



兼任福建省法學會海法學研究會副會長,長江海商法學會理事,Lampung Journal of International Law編委,澳大利亞伍倫貢大學國家海洋資源與安全中心兼職研究員。





  • 澳大利亞伍倫貢大學法學博士(PhD)(2011-2014)
  • 澳大利亞伍倫貢大學國際法(跨國犯罪預防)碩士(2006)
  • 北京工商大學法學碩士(2000-2003)
  • 北京林業大學英語文學士(1996-2000)


  • 廈門大學南海研究院副院長(2019.07—至今)
  • 福建省社科研究基地“海洋法與中國東南海疆研究中心”基地主任(2020.01—至今)
  • 福建海洋可持續發展研究院(廈門大學)副院長(2021.08—至今)
  • 廈門大學法學院海洋法專業博士生導師(2020.01—至今)
  • 廈門大學南海研究院教授(2018.11—至今)
  • 廈門大學南海研究院副教授(2015.07—2018.11)
  • 國際海事法學院(馬爾他)訪問教授(2020-2022)
  • 印度古吉拉特國立法律大學訪問教授(2016.03)
  • 外交部條約法律司(2016.07—2017.02)
  • 澳大利亞伍倫貢大學法學院講師(2013.01—2014.12)


  1. 福建省級高層次人才(A類)計畫(2021)
  2. 廈門大學南強青年拔尖人才(A類)計畫(2022)
  3. 廈門大學人文社科科研業績突出個人(2021)
  4. 廈門大學中國銀行獎教金(2020,科研類)
  5. 福建省社會科學優秀成果獎二等獎(2021)
  6. 福建省社會科學優秀成果獎三等獎(2019)
  7. 全國高校國際海洋法模擬法庭競賽“最佳指導獎”(2018)
  8. 澳大利亞伍倫貢大學跨學科研究優秀成果校長獎(2018)
  9. 荷蘭《International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law》刊物年度最佳論文獎(Gerard J. Mangone Prize, 2015)
  10. 2023年5月6日,入選第十屆“全國傑出青年法學家”推薦候選人公示名單。



1. Climate Change and International Shipping: The Regulatory Framework for the Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Brill Nijhoff, 2017).
2. “Towards the Establishment of a Search and Rescue Cooperation Mechanism in the South China Sea: Regulatory Framework, Challenges and Prospects”, in Myron H. Nordquist, John Norton Moore, and Ronan Long (eds.), Cooperation and Engagement in the Asia-Pacific Region (Brill Nijhoff, 2020), pp.339-355.
3. “International Regulatory Responses to Global Challenges in Marine Pollution and Climate Change”, in Andrés H. Arias & Jorge E. Marcovecchio (eds.), Marine Pollution and Climate Change (CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group, 2018), pp.279-322. [第一作者]
4. “Cooperative Maritime Surveillance and Enforcement”, in Robin Warner and Stuart Kaye (eds), Routledge Handbook of Maritime Regulation and Enforcement (Routledge, 2016), pp.378-393. [第二作者]


