2012.8-2012.12訪問學者,德國馬克斯普朗克複雜系統物理所,Roderich Moessner組
2008-2011博士後,美國北伊利諾大學 和
阿貢國家實驗室, Michel van Veenendaal組
2005-2008博士後,德國馬克斯普朗克複雜系統物理所,Peter Fulde組
2014 —固體物理
2017— 超導物理
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16.Jun Chang,Jize Zhao, "Theory of dual fermion superconductivity in hole-doped cuprates",arXiv:1606.03656Eur. Phys. J. B90,154 (2017).
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6.Jun Chang,Ilya Eremin, Peter Thalmeier, and Peter Fulde, “Inelastic rare-earth impurity scattering and superconductivity in filled skutterudite La1-xPrxOs4Sb12”,arXiv:0709.3849,Phys. Rev. B76,220510(R) (2007).
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