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易偉, 男,民盟盟員,教學科研型教授(藥物化學專業)、“南山學者”傑出人才(第二層次)、碩士生導師、博士生導師、博士後合作導師,現任廣州醫科大學藥學院副院長、廣州醫科大學民盟基層委員會副主委、藥物研發中心主任、呼吸疾病國家重點實驗室PI及藥理學組副組長、廣東省分子靶標與臨床藥理重點實驗室副主任,國家基金委評審專家、廣東省新藥創製重大專項及廣東省基礎與套用基礎研究基金評審專家。賽諾菲·安萬特-中國科學院上海生命科學研究院優秀青年科學家、廣東省自然科學傑出青年基金、嶺南英傑工程-國家級後備人才等多個針對優秀科研人才榮譽與稱號的獲得者。受邀擔任多個國內外知名期刊如藥學學報(Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B)、Chinese Chemical Letters等雜誌青年編委。


  • 中文名:易偉
  • 外文名:W. Yi
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 畢業院校中山大學
  • 職稱:廣州醫科大學藥學院副院長 
  • 學位/學歷:博士




主要研究方向為以靶標結構為基礎、生物學功能為導向的創新藥物設計、合成與發現。已在NatureCell Res.、Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.、PNAS等國際著名雜誌發表研究論文120餘篇,被引用率超過4000次,h指數34;作為負責人或學術骨幹承擔了多項國家或省部級項目如國家科技部重大研究計畫、中科院新藥研究先導專項、廣東省傑出青年基金、國家基金委自然基金重點項目、面上與青年基金。申請國內外發明專利10餘項,轉讓總金額達5000萬元(人民幣)。




1、基於結構的新型PPARγ選擇性調控劑靶向吲哚衍生物的設計、合成及其抗II型糖尿病作用機制探究, 國家自然 科學基金面上項目,21877020,2018/01-2022/12,在研,主持
2、靶向BCR-ABL降解調控在CML治療中的作用及分子機制,廣東省自然科學基金研究團隊,2018B03031200 1,2018/01-2023/12,在研,核心成員
3、基於結構的新型PPARγ選擇性調控劑作為抗II型糖尿病候選藥物發現及其調控機制研究,廣東省自然科學傑出青年基金,2017A030306031, 2017/05-2020/05,藥物化學(人才專項經費),主持
4、自主選擇課題,中國科學院青年創新促進會會員基金,2016261,80萬元,2016/01-2019/12,生命醫學 (人才專項經費),在研,主持
5、基於結構的新型選擇性GR調控劑氫化可的松衍生物的設計、合成及其抗炎機制研究,國家自然科學基金青年 項目,81502909,2016/01-2018/12,在研,主持
6、賽諾菲·安萬特-中國科學院上海生命科學研究院優秀青年人才獎勵基金,,2015年,藥物化學(人才專項經 費),個人獎勵
7、新型PPARγ調控劑C2位功能化的VSP-51吲哚衍生物的設計、合成及構效關係研究,上海市自然基金面上項 目,15ZR1447800,2015/01-2017/12,在研,主持
8、VSP-51-2作為抗糖尿病先導化合物開發,中科院藥物創新研究院自部署項目,CASIMM0120152031,201 5/08-2016/08, 已結題,任務一負責人


