



  • 中文名:施建峰
  • 職業:教師
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:複合材料結構的先進測試與感測技術
  • 就職院校:浙江大學




  1. 2017-今:負責能源工程學院化工機械研究所暑期夏令營
  2. 2017-今:負責化工機械研究所研究生保送、統一考試等招生工作
  3. 2018年工程師學院課程設計“非金屬智慧管道”
  4. 2017級航過1703班班主任
  5. 2017-2018春學期本科生課程《數值計算方法》
  6. 2017-2018冬學期本科生課程《信息檢索與科技寫作》
  7. 2017-2018冬學期研究生課程《科技創新表達》
  8. 2015屆本科生SRTP項目《聚乙烯管道超聲相控陣檢測技術研究》
  9. 2014屆本科生SRTP項目《聚乙烯粘彈性本構關係試驗研究》


  • 聚乙烯管道、增強聚乙烯複合管(RTP)的結構無損檢測、失效分析以及新型連線技術;
  • 聚烯烴及其增強結構、碳纖維增強複合材料結構承壓設備的無損檢測與安全評定技術;
  • 大型複合材料飛機(如A350、B787等)的可靠連線與修復技術;
  • 複合材料結構的先進測試與感測技術;
  • 風力發電機葉片、新型複合材料汽車(BMW i3/i8)及船舶的結構健康狀態監測與安全評定技術。


