







ACM SIGGRAPH會員,中國圖像圖形學會計算機動畫與數字娛樂專業委員會委員,數碼藝術專業委員會委員,中國動畫學會會員,杭州國家動漫基地特聘專家。


  1. 計算機動畫(普通高校本科生)
  2. 計算美學(博士研究生)



1. 神話符號與民族圖案建模繪製及其人文信息挖掘研究,項目負責人,國家自然科學基金 (61772463),2018.1-2021.12.
2. 中國傳統藝術計算審美與數字解構藝術繪製研究,項目負責人,項目負責人,國家自然科學基金 (61379069),2014.1-2017.12.
3. 中國民間美術非物質文化遺產的信息化保護和傳承關鍵技術集成與示範,子課題負責人,國家科技支撐計畫(2014BAK09B04),2014.1-2016.12.
4. Artistic Augmentation of Images and Videos with Hybrid Media and Animations,項目負責人, 英特爾戰略同盟(ISRA)智慧型藝術媒體項目 .
5. 我國線性文化遺產保護及時空可視分析技術研究,子課題負責人,國家社會科學基金重大項目 (12&ZD231),2012.12-2015.12
6. 中國傳統圖形藝術計算機建模與繪製,項目負責人,國家自然科學基金 (60673007),2007.1~ 2009.12
7. 動漫特效與動畫高效渲染製作新技術,項目負責人,863高科技研究發展計畫 (2006AA01Z312),2007.1~ 2008.12
8. 動漫高效製作關鍵技術與套用平台,項目負責人,浙江省科技計畫項目 (2007C21043),2007.1~2008.12
9. 面向卡通動畫製作的軟體集成系統研究,項目負責人,863高科技研究發展計畫 (2004AA119060),2004.10~ 2005.10
10. 三維計算機動畫藝術風格繪製,項目負責人,國家自然科學基金 (60373037),2004.01~ 2006.12
11. 基於GPU的非真實感繪製關鍵技術研究,項目負責人,教育部博士點基金 (20040335019),2004.10-2007.10
12. 虛擬環境中的自然場景建模理論與方法研究,973子課題負責人,973 (2002CB312101),2004.1~ 2008.12
13. 彩墨風格立體卡通動畫,項目負責人,國家自然科學基金 (60073024),2001.01~ 2003.12
14. 計算機動畫藝術風格修飾系統,項目負責人,教育部留學回國人員科研啟動基金 (367),2000.6~2002.6


  • Mohan Zhang, Hongwei Lin, Kang Zhang, Jinhui Yu, Computer Simulation and Generation of Moving Sand Pictures, accepted byIEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics.
  • Zhang Jiajing, Yu Jinhui, Zheng Xianjun, Zhang Kang, Zhang Junsong, Computational Aesthetic Evaluation of Logos, ACM Trans. on Applied Perception. 2017, 14(3):1-21.
  • 張榮, 施妍, 彭韌, 於金輝, 計算機輔助繪製黑白唐卡,計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報, 2017 , 29 ( 11 ): 2057-2065.
  • 戴凌宸, 張佳靖, 彭韌, 王健, 於金輝, 圖示形狀複雜度的計算度量, 計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報, 2017,29(10):1786-1793.
  • Jiajing Zhang, Kang Zhang, Ren Peng, Jinhui Yu, Computer-aided Generation of Mandala Thangka Patterns, Proc. of International Symposium on Visual Information Communication & Interaction, Thailand, 2017, 93-100.
  • 張佳婧,彭韌,王健,於金輝,水墨畫計算審美評估,軟體學報, 2016, 27(增刊2): 220-233.
  • Lina Zhang,Kwan-Liu Ma, Jinhui Yu,Adaptively Tiled Image Mosaics Utilizing Measures of Color and Region Entropy,Proc. of the 9th International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction,2016.09. USA.
  • Taocheng Hu, Jinhui Yu, Max-margin basedBayesian classifier, Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering,2016,17(10):973-981。
  • Kang Zhang, Jinhui Yu. Generation of Kandinsky Art, Leonardo, MIT Press, Vol.49, No.1, 2016, 48-55.
