region, China
Yi, CL*; Boyle, J; Rose, NL, et al. 2006. Microfabries of lacustrine sediments to pollutant adsorption from a polluted Eutrophic lake, t he Yangtze delta region
Yi Chaolu*, Liu Kexin, Cui Zhijiu, Jiao Keqin, Yao Tandong and He Yuanqin. 2004. AMS radiocarbon dating of late Quaternary glacial landforms, the source area of the Urumqi River, Tien Shan ---- a pilot study of 14C dating on inorganic carbon
Yi, CL*, P. Appleby, JF Boyal, N. Rose, et al. 2004. The sedimentary record of a significant flooding event in Lake Taihu, Yangtze
NL. Rose, JF Boyle, Y Du, C Yi, etc. 2004. Sedimentary evidence for changes in the pollution status of Taihu in the Jiangsu region of eastern China
Yi Chaolu*,Jiao Keqing,Liu Kexin, Yuanqing He and Ye Yuguang. 2002. ESR Dating on the sediments of the Last Glaciation at the Source Area of the Urumqiu River, Tian Shan Mountains, China
Chaolu Yi*, Xiaoze Li and Jianjun Qu. 2002. Quaternary glaciation of Puruogangri - the largest modern ice field in Tibet
Yi, Chaolu*. and Zhijiu Cui. 2001. Subglacial deformation ---- evidence from quantitative microfabric studies of flat particles and voids in till from the upper Urumqi River Valley, Tianshan Mountains, China
李亞兵, 易朝路, 魏靈和程功弼. 2006. 慕士塔格新冰期以來冰磧物風化成土特徵. 冰川凍土
魏靈, 賈玉連, 易朝路, 王洪波和郭盛喬. 2006. 近4萬年渤海西岸海侵時古海面的現代標高對比研究
李馨, 李孝澤, 易朝路和志勇. 2006. 冰緣風沙地貌與沉積研究進展. 冰川凍土
楊建強,易朝路,Lewis Owen & Nicol Davis. 2006. 藏西南納木那尼峰第四紀以來的冰川演化,第四紀研究
易朝路, 崔之久, 熊黑鋼. 2005.中國第四紀冰期數值年表初步劃分. 第四紀研究
崔之久和易朝路. 2005. 洱海環境演變與大理城市發展的關係研究. 雲南地理環境研究
易朝路,汪丙國,郭志高等. 荊江大堤鹽卡險段地下水滲流場模擬研究. 岩石力學與工程學報
楊洪,易朝路,謝平等. 武漢東湖沉積物碳氮磷垂向分布的研究. 地球化學
楊洪,易朝路,邢陽平等. 210Pb和137Cs法對比研究武漢東湖現代沉積速率. 華中師範大學學報(自然科學版)
楊洪,易朝路. 2004. 武漢東湖孔隙度與含水量. 湖泊科學
魏靈,易朝路,賈玉連等. 長沙新開鋪剖面紋層沉積序列及其古洪水事件. 華中師範大學學報(自然科學版)
杜磊,易朝路. 2004. 長江下游巢湖湖泊沉積物的粒度特徵與沉積環境. 安徽師範大學學報(自然科學版)
易朝路,李孝澤, 屈建軍2003. 青藏高原現代最大冰原區第四紀冰川作用.冰川凍土
羅清,易朝路. 2003. 湘江下游更新世沉積環境的初步研究.華中師大學報(自然科學版)
易朝路,郭志高,汪丙國,李玲,徐貴來. 2002. 荊江大堤楊家灣險段地下滲流場模擬與管涌成因.岩石力學與工程學報
易朝路.郭志高,許厚澤. 2002. 荊江大堤典型地段管涌險情與水情要素定量分析.水利學報
易朝路,吳顯新,劉會平,王柏軒和許厚澤. 2002. 長江中游湖泊沉積微結構特徵與沉積環境, 沉積學報
易朝路. 2002. 長江中下游靜態水體污染後底泥吸附的方式與內源污染治理建議. 水資源保護
郭志高,李玲,易朝路,王志穩, 張華. 2002. 江漢平原堤防存在的問題與防洪減災措施.華中師範大學學報(自然科學版)
周尚哲,易朝路,施雅風. 2001. 中國西部MIS12冰期研究. 地質力學學報
易朝路. 2001. 洪湖及其周圍三種湖相粘土的微結構特徵與沉積環境.湖泊科學
易朝路,李鈴,任曉華. 2001. 重大工程建設對湖北省產業結構的影響與調整.華中師範大學學報(自然科學版)
易朝路, 焦克勤,劉克新,業俞光. 2001.冰磧物ESR測年與天山烏魯木齊河河源末次冰期系列.冰川東土
專著 易朝路,崔之久和熊黑鋼. 2006. 中國冰川沉積與冰磧物測年評估(第四章). 見:施雅風和崔之久主編:《中國第四紀冰川》,河北技術出版社(石家莊)