  1. H. Meng#, H. Xu#, Z. Zhou#, Z. Tang, Y. Li, Y. Zhou*, W. Yi*; X. Wu*; Recyclable rhodium-catalyzed C-H activation/[4+2] annulation with unconventional regioselectivity at ambient temperature: experimental development and mechanistic insight. Green Chem., 2022, 24, 7012-7021.
  2. Z. Gao#, W. Yi# et al; Urolithin A protects against acetaminophen-induced liver injury in mice via sustained activation of Nrf2. Int J. Biol. Sci., 2022, 18, 2146-2162.
  3. C. Chen#; L. Ma#; G. Cai#; J. Tang; Y. Wang; Q. Liu; X. Liu; N. Hou*; Z. Zhou*; W. Yi*; Identification of a novel PPARγ modulator with good anti-diabetic therapeutic index via structure-based screening, optimization and biological validation. Biomed. Pharmacother., 2022, 154, 113653.
  4. H. Gao#; S. Lin#; S. Zhang#; W. Chen; X. Liu; G. Yang; R. A. Lerner; H. Xu*; Z. Zhou*; W. Yi*; Gem-Difluoromethylene Alkyne-Enabled Diverse C-H Functionalization and Application to the on-DNA Synthesis of Difluorinated Isocoumarins.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2021, 60, 1959-1966.
  5. L. Ma, Y. Lian, J. Tang, F. Chen, H. Gao, Z. Zhou*, N. Hou*; W. Yi*; Identification of the Anti-Fungal Drug Fenticonazole Nitrate as a Novel PPARγ-Modulating Ligand With Good Therapeutic Index: Structure-Based Screening and Biological Validation. Pharmacol. Res., 2021, 173, 105860.
  6. H. Xu#; W. Chen#; M. Bian#; H. Xu; H. Gao; T. Wang; Z. Zhou*; W. Yi*; Gem-Difluorocyclopropenes as Versatile β-Monofluorinated Three sp2 Carbon Sources for Cp*Rh(III)-Catalyzed [4+3] Annulation: Experimental Development and Mechanistic Insight.ACS Catal., 2021, 11, 14694-14701.
  7. L. Wu#; H. Xu#; H. Gao; L. Li; W. Chen; Z. Zhou*; W. Yi*; Chiral Allylic Amine Synthesis Enabled by the Enantioselective Cp*Rh(III)-Catalyzed Carboaminations of 1,3-Dienes. ACS Catal., 2021, 11, 2279-2287.
  8. F. Zhao#*; Z.Zhou#; Y. Lu#; J. Qiao; X. Zhang; X. Gong; S. Liu; S. Lin; X. Wu*; W. Yi*; Chemo, Regio, and Stereoselective Assembly of Polysubstituted Furan-2(5H)ones Enabled by Rh(III)-Catalyzed Domino C−H Alkenylation/Directing Group Migration/Lactonization: A Combined Experimental and Computational Study. ACS Catal., 2021, 11, 13921-13934.
  9. H. Jiang#; X. E. Zhou#; J. Shi#; Z. Zhou#; G. Zhao; X. Zhang; Y. Sun; K. Suino-Powell; L. Ma; H. Gao; X. Yu; J. Li*; J. Li*; K. Melcher; H. E. Xu*; W. Yi#*; Identification and Structural Insight of an Effective PPARγ Modulator with Improved Therapeutic Index for Anti-Diabetic Drug Discovery. Chem. Sci., 2020, 11, 2260-2268.
  10. Y. He#*; J. Shi#; Q. T. Nguyen#; E. You; H. Liu; X. Ren; Z. Wu; J. Li; W. Qiu; S. K. Khoo; T. Yang; W. Yi* et al; Development of Novel Highly Potent Glucocorticoids for Steroid-Resistant Severe Asthma. PNAS, 2019, 116, 6932-6937.
  11. G. Zheng#; Z. Zhou#; G. Zhu#; S. Zhai; H. Xu; X. Duan; W. Yi*; X. Li*; Rhodium(III)-Catalyzed Enantio- and Diastereoselective C–H Cyclopropylation of N-Phenoxylsulfonamides: Combined Experimental and Computational Studies.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2020, 59, 2890-2896.
  12. W. Yi*; W. Chen; F.-X. Liu; Y. Zhong; D. Wu; Z. Zhou*; H. Gao*; Rh(III)-Catalyzed and Solvent-Controlled Chemoselective Synthesis of Chalcone and Benzofuran Frameworks via Synergistic Dual Directing Groups Enabled Regioselective C–H Functionalization: A Combined Experimental and Computational Study. ACS Catal., 2018, 8, 9508-9519.
  13. X. Zhang; Z. Wang; K. Xu; Y. Feng; W. Zhao; X. Xu; Y. Yan; W. Yi*; HOTf-catalyzed sustainable one-pot synthesis of benzene and pyridine derivatives under solvent-free conditions. Green Chem., 2016, 18, 2313-2316.
  14. J. Zhou; J. Shi; Z. Qi; X. Li*; H. E. Xu; W. Yi*; Mild and efficient Ir(III)-catalyzed direct C-H alkynylation of N-phenoxyacetamides with terminal alkyne. ACS Catal., 2015, 5, 6999-7003.
  15. L.-H. Zhao#; X. E. Zhou#; W. Yi# et al; Destabilization of Strigolactone Receptor DWARF14 by Binding of Ligand and E3-Ligase Signaling Effector DWARF3. Cell Res., 2015, 25, 1219-1236.
  16. Yuanzheng He*; Jingjing Shi; Wei Yi* et al; Discovery of a Highly Potent Glucocorticoid for Asthma Treatment. Cell Discov., 2015, 1, 15035.
  17. S.Zhang#; J. Zhou#; J. Shi; M. Wang; H. E. Xu*; Wei Yi*; Rh(III)-catalyzed direct C−H cyanation of N-methoxybenzamides using N-cyano-N-phenyl-p-toluenesulfonamide. Chinese J. Catal., 2015, 36, 1175-1182.
  18. Y. He*; W. Yi* et al; Structures and Mechanism for the Design of Highly Potent Glucocorticoids. Cell Res., 2014, 24, 713-726.



