先後擔任SCI國際學術期刊Advances in Condensed Matter Physics客座主編、Journal of Nanomaterials客座編輯、Chinese Journal of Engineering客座主編、中國物理學會《物理學報》Acta Physica Sinica和Chinese Physics B兩刊青年編輯。現為Nature Communications,Physical Review Letters, Advanced Materials, Journal of the American Chemical Society等30餘種知名SCI期刊的審稿人和仲裁評審人。還擔任四川省歐美同學會·四川省留學人員聯誼會常務理事、社委會副主任,成都市歐美同學會·成都市留學人員聯誼會常務理事,四川大學黨外知識分子聯誼會副會長等職務。
先後主持和承擔國家自然科學基金、四川省青年科技基金等各類科研項目10餘項,已在國際重要期刊包括Nature Communications,Angewandte Chemie International Edition,Physical Review Letters,Journal of Materials Chemistry A,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,Physical Review B,Applied Physics Letters等發表SCI論文80餘篇,總影響因子超200以上,被Nature Nanotechnology,Nature Physics,Nature Communications等國際頂級SCI論文他引千餘次,H因子為18,並撰寫英文專著1個章節,申請國內發明專利5項,授權專利1項。
代表性論文和成果Selected Publications and Achievements: (*Corresponding Author)
1. R. Ang*, Chapter Title “Layered Cobaltites and Natural Chalcogenides for Thermoelectrics”, “Thermoelectrics for Power Generation - A Look at Trends in the Technology”, Book edited by Sergey Skipidarov and Mikhail Nikitin, ISBN 978-953-51-2846-5, Print ISBN 978-953-51-2845-8, Pages: 3-25, 2016.
2. R. Ang, Z. C. Wang, C. L. Chen, J. Tang, N. Liu, Y. Liu, W. J. Lu, Y. P. Sun, T. Mori, and Y. Ikuhara; Atomistic origin of ordered superstructure induced superconductivity in layered chalcogenides; Nature Commun. 6, 6091 (2015).
3. R. Ang*, A. U. Khan, N. Tsujii, K. Takai, R. Nakamura, and T. Mori;Thermoelectricity generation and electron-magnon scattering in a natural chalcopyrite mineral from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 54, 12909 (2015).
4. R. Ang*, Y. Tanaka, E. Ieki, K. Nakayama, T. Sato, L. J. Li, W. J. Lu, Y. P. Sun, and T. Takahashi; Real-space coexistence of the melted Mott state and superconductivity in Fe-substituted 1T-TaS2; Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 176403 (2012).
5. C. Yin, Q. Hu, M. J. Tang, H. T. Liu, Z. Y. Chen, Z. S. Wang, andR. Ang*; Boosting the thermoelectric performance of misfit-layered (SnS)1.2(TiS2)2 by a Co- and Cu-substituted alloying effect; J. Mater. Chem. A 6, 22909 (2018).
6. Z. S. Wang, G. Y. Wang, R. F. Wang, X. Y. Zhou, Z. Y. Chen, C. Yin, M. J. Tang, Q. Hu, J. Tang, and R. Ang*; Ga-Doping-Induced Carrier Tuning and Multiphase Engineering in n-type PbTe with Enhanced Thermoelectric Performance; ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 10, 22401 (2018).
7. C. Yin, Q. Hu, G.Y. Wang, T. Y. Huang, X. Y. Zhou, X. Zhang, Y. W. Dou, B. Kang, J. Tang, N. Liu, and R. Ang*; Intriguing substitution of conducting layer triggered enhancement of thermoelectric performance in misfit-layered (SnS)1.2(TiS2)2; Appl. Phys. Lett. 110, 043507 (2017).
8. Y. Liu, R. Ang*, W. J. Lu, W. H. Song, L. J. Li, and Y. P. Sun; Superconductivity induced by Se-doping in layered charge-density-wave system 1T-TaS2-xSex; Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 192602 (2013).
9. R. Ang*, Y. Miyata, E. Ieki, K. Nakayama, T. Sato, Y. Liu, W. J. Lu, Y. P. Sun, and T. Takahashi; Superconductivity and bandwidth-controlled Mott metal-insulator transition in 1T-TaS2-xSex; Phys. Rev. B 88, 115145 (2013).
10. R. Ang, K. Nakayama, W.-G. Yin, T. Sato, Hechang Lei, C. Petrovic, and T. Takahashi; Electronic structure of the iron-chalcogenide KFeAgTe2 revealed by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy; Phys. Rev. B 88, 155102 (2013).
11. L. H. Yin, R. Ang*, Z. H. Huang, Y. Liu, S. G. Tan, Y. N. Huang, B. C. Zhao, W. H. Song, and Y. P. Sun; Exotic reinforcement of thermoelectric power driven by Ca doping in layered Bi2Sr2-xCaxCo2Oy; Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 141907 (2013).
12. L. H. Yin, R. Ang*, Y. N. Huang, H. B. Jiang, B. C. Zhao, X. B. Zhu, Z. R. Yang, W. H. Song, and Y. P. Sun; The contribution of narrow band and modulation of thermoelectric performance in doped layered cobaltites Bi2Sr2Co2Oy; Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 173503 (2012).
13. R. Ang*, T. P. Chen, Z. Liu, J. I. Wong, M. D. Yi, M. Yang, Z. H. Cen, S. Zhu, W. Zhu, and E. S. M. Goh; Charging effect and capacitance modulation of Ni-rich NiO thin film; Appl. Phys. Lett.95, 012104 (2009).
14.R. Ang, Y. P. Sun, X. Luo, C. Y. Hao, X. B. Zhu, and W. H. Song; The evidence of the glassy behavior in the layered cobaltites; Appl. Phys. Lett.92, 162508 (2008).
15. R. Ang, W. J. Lu, R. L. Zhang, B. C. Zhao, X. B. Zhu, W. H. Song, and Y. P. Sun; Effects of Co doping in bilayered manganite LaSr2Mn2O7: Resistivity, thermoelectric power, and thermal conductivity; Phys. Rev. B 72, 184417 (2005).