(1)Jie Zhang,Jianfeng Shi*and Ping Xu, Investigation on interfacial debonding between steel wire and adhesive resin.Journal of Applied Polymer Science,
(2)Xinyu Nie, Dongsheng Hou, Jinyang Zheng,Jianfeng Shi*and Chuck Zhang. Eigen-line in welded structures of thermoplastic polymers.Polymer Testing.
(3)Jinyang Zheng, Dongsheng Hou, Weican Guo, Xiaoming Miao, Yaoda Zhou andJianfeng Shi*. Ultrasonic Inspection of Electro-fusion Joint of Large Size Polyethylene Pipe in Nuclear Power Plant.ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology.
(4)Jinyang Zheng, Dongsheng Hou, Sijia Zhong,Jianfeng Shi*, Guangzhong Li. Effect of viscoelasticity on the hold pressure of plastic pipe reinforced by cross helically wound steel wires in leak test.Composite Structures,
(5)Jinyang Zheng, Jun Shi,Jianfeng Shi*, Sijia Zhong, Jing Rao, Guangzhong Li. Short-term burst pressure of polyethylene pipe reinforced by winding steel wires under various temperatures.Composite Structures,
(6)Xiangpeng Luo, Shunli Lu,Jianfeng Shi*, Xiang Li, Jinyang Zheng. Numerical simulation of strength failure of buried polyethylene pipe under foundation settlement.Engineering Failure Analysis,
(7)Jinyang Zheng, Sijia Zhong,Jianfeng Shi*and Weican Guo, and. Study on the Allowable Temperature for Preventing Over Welding During Thermal Welding of Polyethylene Pipe.ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology.
(8)Xiangpeng Luo, Jinjin Ma, Jinyang Zheng,Jianfeng Shi*. Finite element analysis of buried polyethylene pipe subjected to seismic landslide.ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology.
(9)Jianfeng Shi, Jinyang Zheng and Weican Guo, Safety assessment of cold welding defect in electro-fusion joint of polyethylene pipe.ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology.
(10)Jinyang Zheng,Jianfeng Shiand Weican Guo,Development of non-destructive test and safety assessment of electrofusion joints for connecting polyethylene pipes.ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology,
(11)Jianfeng Shi, Jinyang Zheng, Weican Guo and Jun Shi,Defects classification and failure modes of electrofusion joint for connecting polyethylene pipes.Journal of Applied Polymer Science,
(12)Jianfeng Shi, Jinyang Zheng and Weican Guo,Formation mechanism of the Eigen-line in electrofusion joints of polyethylene pipes.ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology,
(13)Jinyang Zheng, Linlin Wu andJianfeng Shi. Extreme pressure equipments. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering,
(14)Xiang Li, Jinyang Zheng,Jianfeng Shi, Yaxian Li, and Ping Xu. Experimental investigation on buckling of plastic pipe reinforced by winding steel wires under external pressure. Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials,
(15)Jianfeng Shi, Jinyang Zheng, Weican Guo, Ping Xu, Yongquan Qin and Shangzhi Zuo, A model for predicting temperature of electrofusion joints for polyethylene pipes. ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology,
(1)Jianfeng Shi, Jinyang Zheng, Weican Guo, Dongsheng Hou and Yingkan Qin, Non-destructive Inspection of high density polyethylene pipe in nuclear power plant, International Plastic Pipe Conference, 2017, Hangzhou, China (大會邀請報告)
(2)Ping Qiu,Jianfeng Shiand Jinyang Zheng, Experimental Investigation On Adhesive Bonded Joints of Carbon Fiber Composite Laminates Containing Disbond Defect,ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. 2017, ASME: Hawaii, United States.
(3)Yue Zhang, Xiangpeng Luo andJianfeng Shi, Viscoelastic and Damage Model of Polyethylene Pipe Material for Slow Crack Growth Analysis,ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. 2017, ASME: Hawaii, United States.
(4)Jun Shi,Jianfeng Shi, Hanxin Chen, Yibin He, Qingjun Wang, Yue Zhang, and Guangzhong Li, Short-Term Mechanical Analysis of Polyethylene Pipe Reinforced by Winding Steel Wires Using Steel Wire Spiral Structural Finite Element Model,ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. 2017, ASME: Hawaii, United States.
(5)Jarod Weber,Jianfeng Shiand Chuck Zhang, Embedded Capacitance Sensor Array for Structural Health Monitoring of Pipeline Systems,ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. 2017, ASME: Hawaii, United States.
(6)Xinyu Nie,Jianfeng Shiand Jinyang Zheng, Short-Term Burst Pressure of Large Diameter and High Pressure Reinforced Thermoplastic Pipe,ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. 2016, American Society of Mechanical Engineers: Vancouver, Canada.
(7)Jie Zhang,Jianfeng Shiand Jinyang Zheng, Failure Analysis on Plastic Pipe Reinforced by Cross Helically Wound Steel Wire Subjected to Internal Pressure and Bending Load,ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. 2016, American Society of Mechanical Engineers: Vancouver, Canada.
(8)Weican Guo,Jianfeng Shi, Dongsheng Hou. Research on phased array ultrasonic technique for testing butt fusion joint in polyethylene pipe.Far East Forum on Nondestructive Evaluation/Testing. 2016. Nanchang, Jiangxi, China. (submitted)
(9)Xiangpeng Luo,Jianfeng Shi, Jinyang Zheng. Mechanism of slow crack growth in polyethylene: A finite element approach.ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. 2015. Boston, Massachusetts, America: American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
(10)Xiaoming Miao,Jianfeng Shi, Jinyang Zheng. A method of ultrasonic phased array inspection of middle-high pressure plastic pipe reinforced by cross helically wound steel wires electro-fusion joint.ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. 2015. Boston, Massachusetts, America: American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
(11)Jianfeng Shi, Dongsheng Hou, Weican Guo, Yaoda Zhou, Xia Chen, and Jinyang Zheng. Ultrasonic inspection of large diameter polyethylene pipe used in nuclear power plant.ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. 2014. Anaheim, California, America: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. (Presenting Author)
(12)Weican Guo,Jianfeng Shi, Jinyang Zheng, and Zhongqiang Liu. Research on ultrasonic testing for electro-fusion joint of reinforced thermoplastic pipes.ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. 2014. Anaheim, California, America: American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
(13)Sijia Zhong,Jianfeng Shiand Jinyang Zheng. Study on constitutive modeling for large deformation behavior of polyethylene considering strain rate effect.ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. 2013. Paris, France: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. (Presenting Author)
(14)Jun Shi,Jianfeng Shiand Jinyang Zheng. Investigation on Shear Strength of Steel-Polymer Adhesive Interface in Plastic Pipe Reinforced by Cross Helically Wound Steel Wires.ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. 2013. Paris, France: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. (Presenting Author)
(15)Jinyang Zheng, Xiangpeng Luo,Jianfeng Shi*and Sijia Zhong. Study on the failure mode of cracking through the fitting of electrofusion joint.ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. 2013. Paris, France: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. (Presenting Author)
(16)Jinyang Zheng, Dongsheng Hou, Jun Shi, Shunli Lu,Jianfeng Shi*and Ping Xu. A new method of measuring the bond strength of electrofusion joint.ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. 2013. Paris, France: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. (Presenting Author)
(17)Weican Guo, Huiting Xu, Zhongqiang Liu andJianfeng Shi*, Ultrasonic technique for testing cold welding of butt-fusion joints in polyethylene pipe,ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. 2013. Paris, France: American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
(18)Jinjin Ma,Jianfeng Shiand Jinyang Zheng. Safety investigation of buried polyethylene pipe subject to seismic landslide.ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. 2012. Toronto, Canada: American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
(19)Sijia Zhong,Jianfeng Shi, Weican Guo, and Jinyang Zheng. Investigation on the allowable temperature during electrofusion welding of polyethylene pipe.ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. 2012. Toronto, Canada: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. (Presenting Author)
(20)Jianfeng Shi, Jinyang Zheng and Weican Guo. Safety assessment of cold welding defect in electro-fusion joint of polyethylene pipe.ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. 2012. Toronto, Canada: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. (Presenting Author)
(21)Jun Shi, Jing Rao,Jianfeng Shi, Ping Xu, Taiqing Shao, Hanzeng Shao, Defu Chen, Guangzhong Li and Xiaolian He. Design of a Large Diameter Steel Reinforced Plastic Pipe.ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. 2011. Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
(22)Weican Guo, Jinyang Zheng, Zhongqiang Liu,Jianfeng Shi, Shoubao Ding, and Shangzhi Zuo. Experimental investigation on coupling focusing ultrasonic technique for inspection of polyethylene butt-fusion joint.ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. 2010. Bellevue, Washington, USA: American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
(23)Jinyang Zheng, Yongquan Qin,Jianfeng Shi, Weican Guo, Hui Wang, and Fei Wang. Classification of defects in fusion joints of polyethylene pipes.ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. 2010. Bellevue, Washington, USA: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. (Presenting Author)
(24)Jinyang Zheng,Jianfeng Shiand Weican Guo. Development of non-destructive test and safety assessment of electrofusion joints for connecting polyethylene pipes.ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. 2010. Bellevue, Washington, USA: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. (Presenting Author)
(25)Jianfeng Shi, Jinyang Zheng and Weican Guo. Formation mechanism of the Eigen-line in electrofusion joints of polyethylene pipes.ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. 2010. Bellevue, Washington, USA: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. (Presenting Author)
(26)Jianfeng Shi, Jinyang Zheng and Weican Guo. A model for predicting temperature of electrofusion joints for polyethylene pipes.ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. 2008. Chicago, IL, United States: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. (Presenting Author)
(27)施建峰,鄭津洋,郭偉燦,李翔,秦永泉,王非.聚乙烯管道電熔接頭冷焊的判定方法.第七屆全國壓力容器學術會議. 無錫.
(28)鄭津洋,施建峰.聚乙烯管道電熔接頭安全評定方法研究進展.全國化工機械博士研究生創新研討會. 南京.
(7)王卉,鄭津洋,郭偉燦,方曉斌,丁良玉,寇官祥, SHIN Hyeon Jae,施建峰.聚乙烯管道電熔焊接接頭的超聲檢測.壓力容器,
(8)鄭津洋,施建峰. 2008年ASME PVP會議簡介.壓力容器,
(15)馬津津,陳學東,賈國棟,陳志平,施建峰,鄭津洋. 2012年ASME PVP會議簡介.壓力容器,