  • Hu, Taocheng Yu, Jinhui, Generalized entropy based semi-supervised learning; 2015 IEEE/ACIS 14th International Conference on Computer and Information Science, ICIS 2015 - Proceedings, p 259-263, July 24, 2015.
  • Taocheng Hu, Jinhui Yu; Incremental Max-Margin Learning for Semi-Supervised Multi-Class Problem ; Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing 2015, Volume 612 of the series, Studies in Computational Intelligence pp 31-43, 15 October 2015.
  • 丁孝強,胡桃成,彭韌,於金輝,計算機輔助生成工筆人物畫效果,計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報, 2015, 27(7): 1189-1195.
  • Jing Liao, Rodolfo Lima, Diego Nehab, Hugues Hoppe, Pedro Sander, Jinhui Yu, Automating image morphing using structural similarity on a halfway domain,ACM Trans. Graphics, 2014.
  • Kang Zhang, Jinhui Yu. Generating Abstract Paintings in Kandinsky Style,Proc. of SIGGRAPH Asia 2013, Art Gallery, Article No. 18.
  • Yan Shi, Fangtian Ying, Xuan Chen, Zhigeng Pan and Jinhui Yu, Restoration of traditional Chinese shadow play-Piying art from tangible interaction. Computer animation & virtual worlds. 2014, 25(1), 33-43.
  • Yan Shi, Fangtian Ying, Jinhui Yu, Enjoying of Traditional Chinese Shadow Play – A Cross-Culture Study,Transanctions on Edutainment IX, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 7544, 2013, pp 262-277
  • Zhuwen Li, Song Wang,Jinhui Yu, Kwan-Liu Ma, Restoration of Brick and Stone Relief from Single Rubbing Images. IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2012, vol 18(2), 177-187.
  • Jing Liao,Jinhui Yu, Procedural models for cartoon cracks and fractures animations, The Visual Computer,19 April 2012.
  • Xinjie Zhang, Jinhui Yu, Modeling expressions of Peking opera facial make-ups, Proc. of the 12th International conference on Computer aided design and Computer graphics, 502-508, Jinan, China, 2011
  • Jing Liao, Jinhui Yu, John Patterson, Modeling ocean waves and interaction between objects and ocean water for cartoon animation, Computer animation & virtual worlds, 2011,22(2-3), pp81-89
  • Jing Liao, Jinhui Yu, Long Jia, Procedural Modeling of Water Caustics and Foamy Water for Cartoon Animation. Journal of Zhejiang University Science C. 2011,12(7), pp533-541.
  • 方建文,於金輝,三維卡通海浪動畫建模,計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報,2011,23(11),pp111-116.
  • 廖菁,於金輝,計算機生成三維卡通濺水效果,計算機輔助設計與圖形學學,2011,23(6), pp949 -955.
  • 王松,李著文,於金輝,利用拓片恢復漢畫像浮雕效果,計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報錄,2011,23(5),pp784-190。
  • Yi Gu, Jinhui Yu, Ren Peng, Synthesis of cartoon fire based on hand-drawn samples, Int. J. Computer Applications in Technology, vol 38, nos1/2/3,2010,pp157-161.
  • 蔡飛龍,於金輝,京劇臉譜表情建模與編輯,中國圖像圖形學報,2010,15(6),pp958-963.
  • 方建文,於金輝, 陳海英, 三維卡通流水與物體互動的建模與繪製, 中國圖像圖形學報,2010,15(3),pp507-512.
  • Jinhui Yu, Jing Liao, John Patterson, Modeling the interaction between objects and cartoon water, The Journal of Computer Animation and Virtual worlds, vol. 19(3-4), 2008,pp375-385
  • Xiaofeng Ye, Jinhui Yu, Qunsheng Peng, Virtual repair of Chinese bronze articles, Proc. of CGI’08, Istanbul, Turkey, June 9-11. 2008
  • 胡晏秋,於金輝,彭韌,姜葳,面向青銅器的建模與繪製,計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報,20(9),2008,pp1140-1146.
