1.山東省優秀科研成果獎三等獎 獨立完成
23.Guihai Yu,HuiQu, Matthias Dehmer, Principal minor version of Matrix-Tree theorem for mixedgraphs, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 309 (2017) 27--30.(SCI)
22.GuihaiYu,,Xin Liu,HuiQu, Singularity of Hermitian (quasi-)Laplacianmatrix of mixedgraphs.Appl. Math. Comput.293(2017)287–292.(SCI)
21.GuihaiYu,Lihua Feng, Aleksandar Ilic, The largest n-1 Hossoyaindices of unicyclic graphs, Filomat, 30(9)2016.(SCI)
20.GuihaiYu,Lihua Feng, Hui Qu, Signed graphs with small positive index of inertia,ElectronicJournal of Linear Algebra, (2016) Vol. 31, pp.232--243.(SCI)
19.Guihai Yu,Lihua Feng, AleksandarIlic, Gragan Stevanovic, The signless spectral radius of bounded degree graphson surfaces,Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics, 9(2015)332--346.(SCI)
18.Guihai Yu,Hui Qu,Hermitian Laplacianmatrix and positive of mixed graphs,Appl.Math. Comput.269 (2015) 70--76.(SCI)
17.Guihai Yu,Hui Qu, Jianhua Tu,Inertia of complex unit gain graphs,Applied Mathematics and Computaion,265 (2015) 619--629.(SCI)
16.Hui Qu,Guihai Yu,Bicyclic oriented graphs with skew-rank 2 or 4,AppliedMathematics and Computation,258(2015) 182--191.(SCI)
15.Hui Qu,Guihai Yu,More on the minimum skew-rank of graphs,operatorsand matrices,9(2)(2015) 311--324.(SCI)
14. Xueliang Li,GuihaiYu, The the skew-rank of oriented graphs (in Chinese),Sci. Sin. Math.45(2015) 93--104.中國科學
13.GuihaiYu, Hui Qu, Lang Tang, Lihua Feng, On the connectiveeccentricity index of trees and unicyclic graphs with given diameter,J. Math. Anal. Appl.420(2014) 1776--1786.(SCI)
12.Guihai Yu, Lihua Feng,Qingwen Wang,A. Ilic,The minimalpositive index of inertia of unicyclic signed graphs,Ars Combinatorica, 117 (2014)245--255.(SCI)
11.GuihaiYu, Xiaodong Zhang, Lihua Feng, The inertia of weighted unicyclic graphs,Linear Algebra Appl.448(2014) 130--152.(SCI)
10.GuihaiYu, Lihua Feng, On connective eccentricity index of graphs,Match-Communications In MathematicalAnd InComputerChemistry69 (2013), 611--628.(SCI)
9.GuihaiYu,Lihua Feng, Qingwen Wang, Bicyclic graphs with small positive index of inertia,Linear Algebra Appl.438 (2013), 2036--2045.(SCI)
8.Guihai Yu,Lihua Feng, Dingguo Wang, On the average eccentricity ofunicyclic graphs,Ars Combinatorica,103(2012) 531--537.(SCI)
7.GuihaiYu, Lihua Feng, Aleksandar Ilić, On the eccentric distance sum of trees andunicyclic graphs,J. Math. Anal. Appl. 375 (2011), 934--944.(SCI)
6.GuihaiYu, Lihua Feng,On the maximal Harary index of a classof bicyclic graphs.Util. Math.82 (2010), 285--292.(SCI)
5.GuihaiYu,Lihua Feng, Aleksandar Ilić,The hyper-Wiener indexof trees with given parameters.Ars Combin.96 (2010), 395--404.(SCI)
4.GuihaiYu,Lihua Feng,Randić index and eigenvalues of graphs.Rocky Mountain J. Math.40 (2010), no. 2, 713--721.(SCI)
3.GuihaiYu,Lihua Feng,On the Wiener index of unicyclic graphswith given girth.Ars Combin.94 (2010), 361--369.(SCI)
2.Guihai Yu;Lihua FengOn the zeroth-order generalRandić index of graphs with given matching number.Recent results in the theory of Randić index,227–233, Math. Chem.Monogr., 6,Univ. Kragujevac, Kragujevac,2008.
1.GuihaiYu,On the maximal signless Laplacian spectral radius ofgraphs with given matching number.Proc. Japan Acad. Ser. A Math. Sci.84 (2008), no. 9, 163--166.(SCI)