(6)Jianfeng Shi, Jinyang Zheng, Weican Guo. A model for predicting temperature of electrofusion joints for polyethylene pipes,美國機械工程師協會壓力容器與管道分會2008優秀博士論文獎第二名。
(7)Jianfeng Shi, Jinyang Zheng, Weican Guo. Formation mechanism of the Eigen-line in electrofusion joints of polyethylene pipes,美國機械工程師協會壓力容器與管道分會2010優秀博士論文優勝獎。
(8)Yinkang Qin,Jianfeng Shi, Jinyang Zheng. Phased array ultrasonic testing for frequency-dependent attenuating and thick-wall high-density polyethylene pipe,美國機械工程師協會壓力容器與管道分會2018優秀碩士論文競賽第二名。
(9)Yue Zhang,Jianfeng Shi, Jinyang Zheng. Study of mode I-II mixed crack propagation in electrofusion joint of polyethylene pipe,美國機械工程師協會壓力容器與管道分會2018優秀博士論文競賽優勝獎。
(10) Jarod Weber, Chuck Zhang,Jianfeng Shi. Embbeded Capacitance Sensing Array for Insitu Structureal Health Monitoring of Composite Joining and Repair.美國製造工程師協會(SME)2017最佳論文展報獎。
(11)Jarod Weber,Jianfeng Shiand Chuck Zhang, Embedded Capacitance Sensor Array for Structural Health Monitoring of Pipeline Systems,美國機械工程師協會壓力容器與管道分會2017年度本科生論文優勝獎
(12)Xinyu Nie,Jianfeng Shiand Jinyang Zheng, Short-Term Burst Pressure of Large Diameter and High Pressure Reinforced Thermoplastic Pipe,美國機械工程師協會壓力容器與管道分會2016優秀博士論文優勝獎
(13)Jie Zhang,Jianfeng Shiand Jinyang Zheng, Failure Analysis on Plastic Pipe Reinforced by Cross Helically Wound Steel Wire Subjected to Internal Pressure and Bending Load,美國機械工程師協會壓力容器與管道分會2016優秀碩士論文展報獎第一名。
(14)Ping Qiu,Jianfeng Shiand Jinyang Zheng, Experimental Investigation On Adhesive Bonded Joints of Carbon Fiber Composite Laminates Containing Disbond Defect,美國機械工程師協會壓力容器與管道分會2017年度碩士生論文優勝獎。
(15)Xiaoming Miao,Jianfeng Shi, Jinyang Zheng. A method of ultrasonic phased array inspection of middle-high pressure plastic pipe reinforced by cross helically wound steel wires electro-fusion joint.美國機械工程師協會壓力容器與管道分會2015年度碩士生論文獎第三名。


