



  • 中文名:日常應急口語放口袋
  • 作者:方振宇
  • 出版時間:2019年
  • 出版社:北京時代華文書局
  • ISBN:9787569920680
  • 類別:社交/生活口語
  • 開本:32 開
  • 裝幀:平裝




Chapter 1 家庭瑣事少不了 Family ................. 1
Section1 睡覺起床Sleeping and WakingUp .........2
Section2 洗洗漱漱Washing Up ................. . ..6
Section3 梳妝打扮Dressing Up......................10
Section4 一日三餐Meals..................... ......14
Section5 收拾碗碟Cleaning Up theDishes .........18
Section6 親朋好友Relatives and Friends...........22
Section7 花銷儲蓄Spending and SavingMoney........26
Chapter 2 民以食為天 Eating ................. ....30
Section1 商定餐館Where to Eat .................. ..31
Section2 點餐Ordering Food ............. ..........35
Section3 上菜用餐Serving Meals andEating..........39
Section4 買單Paying............. ............. ....43
Section5 在西餐廳At the WesternRestaurant.........47
Section6 在快餐店At the Fast-FoodRestaurant ..... 51
Section7 在自助餐館At the Cafeteria ...............55
Section8 在咖啡廳At the café .......................59
Section9 在酒吧At the Bar ..................... .....63
Section10 在茶館At the Teahouse .......... ........68
Chapter 3 身體健康重要 Health ...................72
Section1 感冒發燒Suffering from a Coldand Fever ...73
Section2 描述症狀Describing theSymptoms ..........77
Section3 預約醫生Doctor Appointment ......... .. ....81
Section4 掛號就診Registering andSeeing a Doctor ....85
Section5 醫院門診Hospitals and Clinics.... ........89
Section6 手術護理Operation and Care ........ .......93
Section7 買藥吃藥Medicine ............... .........97
Section8 住院出院Living in theHospital ...... ....101
Section9 醫療保險Medical Insurance ........ .......105
Chapter 4 公共服務不能缺 Public Service...... ...... 110
Section1 銀行Bank ....... ...... .......... .. .. ...111
Section2 郵局Post Office ................. .. .. .. ..116
Section3 快遞公司Express Delivery ........... ......120
Section4 美容美髮店Beauty and HairSalon ...........124
Section5 洗衣店Laundry ...................... ......129
Section6 電話亭TelephoneBooth/Collect Calling ......134
Section7 社區居委會NeighborhoodCommittee ...........138
Chapter 5 好好學習,天天向上 Study ............. .. 142
Section1 初進校園Entering the Campus ....... ........143
Section2 學校課程Curriculum .......................148
Section3 考試測驗Tests ...... ...... ...... .......152
Section4 獎學金Scholarship ...... ....... ...... ...156
Section5 在圖書館At the Library...... ...... ..... 161
Section6 講座Lecture ...... ...... ..... ...... ... 165
Section7 宿舍趣聞Dorm........ ........ ....... .. ...169
Section8 社團協會School Association ...... .. ........173
Section9 校園兼職Part-Time Job ............. .. .......177
Section10 畢業與戀情Graduation and Love ...... .. .......181
Section11 出國留學Studying Abroad .......... .. .. .. ..185
Chapter 6 工作實現價值 Work ........................ .. 189
Section1 求職應聘Job Hunting ...................... ..190
Section2 職場培訓Training ............................?195
Section3 出勤與遲到Attendance andArriving at Work Late ..200
Section4 請假Taking a Leave .. ...... ...... ..........204
Section5 調班加班Shifts and Overwork ...... ...... .....?208
Section6 升職加薪Promotion and Gettinga Raise ...........212
Section7 工作會議Working Conference ..... ...... ...... ....217
Section8 辦公設備Office Equipment ............ ...... .......222
Section9 解聘與辭職Dismissing andResigning........ ........227
Chapter 7 你說我說他說 Communication ........... ............. 231
Section1 見面問候Greeting .......................... .........232
Section2 介紹與回應Introduction andReply ....... ...........236
Section3 感謝與回謝Gratitude and Reply ...... ...... ......?240
Section4 道歉與回應Apology and Reply .............. ..........244
