



  • 書名:旅遊英語實訓教程
  • 作者:田夕偉,唐曉雲 
  • ISBN:9787303131327
  • 頁數:154
  • 出版社北京師範大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2011-10-1
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16開




Module 1 Pre-tour Services
Project 1 Tour Introduction
Task 1 Design a tour
Task 2 Introduce a tour
Task 3 Modify your design
Project 2 Making Reservations
Task 1 Recommend a hotel
Task 2 \\Make reservations
Module 2 On Arrival
Project 1 On the Way to hotel
Task 1 Welcome the tourists
Task 2 En-routeintroduction
Project 2 Checking in
Task 1 Design check-in procedures
Task 2 Help the guests to check-in
Module 3 Conducting the Tour
Project 1 Sightseeing
Task 1 Develop skills and vocabulary
Task 2 Mock interpretation (a natural scenic spot)
Task 3 Mock interpretation (a historic cultural site)
Project 2 Shopping
Task 1 Shopping in Guangzhou
Task 2 Design a shopping tour
Task 3 Guide a shopping tour
Project 3 Dinning
Task 1 Design a menu
Task 2 Introduce Cantonese cuisine
Task 3 Know about Chinese food culture
Project 4 Recreation
Task 1 Design recreational programs
Task 2 Introduce recreational programs
Project g Culture
Task 1 Explore Chinese culture
Task 2 Introduce Chinese cultural highlights
Module 4 Departure
Project 1 Checking out
Task 1 Makea presentation on check out process
Task 2 Help guests to check out
Project 2 Bidding farewell
Task 1 Make a farewell speech
Task 2 Communicate on farewell
Project 3 At the Airport
Task 1 At the airport
Task 2 Communicate on departure formalities
Key to Exercise
Listening Scripts