1. “A Comparative Analysis of the Legislation on Maritime Militia Between China and Vietnam”,Ocean Development & International Law, 2022, DOI:10.1080/00908320.2022.2103478.[通訊作者] [SSCI收錄]
2. “Settlement of Disputes in a BBNJ Agreement: Options and Analysis”, Marine Policy, 2020, Vol. 122, 104156. [SSCI收錄]
3. “International Regulation on Low-Carbon Shipping for Climate Change Mitigation: Development, Challenges and Prospects”,Ocean Development & International Law, 2018, Vol. 49, No. 2, pp. 134-156. [第一作者] [SSCI收錄]
4. “Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping: Is it time to consider market-based measures? ”, Marine Policy, 2016, Vol. 64, pp.123-134. [SSCI收錄]
5. “Gigantic Shipbuilders under the IMO Mandate of GHG Emissions: With Special References to China, Japan and Korea”, Journal of East Asia & International Law, 2014, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 493-513. [SSCI收錄]
6. “Greenhouse Gas Emissions from International Shipping: the Response from China’s Shipping Industry to the Regulatory Initiatives of the International Maritime Organization”,International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, 2014, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 77-115. [SSCI收錄]
7. “The South China Sea Arbitration Awards: A Critical Study”, Chinese Journal of International Law, 2018, Vol. 17, pp. 207-748.[參著] [SSCI收錄]
8. “Are Greenhouse Gas Emissions from International Shipping a Type of Marine Pollution?”,Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2016, Vol. 113, Iss. 1-2, pp. 187-192. [SCI收錄]
9. “Opportunities and Challenges for Mangrove Carbon Sequestration in the Mekong River Delta in Vietnam”, Sustainability Science, 2016, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 1-17. [第五作者][SCI收錄]
10. “The Implications of the Paris Agreement for the Regulation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from International Shipping”, Ocean Yearbook, 2018, Vol. 32, pp. 528-555.
11. “China’s Coast Guard Law: Interpretations and Implications”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Ocean Law and Policy, 2021, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp.300-308.
12. “China’s First Local Regulation on Air Pollution from Vessels: An Appraisal”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Ocean Law and Policy, 2020, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp.222-227.
13. “2020 Amendment to China’s Distant-Water Fishing Regulation”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Ocean Law and Policy, 2020, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp.364-370.
14. “Shanghai’s Household Waste Management Regulation and Its Implications for the Marine Environment”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Ocean Law and Policy, 2019, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp.285-290.
15. “China’s Arctic Policy: Implications and Implementation”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Ocean Law and Policy, 2019, Vol. 4, No.1, pp.86-92.
16. “Some Observations on the CSIL’s Critical Study on the South China Sea Arbitration Awards”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Ocean Law and Policy, 2018, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 332-338. [第一作者]
17. “A Note on the Philippines v. China Arbitration”, Pragyaan: Journal of Law, 2016, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp.51-53.
18. “An Overview of China’s Position on the Philippines v. China Arbitration”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Ocean Law and Policy, 2016, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp.116-120.
19. “The Challenge of Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from International Shipping: Assessing the International Maritime Organization’s Regulatory Response”, Yearbook of International Environmental Law, Oxford University Press, 2012, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 131-167.


1.《“南海仲裁案”裁決的後續國際裁判實踐述評》,《中國海商法研究》2022年第2期,第35-44頁。[第一作者] [CSSCI擴展版]
7.《論戰略環境評估在BBNJ國際協定中的適用性》,《中華海洋法學評論》2020年第4期,第1-17頁。 [第一作者]
8.《海峽兩岸南海漁業執法合作探析》,《中國海商法研究》2019年第3期,第50-58頁。[第二作者] [CSSCI擴展版]
9. 《南海沿岸國區域環保合作機制的構建──以國際海運業溫室氣體減排的立法與執法為研究視角》,《海南大學學報(人文社科版)》2018年第2期,第40-49頁。[CSSCI]


1. 國家社科基金重大研究專項(2021)
2. 國家社科基金一般項目,“應對越南可能提起新一輪南海仲裁案程式問題研究”(2020)
3. 國家社科基金重大專項子課題負責人,17VHQ012
4. 國家社科基金重大專項子課題負責人,18VHQ007
5. 國家社科基金重大專項子課題負責人,19VHQ006
6. 福建省社會科學規劃項目省法學會專項,“推進兩岸南海低敏感領域合作研究”(2019)
10. 國家海洋局海洋發展戰略研究所,“人類共同繼承財產與人類共同關切事項的法律原則研究”(2016-2017)
11. 國家海洋局國際合作司,“ITLOS第13,18,19,20號案,以及PCA第2014-07號仲裁案等案例分析研究”(2017-2018)
12. 自然資源部國際合作司,“北極的航行自由與沿海國的權利”(2019-2020)
13. 自然資源部海洋發展戰略研究所,“海洋劃界與邊界仲裁案例”(2018-2019)
14. 自然資源部海洋發展戰略研究所,“BBNJ國際協定一般原則以及與相關文書關係問題研究”(2019-2020)
15. 自然資源部海洋發展戰略研究所,“BBNJ國際協定‘毗鄰’問題研究”(2020-2021)
16. 自然資源部海洋發展戰略研究所,“BBNJ法律和政策問題跟蹤研究”(2021)