Section5 邀請與回應Invitation and Reply..... ...... .......?248
Section6 迎送客人Greeting andFarewelling Guests ...........?252
Section7 祝福與祝願Blessings and Wishes.......... .......?256
Section8 接打電話Answering the Phone ........... ............260
Section9 時間與日期Time and Date .............. ..........265
Section10 天氣情況Weather .................... .........?270
Section11 告別Farewell ...................... .......?274
Chapter 8 以戀愛為基礎的婚姻 Love ........... ......? 278
Section1 約會Dating ....................... ..........?279
Section2 戀愛Falling in Love ............. ...... ..........283
Section3 爭吵分手Break-up ................. ............287
Section4 求婚Marriage Proposal ........ ...... .........291
Section5 婚禮Wedding .................. ...... ..........295
Section6 結婚紀念日Wedding Anniversary .... ............299
Section7 離婚Divorce ........................ ...... ......303
Chapter 9 出門交通少不了 Traffic .......................307
Section1 問路指路Asking for Directions.... ...... ........308
Section2 坐飛機Taking a Plane ........... .................313
Section3 坐火車Taking a Train ............. ...... ........318
Section4 坐公交Taking a Bus ...................... .......322
Section5 坐捷運Taking a Subway .............. .........326
Section6 坐計程車Taking a Taxi ................. ............330
Section7 自駕車Driving a Car ................... ..........334
Section8 停車與加油Parking andRefueling .................338
Section9 騎腳踏車Riding a Bicycle ........... ...... .......342
Section10 交通事故Traffic Accident .......... .............?346
Chapter 10 旅行休閒放輕鬆 Travel .............. .......... 350
Section1 旅遊計畫Travel Planning ........... ...... ....... 351
Section2 參觀遊覽Sightseeing Tour ........... ............355
Section3 公園與遊樂園Park and AmusementPark ..............359
Section4 動物園與植物園Zoo and BotanicalGarden ........ 364
Section5 博物館與歷史遺蹟Museum andHistoric Sites .......369
Section6 劇院與演出Movies andPerformances ........ .....374
Section7 體育比賽Sports Competitions ........ ..... ......378
Section8 拍照留念Photo Taking........ ........ ...........383
Section9 酒店預訂Hotel Reservation........ .... ..........387
Section10 入住酒店Hotel Check In ........ ....... ........391
Section11 客房服務Room Service........ ..... ............395
Section12 結賬退房Checking Out ........ ........ ........399
Chapter 11 購物狂的自由 Shopping ............ ...... ....404
Section1 選擇超市或商場Choosing aSupermarket or a DepartmentStore ..405
Section2 挑選商品Choosing the Goods .... ...... ...... ........409
Section3 試穿與試用Trying Out the Goods...... ...... .......?413
Section4 討價還價Bargaining ................ ...... ...... ..?417
Section5 尋找減價商品Searching for Sales..... .............422
Section6 結賬Payment ..................... .. ..................426
Section7 售後服務Customer Service ........ .. .............?430
Chapter 12 態度情感要分明 Emotions .......................? 434
Section1 高興與難過Happy and Sad ............ ...... ......?435
Section2 喜歡與討厭Like and Dislike ...... ...... ..........439
Section3 同意與分歧Agreement and Disagreement............?443
Section4 信任與懷疑Trust and Doubt ....... ...... ...........448
Section5 接受與拒絕Acceptance andRefusal ....................452
Section6 建議與忠告Suggestion andPersuasion ................457
Section7 責備與提醒Scolding andReminding ....................461
Section8 支持與鼓勵Support andEncouragement .................465
Section9 生氣與激動Angry and Excited ........ ........ .......469
Section10 抑鬱與沮喪Depressed andDesperate ..................473
Section 11 擔心與憂慮Worried and Stressed ........ ............477