  • 塗傳朋,於金輝,彭韌,陳海英,計算機生成剪紙風格流水動畫,計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報.2009,21(7).pp949-953
  • 蔡飛龍,於金輝,彭韌,京劇臉譜分析與合成, 計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報.2009,21(8).pp1092-1097.
  • 方建文,於金輝, 陳海英, 三維卡通流水與物體互動的建模與繪製,中國圖象圖形學報.19(4), 2010, pp415-419
  • 張俊松,於金輝,毛國紅,葉修梓,用自回歸(AR)和分層採樣生成草書筆畫紋理,計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報,19(11),2007,pp1439-1403.
  • 葉曉豐 劉隆 於金輝 彭韌, 卡通動畫中速度線的計算機模擬與套用, Proc of CIDE2007
  • Zhang Junsong, Yu jinhui, Ye Xiuzhi, A novel method for vectorizing historical documents of Chinese calligraphy.Proc. of CAD/Graphics 2007.
  • Yan Li, Jinhui Yu, Kwan-liu Ma, Jiaoying Shi, 3D Paper-Cut Modeling and Animation, The Journal of Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, vol. 18, 2007. pp395-404.
  • Jinhui Yu, Xinan Jiang, Haiying Chen, Cheng Yao, Real-time Cartoon Water Animation, The Journal of Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, vol. 18, 2007,pp405-414.
  • 李 岩, 於金輝, 石教英, 面向三維剪紙的格線模型切割方法, 軟體學報(增刊),2006,11。pp169-175.
  • 方建文, 於金輝, 姚琤,彭韌. 利用GPU對3D角色模型繪製水墨效果,計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報,2006, 19(4)。
  • Zhang Junsong,Yu Jinhui, Mao Guohong, Ye Xiuzhi, Denoising of Chinese Calligraphy Tablet Images Based on Run-length Statistics and Structure Characteristic of Character Strokes, The Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE,2006, 7(7).
  • Guo Yanwen, Yu Jinhui, Xu Xiaodong, Wang Jin, Peng Qunsheng, Example Based Painting Generation, The Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE. 2006, 7(7).
  • 付偉,於金輝,卡通視頻序列中分鏡頭台本要素提取,中國圖像圖形學報,2006,11(6), 增刊, pp180-184.
  • 陳天洲,黃穎,於金輝,計算機生成3維卡通煙塵動畫; 中國圖像圖形學報,2006,11(5), pp679-683.Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, ISSN: 0302-9743, Vol. 3942 / 2006, pp. 1062-1065
  • Yan Li, Jinhui Yu, Hongxin Zhang, Jiaoying Shi, Generating 3D Paper-cutting Effects, LNCS,Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, ISSN: 0302-9743, Vol. 3942 / 2006, pp.1062-1065
  • Chen Tianzhou, Yu Jinhui, Peng Qunsheng, Style Conversion of Cartoon Animation, LNCS, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, ISSN: 0302-9743, Vol. 3942 / 2006, pp.1074-1079
  • Zhu Wenhao, Wei Baogang, Yu Jinhui, Reuse of clips in cartoon animation based on language instructions, The Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE, 2006,7(2)
  • Yan Li, Jinhui Yu, Hongxin Zhang, Qing Wang, Jiaoying Shi, Computer Generation of Paper-cutting Effects on 3D Mesh Models, Proc. of 13th Pacific Conference on Graphics and Applications, 2005.
  • 張海嵩,陳為,於金輝,利用GPU實時繪製水墨畫效果,計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報,2005,17(11).
  • 譚永寶,卜佳俊,於金輝,陳純, 在移動設備上實現卡通流水、漣波效果, 第十二屆全國圖象圖形學術會議論文集,2005.10,北京。
  • 張顯權,於金輝,蔣凌琳,陶小梅,計算機輔助生成剪紙形象,計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報,2005,17(6)。
  • Jinhui Yu, Qunsheng Peng,Realistic synthesis of cao shu of Chinese calligraphy,Computers & Graphics,2005,29(1)。
  • Tianzhou Chen, Quan Gan, Wei Hu, Jinhui Yu,Communication Protocol Decomposition and Component-based Protocol Submodule, Advances in Embedded software and system, Science Press, 2004.
  • Wei Fu, Jinhui Yu, The Capture of Camera Motion Feature in Cartoon, Proc. of JICAST, 2004, pp218-220.
  • Guohong Mao, Jinhui Yu, Painterly Rendering for 3D Cartoon Backgrounds, Proc. of JICAST, 2004,pp141-144.
  • 黃家水,於金輝,石教英,面向兒童的個性化卡通遊戲,首屆智慧型CAD與數字娛樂學術會議論文集,2004,杭州。
  • 張海嵩,尹小勤,,於金輝, 實時繪製3D中國畫效果,計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報,2004,16(11 )。
  • 於金輝,羅國明,彭群生,計算機生成三維卡通噴水效果,計算機研究與發展,2003,40(9)。
  • Yu Jinhui, Luo Guoming, Peng Qunsheng, Image-based Synthesis of Chinese Landscape Painting, Journal of Computer Science and Technology,18(1),2003, 22-28.
  • 徐曉剛,於金輝,馬利莊, 多種子快速紋理合成,中國圖像圖形學報,2002,7(10), pp 954-999。
  • 於金輝, 尹小勤,彭群生, 卡通動畫雨模型 ,軟體學報, 2002,13(9), pp 1881-1886。
  • Yu Jinhui, Yin Xiaoqin, Peng Qunsheng, Animating Water in Chinese Painting Using Autoregressive Model,軟體學報, 2002, 13(4),pp 475-481。
  • Yu Jinhui, Xu Xiaogang, Wan Huageng, Peng Qunsheng,A Cartoon Water Model for Stereo Animation,軟體學報,2001,12(7), pp 960-965。
  • 於金輝,徐曉剛,彭群生,用隨機正弦波擬合卡通流水,計算機研究與發展,2001,38(5), pp 519-523。
  • 徐曉剛,於金輝,馬利莊, 複雜物體輪廓提取',中國圖像圖形學報,2001,6(5), pp 455-459。
  • Xu Xiaogang,Yu Jinhui,Ma Lizhuang, A new united snake,Proc. of CAD/Graphics’2001。
  • 於金輝,鮑虎軍,計算機生成卡通漣波及波光閃爍效果,浙江大學學報,2001,28(2), pp 216-221。
  • 於金輝,徐曉剛,彭群生, 計算機生成卡通煙霧動畫,計算機學報,2000,23(9), pp 987-990。
  • 於金輝,徐曉剛,彭群生, 一個三維計算機水粉筆刷模型,計算機輔助設計與計算機圖形學學報,2000,12(9), pp 664-667。
  • Jinhui Yu & John W.Patterson, Assessment criteria for 2D shape transformations in animation, Proc. of Computer Animation’97, Geneva, IEEE Press, pp103-112.
  • Jinhui Yu & John W.Patterson,Object deformation using Quaternions, Proc. of Eurographics UK Chapter 14th Annual Conference, 1996, pp75-88.
  • Jinhui Yu & John W.Patterson, A fire model for 2D computer animation, Computer Animation and Simulation’96, Springer-Verlag, 1996, pp49-60.
  • 於金輝,張積東,叢延奇,一個基於物理的計算機筆刷模型,計算機輔助設計與計算機圖形學學報,1996,8(4),pp241-245.
  • 於金輝,一個計算機動畫轉頭模型,計算機輔助設計與計算機圖形學學報,1994,6(3),pp181-184.
  • 於金輝,用於計算機動畫的新插值算法,套用科技,1993,第2期,pp29-34。
  • Yu Jinhui,Computer generation of decorative tree images, Proc. of the third international conference on CAD&Computer Graphics, 1993.pp133-136.
  • Yu Jinhui, Animating Swaying Trees using a Model-aided Inbetweening Method, Proc. of the third International Conference for Young Computer Scientists, 1993, pp4.01-4.04.
  • 於金輝, '漢車”,靜荷” (計算機美術作品),《電腦與藝術共創未來》,清華大學出版社,廣西科學技術出版社,1995






